To All Here..... just a question....

by 7robert7 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    I don't believe god, if he exists, would be the god that is described in the Bible.

    I don't think god would pick one race to be his chosen race (Odd, that the chosen race is the one who wrote the Bible, guess that's a coincidence).

    I think that all gods, including the Hebrew god, were invented by people who had an agenda. They wanted an excuse for being able to destroy people that weren't like them.

    I don't think its a coincidence that every form that god takes, happens to help man dominate man in some form or another.



  • funkyderek

    I think the quote you're looking for is possibly one of the following:

    "God created man in his own image and man, being a gentleman, returned the favor" -- Mark Twain

    "If God created us in his own image, we have more than reciprocated." -- Voltaire

    It's a common sentiment among freethinkers.

    Ubi dubium ibi libertas

  • betweenworlds

    Thanks Derek

    "The important thing is to not stop questioning" Albert Einstein

  • trevor

    I prefer to believe in Fther Christmas - at least he's real AND he brings me presents - so there!

  • bboyneko

    we dont call santa father christmas here. Your santa is a flase santa and our santa will destroy your 'father christmas' with a great fire, and there will be a wailing and gnashing of teeth.


  • Pubsinger

    Born Again Christian.

    Hi Qwerty!

    Balistic, Hi! E-mail me sometime and tell me where you are. Its nice to see more Brits!

  • SixofNine

    I love the way so many people seem to ask it that way: ..."how many...due to the Societies teaching, have given up on God altogether".

    I doubt that anyone has for-saken God altogether "due to the Societies influence".

    The two situations a)being a witness, and b)not believeing in God anymore, are VERY seperate things.

    For many people however, leaving the JW org means using critical thinking skills in relation to the Bible for perhaps the first time.

    What I see is that many ex-witnesses who still have faith in the bible don't see the sincerity that most of us put into our faith in God while we were in the organization.

    In other words, for many of us who were witnesses, we see that we could not have been more sincere, that no one out there was or is looking harder, searching more earnestly, more intent on doing good,....than we were.

    So when you see us taking a critical look at the Bible, show some respect for being in the presence of an honest person. The world needs more honest people, and fewer myth lovers.

    Myself, I'm agnostic.

  • dubla


    :I don't think god would pick one race to be his chosen race (Odd, that the chosen race is the one who wrote the Bible, guess that's a coincidence).

    you have an apparent lack of bible knowledge. god does not have a "chosen race" according to the bible. throughout bible times he did have various "chosen people", but there is no evidence that he prefers one race over the other. we all came from the same two people anyhow, thus all of us are essentially the same race in his eyes.


  • joelbear

    The entire Hebrew scriptures refers to the Hebrews as God's chosen people. He stuck by them even though they themselves went back and forth between him and other Gods.

    The Christian Greek scriptures indicate that when the Hebrews rejected Jesus as the Messiah, then and only then, was the way opened up for others to become part of God's chosen ones.

  • dubla

    as i said before joel, we all came from the same two bodies, (adam and eve), according to the bible, correct? i think youd be hard pressed to find ANY scripture in the bible that shows god rejecting someone who was ernestly and sincerely seeking to live his/her life according to his will (if you do have some examples of this please post them). so in that manner, i guess god has been selective, only choosing those that follow him.

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