by Oroborus21 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kaput
    Even though Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus, I am outraged by the blatant anti-religious sentiment in the commercial sector.

    Guess the dubs are finally making some headway in business territory.

  • Abaddon

    Playing devils advocate;

    Why are Christians, even nominal ones, so small-minded? I mean, it's pretty clear if there IS a god he isn't some beastly Levantine tribal diety that got all dressed-up in the Christian era and now has nowhere to go. Just as our cultures once imposed a certain status upon women (and saw it as right), so to have our cultures imposed a certain status on minority religions.

    Now, as religious belief becomes largely irrelvent to the majority of Europeans and even many Americans, and even the immigrant populations show signs of secularising the religious beliefs of their forefathers (just as Western society has done), to pretend that we are in any meangingful fashion a Christian society would be pure self-deception, and a clear message to immigrant populations that they are still not accepted.

    To homgenise the winter festivals of many religions and come up with a time where communities can celebrate TOGETHER, regardless of their birth religion, can only tie communities closer together.

    The importance of this is underlined in France. The Frech principle of 'freedom FROM religion' (i.e. in politics) is very different from the US concept of freedom OF religion. Whilst people in France are free to be whatever religon they are, they are less free if they belong to certain religions as the seperation is of church and state, but the assumption STILL is that 'everyone' is a Roman Catholic.

    Lack of integration produces alienation. Alienation produces apathy or anger. 6,000 burned-out cars later you have a very good illustartion why making our soceity more inclusive is a good idea.

    After all, us Westerners aren't having babies fast enough. The lack of integration on economic and societal levels means that immigrant cultures STILL have far higher birthrates (and will do until they reach economic parity). Even if you don't like a mulicultural society, you'd better make damn sure that multicultural society likes you. Otherwise the boot will be on the other foot in a few decades time.

  • rebel8

    Be careful, Eduardo. You are nearing your 666th post. It is still autumn and it is 30 years after 1975. You may bring on Armageddon.

  • blondie

    Don't want to alienated any customers with the Almighty Dollar, Pound, etc.

    It only proves to me that people can be united in worship.

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