is it just me or do mormons look happier than jdubs?

by in a new york bethel minute 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    it seems to me that mormons enjoy their work a lot more than jdubs... and they do it 12 hours a day. they have to walk everywhere. they have no social life or money. is it a facade or do they all take prozac?


  • stillajwexelder

    No - in my opinion you are correct - the Mormons in general I would say are happier than JWs

  • misspeaches

    I always felt they seemed a lot more content and at one with themselves....

  • ithinkisee

    At least their cult had the brains to build a University so their kids could get good educations.


  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    The Mormon "Missionaries" of the door-to-door variety do seem to be happier than "Jehovahs Happy People."

    However, it is rather difficult to compare the two:

    - I am happy to be corrected if I am wrong, but I understand that Mormon Missionaries are engaged as such for two years only. Before that and after that, there is no requirement to hand in a "Monthly Report" - or else receive the pineapple if you don't, as is the case with the JWs.

    It is easier to appear to enjoy your work if you know the task is of only two years duration - versus dragging on forever, with somebody standing over you at all times with a big stick (with or without a carrot on the end labelled 1914,1925, 1975, 1984 and whatever BS the WTS come sup with next!)


  • Effervescent
    I am happy to be corrected;if I am wrong, but I understand that Mormon Missionaries are engaged as such for two years only. Before that and after that, there is no requirement to hand in a "Monthly Report" - or else receive the pineapple ;if you don't, as is the case with the JWs.

    I have to tilt my agreement in this direction. It's one thing to never be able to "Do enough" your entire life, it's another to know that you'll be able to have this experience and then get on with "real life" when your time's over.

  • oldflame

    I was a Mormon when I was a teenager, I was excommunicated when I was 19 for fornication. But a few years back I was contracting a remodeling job for a doctor who was a Mormon. I asked him why they did not shun those who were excommunicated. He told me that the reason was because they feel that love was the key for those removed to return.

  • Frogleg

    Overall, the ones doing the leg work are happier. I agree that their "mission" is of relatively short duration; but also, and to me most importantly, they aren't just given a stack of mags and told to "sic 'em" and left on their own. The Mormon organization is behind the missionaries, and if a person who is on a mission is in need of something (y'know, those incidentals like food and rent) the Mormon organization is there to help. The Borg couldn't give a crap what happens to you while you pioneer (even though that's all they tell you you should be doing) because they can slough off all responsibility onto "the angels" or "God's Spirit", and if something harmful happens to you, it will either be "a test" or its your fault because you didn't "count the cost". The Borg sees you as a tool, and anything you do is only what you should have been doing anyway, so why should they have to be concerned about you.

    Also, a Mormon doesn't absolutely, positively, have to go on a mission. They are encouraged to, if they want to progress past a certain point within the church they have to, but if they don't, they will not be thrown out of the church, shunned, be considered possessed of the devil, denied assistance of any kind, or any of the other typical things JWs do to someone who doesn't go out in "field service". The Mormons I've known who have done "their mission" did it because they wanted to do it.

    As I recall, in the Bible God tells us that if we aren't happy in what we do for him, He doesn't want us to do it, after all, what would be the point? But to the Borg, well, that person who compared them to the anti-christ is sure starting to look smarter and smarter.

  • ithinkisee
    Also, a Mormon doesn't absolutely, positively, have to go on a mission.

    Jehovah's Witnesses will also tell you that you don't absolutely positively HAVE to go out in field service. It is just something you SHOULD naturally want to do out of "love".


  • JeffT

    There are a few Mormons in my wife's family. Their lives are entirely different from what JW's go through. Mormons are encouraged to get educated, get good jobs, and be members of their communities. They don't do (or not do) so many things that set dubs apart. They celebrate holiday's, stand for the flag salute, vote, play sports etc.

    And the two year missionary program is well supported by their church. For that matter they are all well supported by the church. A mormon in trouble has a lot or resources he can fall back on.

    Their doctrine is nutty, but it is less likely to screw up their lives than WT doctrine.

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