by stillAwitness 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stillAwitness


    Okay, duh. When Jesus spoke of keeping a simple eye he obviously was speaking about something more mental than literal right? Making sure you don't allow material things to cloud your vision, not allowing yourself to want to the point that you become greedy right? Logical. Easy right? But of course the WT's meaning is entirely different. Read some of the points made straight from the assembly:

    Talk: Why keep your Eye simple; Bro. Peace:

    Arguments he made as to what a simple life means:

    "Is it necessary for BOTH mates to work outside the home?"

    "Do you really need 2 vehicles and is a new car really necessary? yes, people in the world may argue that a new car will have better mileage and less repairs but you will have monthly payments on a new car but you will never have monthly repair payments on an old one. (I know, I almost gagged)

    "If famillies 10 years ago, could live on 1 income, why can't we as Christians today?" (Hmmm, I can think of a few reasons)

    This is just a tidbit. Throughout the whole assembly the point was being drilled into out head to get rid of our computers, our T.V's our extra car, our house and gain a "simpler life"

    Can't you be rich and still have a simple eye? Did Jesus really mean for us to get rid of all the finer things we may own just to prove out lives were simple. Can't Bill Gates have a more simple eye than let's say Bob Smith who works 50 hour work weeks just to buy things he can't really afford? What's your thoughts?

  • FlyingHighNow
    to get rid of our computers, our T.V's

    Well, they may find a way to drive my sister away yet. Her life would be unbearable without her TV and cable and she loves her computer. She had it custom made and she does her postage on it and everything.

    Think about it, the average witness will go blindingly depressed with no TV. And offing the second car and the wife not working? Sounds like a further way to make women submit. Leave them home with no TV, computer, car, job or her own money. When are they going to make her wear a burka and tell all women and girls that they are not allowed in public? But how will they preach?


  • carla

    I dunno about all of the above, I'm just pissed they made an ass embly for Dec 24 & 25 here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    back to your question- are you asking if material posessions are sinnful? no. don't think so. unless you actually worship them. which in that case I do not know anyone currently sitting in their garage worshiping their SUV's or corvettes, or new furniture. I do not a few people with 'real' money who donate like heck, and their time as well! I only know because I am best friends with one in particular and she sometimes has events to go to, or volunteer obligations in which she takes great pleasure and get much out of . This couple is just the 'salt of the earth type'. Everybody loves them. The kind of people who other tend to gravitate to.

  • theinfamousone

    my thoughts... drop out of school... do not get a good job.... do not make any friends... do not drink alcohol... do not pass go... do not collect 200 dollars... do not do anything that is perfectly natural... and most of all DO NOT HAVE FUN.... there, now you are a good Jehovahs witness....

    the infamous one

  • jwfacts

    God blessed Abraham, Job, David, Solomon all with great riches. He certainly doesn't think a bit of dough is a bad thing.
    Jesus was talking about the mental attitude, and I know a lot of poor people that worship money more than the rich do. Just as Jesus said, you dont need to commit adultry to be an adulterer, so nor do you need money to be materialist.
    Unfortunately the WTS doesn't believe the average JW can understand following principles, so they try to make black and white rules. Great for mindless followers.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute
    do not pass go... do not collect 200 dollars... do not do anything that is perfectly natural... and most of all DO NOT HAVE FUN.... there, now you are a good Jehovahs witness....

    don't worry infamous one... if you F any of those up, i have a "GET OUT OF JUDICIAL COMMITTEE MEETING FREE" card


  • blondie

    Just a note: KEEP IT SIMPLE IS THEME FOR THE SPECIAL ASSEMBLY DAY THEME which is only one day as opposed to the two day CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY BELOW






    Programme 2005-2006


    "Clothe Yourselves With the New Personality"

    - Colossians 3:10



    9:40 Music

    9:50 Song 155 and Prayer

    10:00 The New Personality Makes Us Different

    10:15 Theocratic Ministry School

    11:00 Song 26 and Announcements

    11:10 Increasing Our Share in the Marking Work

    11:25 Dedication and Baptism

    12:05 Song No. 55


    1:20 Music

    1:30 Song 38 and Experiences

    1:45 Symposium: Manifesting Aspects of the New Personality

    - By Proving What One’s Own Work Is

    - Within the Family Arrangement

    - By Loyal, Whole-Souled Support of the Congregation

    - In the Field Ministry

    2:45 Song No. 132 and Announcements

    2:55 Discipline Yourself to Meditate Properly

    3:25 Education That Moulds the New Personality

    3:55 Song No. 40 and Prayer



    9:40 Music

    9:50 Song No. 28 and Prayer

    10:00 Being Made New Through Daily Text Reminders

    10:15 Cultivating the Tongue of Wise Ones

    - How Jehovah Views the Use of the Tongue

    - Wholesome Speech Among Outsiders

    - Keep Building One another Up

    - Speak About Jehovah’s Glory and Kingship

    11:00 Song No. 148 and Announcements

    11:10 Watchtower Summary

    11:40 Giving Attention to the Needs of the Circuit

    12:05 Song No. 43


    1:20 Music

    1:30 Song No. 98 and Prayer

    Public Address:

    "Are You Conquering the Wicked One?"

    2:25 Song No. 29 and Announcements

    2:35 Keep Yourself Without Spot From the World

    3:05 Daily Renewing the Man We Are Inside

    3:35 Song No. 93 and Prayer

  • garybuss

    In the Bible material prosperity is viewed as a SIGN of God's BLESSING. The Watch Tower Printing Corporation has long claimed their own material prosperity was a SIGN of Jehovah's BLESSING. Question: How can the Jehovah's Witness people's material prosperity NOT be a SIGN of BLESSING?

    Now they want the Witness people to be ignorant AND poor. And their reason for this is . . . . . . ?

  • jeanniebeanz

    This really is not anything new. They have always preached at their people to not hold a job that required any ot, give up the second income, monitor the tv use or kill it entirely and drive a clunker. The only thing now is that they have a new toy to vilify; computers.

    It's always been about control. Make your only social contact witnesses and your only social events witness related. Keep mama home and broke and uneducated. Keep daddy a janitor. Break kids spirits so they will follow in mama and daddy's footsteps like good little automatons.

    They are and always will be a very sick people. I am very glad that I got smacked between the eyes hard enough to wake up and get out.


  • hillbilly


    The thing is that the youngsters have even less patience with things today than I did back in my day. The WT is getting to be expert at running off the offspring, eh?


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