Elders, perfect kind men who should be respected.

by free2beme 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • ocsrf
    No different then talking to the manager at your local fast food restaurant,

    Some of them probably have that very job...LOL

    I think most try to be better men than the average and take it serious and really do try to help when called on. But like it was pointed out they really don't have angels helping them, so what you get is really just a man who could be a geat guy or a complete ass depending on the person. We all know some of both categories. And they only have the Soceity's training and very little else.


  • delilah

    I know a few good elders...not perfect, but kind, loving and caring. They've LEFT the "truth"....they got smart, became tired of the chirades and the bulls#%$.....and are living more meaningful lives. They are the only elders, that have won my respect.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Guys, I have a problem with some of the posts on this thread. I'm saddened by some of the stereotyping I'm seeing. My dad was an elder, and I have the utmost respect for him. Sure he had his problems, that's what being human entails. You'd be hard-pressed to find a more sincere person than him.

    But this is beside the point. You can't legitamately take any group of people and say "all of them people are ____, _____, and ____." You know this if you'll disance yourself a bit from your personal experiences. Please don't be so judgmental. I can't think of anything that depresses me more, whether it's within the JW organization or without.

  • free2beme
    "all of them people are ____, _____, and ____."

    all of them people are as human as anyone, not appointed by god and should not be placed above yourself as if they are anything other then men that are doing a job in a corporation

    Which is basically point point

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I actually admire the men who left the JWs and whatever position they held.

    Many of the elders I knew were general laborors with a couple of office workers thrown in.

    The elder I was married hasd quite a few unskilled labor jobs. The only place where he could get some sort of "position" and authority was in the KH. Mind you he had possibilities and talents but like the rest of us was forced to drop everything for the short time before this end of the system.

    Those who leave and do what they can to help others --- well I do admire them - well the ones that deserve it.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Your statement wasn't one I had a problem with, free2beme.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I guess I'm setting myself up for some potshots for even admitting to having been an elder. So be it.

    Can I change the fact that I was sincere? Can I change the fact that I gave of my time and money, even though pioneering and living on nothing, to help others. Can I help the fact that I was sickened from the moment I was appointed by the nepotism and egalitarian attitudes of the ruling few? I wanted out shortly after I was "in" the body. I could see that it was a puppet government of the PO who was an ignorant, self serving piece of ...well, you get the point. From the start I was the disturber who had no problem calling things the way I saw them. I was hated by many because I seemed to be stirring up the pot. It needed it. I knew from the time I was appointed that sincerity would mean I would have to expose this fraud by resigning. I was an elder for just over two years and at the top of thier game, Pioneer, Service Overseer, Subtitute Pioneer School instructor, Speaker on the District Convention, blah blah blah, when I walked up to the PO and handed him my Shepherding book and Pioneer card and said, "Here you go. I find that as an elder I'm too busy to be a friend to my brothers and sisters. Its not for me."

    Since then the PO's wife left him. His son's wife left him. The other three elders were removed. OH IF ONLY I"D WAITED ON JEHOVAH! What a load of bull.

    I was persona non gratis after that and have faded faster than ice on a hot sidewalk. So, some elders are on thier way out while on thier way in. Nothing like a dose of reality to clear the gunk from your eyes.


  • prophecor

    once was


  • mrsjones5

    I have 2 uncles who are elders. I dont have much to do with neither one and one of them is out and out evil and it's sad that he's my uncle.


  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    In my life as a JW I have know wonderfull Elders, men that really cared about the brothers and sisters, men that gave their time and really were there for you, but I have also know others that were a poor excuse of a man, much less a leader of any kind. So in essence, you have some good, some bad like in everything else, the problem here is, that the WTS names these people to these positions on the basis of, how active they have been in service, how many meetings they attend and so on, this can be faked if you really wanted to. There is no Jehovahs spirit naming these people, they are not educated on how to deal with psychological problems, or depression, these are people that have no education at all in dealing with people and they are putting them in charge of a congregation of 70-170 people!

    I know this Elder that was named as such when he was around 26, it was laughable really, he watched rated R movies with his wife and let his children also watch them, there was nudity in these movies, foul language and such, my husband and I could not believe that he was allowing this, we would tell our children to go out and play, and have never allowed our kids to watch that stuff, but my husband was not even an MS, he knew for years that something was not well in Watchtowerland and didn't want to be named anything, this elder that I speak of would even curse at home and with certain freinds, he would even check out the girls, I was truly dumbfounded when he was named Elder, and that is the kind of person that is leading that congregation Bwahahahahahahaha!


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