Where did you sit at the Kingdom Hall?

by truthseeker 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    No one can disturb you at the front. You can listen "without distraction" or if you are really spiritual you can focus on the speaker the whole 50 minutes and absorb everything.

    Wrong! The closer I am to the boring man, the better I can sleep! W

  • luna2

    I remember sitting up front a lot at our first KH. Not sure why. It may have had something to do with getting there just before the meeting started and those rows being the only ones open.

    In my second congregation, I sat in the middle and towards the back more. Tried to avoid the backroom as that was where moms with unruly kids would often sit....unless I was planning to bug out early. Then I sat in the "overflow" room because it, conveniently, had it's own door leading to the parking lot.

    As I became more and more depressed and inactive, I always sat in the back. Mostly because I always intended to leave early.

  • lonelysheep
    The closer I am to the boring man, the better I can sleep!

    Lol! There were aplenty of men and women who I'd see dozing right in the first/second rows!!! I thought it was perfect because what was the speaker going to do but keep on talking. And no one outside those rows could tell anyway!

  • JH

    I liked to sit in the back row and the end on the right side.

    I hate when someone is in back of me and looking at my watchtower not underlined....

  • blondie

    I always sat around the fourth or fifth row in the end seat by the aisle.

    Sidepoint: did you ever notice how the husbands always had to sit on the aisle seat? Partly due to the huge bookbags they had. Mine had a small brIefcase so sometimes I sat on the outside seat because of legs. I guess that is an unwritten no-no.

    Mother's rooms are great too. If you are the only one, you can turn off the sound.

  • serendipity

    I usually sit near the front and I'm not gungho - need to refine the theory a bit. It's the only way people will see me. Otherwise I'd be totally invisible to the congregation.

  • HappyDad

    I always sat toward the front anywhere from 3 to 6 rows back on the end seat. Especially when I was ms and elder. After I resigned as an elder, it was still the same.

    When my wife died and I started on the EVIL internet, I parked my arse as far back as I could go, getting up for water and outside air as often as I could. Then one day I never went back.


  • dedpoet

    In the middle when I was serious about the lie, and as near the exit door as possible when I was building up to leaving.

  • lonelysheep
    as near the exit door as possible when I was building up to leaving.

    This must be why there were a lot of meetings that had about the first 10 rows empty?!

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    I always sat in the front row so I could see and hear better. I did the same in school and do the same at any type of meeting I attend.

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