by ruari 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Golf

    TopHat my brothers and I use to go movies and take in 2 feature films, news reel, coming attractions and 2 cartoons for 8 cents! Later this changed to 25 cents.


  • ithinkisee

    TopHat said:

    In my county in NY we hear of child abuse all the time , mostly done by drug induced parents

    In the "old days" you would simply never hear of these cases. You act as if there were no drug induced parents back then. Prior to 1914, it was fact that if you walked through Central Park in NYC you WOULD be mugged by drug addicts - and likely killed. (I have the documented proof of this if you require it.) Today women can jog through Central Park with little worries. Additionally, you could not walk through the streets of Manhattan ANYWHERE at night without getting mugged. If you were out at night it was YOUR fault you got mugged. It was just the reality of life. Not anymore.


    The story I shared was on the evening TV news, the news also reported that if your caught leave your car idleing for 3 minutes you can be fined from $50.00 to $450.00! Why? Air pollution.

    (a) if it was on the news then it MUST be true! Most of what we watch on the evening news is far from the truth. In your "old age" you should be aware of this.

    (b) in the "old days" they had no reliable way of even measuring air pollution. Even when they did the old codgers back then didn't believe these new thinkers. Be glad your government is aware and working to correct the problem!

    My point being is, today we have locks, alarm systems, watch dogs and video cameras, why? If we truly trust each other why all the safety protective features?
    Alarm systems, watch dogs, and video cameras have helped to curb crime significantly. Educate yourself man! This is why crime rates are going down. Additionally,If you even wanted an alarm system of CCTV Video camera system back then, it would have been impossible to get one. These items were not widespread "back then" because (a) technology was not good enough (b) even when it was, it wasn't affordable or easy to install/use.

    I thoroughly understand it is a matter of perspective, but just regurgitating something you heard on the evening news is not a valid way to present a case.

  • Golf

    Ithinkisee, aware of things at my age? Where in my post of the news did I say I believe the news report? I grew up with a wood burning stove, did you?

    When I first heard the news to me it was just another means of controlling people's lives. What about all the factories that spew out pollution? Why now about wood burning stoves? Isn't China having a serious problem right now with pollution?


  • ithinkisee

    My wife will laugh if she reads this. Did I grow up with a wood burning stove? YES I DID. (Lopi brand actually) It heated our whole house.

    My whole family would split the wood, stack it every year. I was the one that loaded the wood in all year for our house - rain shine or snow.

    Wood burning stoves was the fuel of choice for most of the homes where I come from.

    Not sure what this has to do with anything - or how this was supposed to discredit me .... but I'll go with it ...

    Additionally, is there pollution problems? Yes! And there likely always will be. I thought the question was not "ARE there problems?" but instead "Are problems getting worse?"

    It seems to me you are using the false argument method of 'slightly tweaking the question" in the middle of the argument.

    So what are we talking about? Are we talking about if there ARE problems? (To which I answer yes ... there always has been.) Or, are we talking about if problems are WORSE? (To which I think you already know my answer.)


  • TopHat

    Ithinkisee, Yes women can jog safely threw Central Park but at a price for more police on patrol...that doesn't mean the rapest and thiefs are not out there waiting for a chance to do whatever they will do. AND it happens still.

  • ithinkisee
    AND it happens still.

    Again ... is the question you are asking:

    Do bad things happen?


    Are things WORSE than when you were "growing up"?

    I agree it happens in Central Park still. But is it WORSE than when you were growing up? I doubt it?

    Are there more cops in NYC than when you were "growing up"? Yes.

    Are there more people in NYC than when you were "growing up"? Yes.

    Makes sense there would be more cops, don't you think?


  • TopHat
    TopHat my brothers and I use to go movies and take in 2 feature films, news reel, coming attractions and 2 cartoons for 8 cents! Later this changed to 25 cents.

    Golf, at the age of 12, me and my younger brothers used to take the city bus to the downtown movies...we paid 10 cents but got only one cartoon...RATS! That was not in NYC though. I was born and rasied down South.

  • TopHat

    ithinkisee, that is what i am trying to say....YES things are much much worse than when I was growing up...It was paradise when I was growing up compared to today.

  • upside/down
    It was paradise when I was growing up

    Damn....I knew I'd miss it!

    u/d(of the wanted pair-o-dice so bad class)

  • Golf

    TopHat, our movie theatre was just up the street. Every year they would invite all the kids to watch four hours of cartoons for free along with all the ice cream you can eat. That was such a treat. Also, Money went the distance in those days.


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