New to the board... would like to share my experiences.. (sorry for length)

by oxygen8 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • oxygen8

    Hey all! I came upon this board as I was trying to find some social doctrine answers regarding Jehovah's Witnesses. I've been looking over this board and feel I've found a new home. I actually met a JW online... actually, he was not a JW at the time... he had been disfellowshipped and just recently, much to my absolute chagrin, was reinstated.

    Though he was not an "official" JW, he wanted to conduct himself in an "appropriate" manner...

    I had no idea what this entailed -- at first. He told me that when we met, we shouldn't touch at all, shouldn't be in one another's vehicle... I was willing to meet him under these conditions -- at first. But, when I realized that I was attracted to him, I realized how impossible it would be for me to refrain from wanting to touch him - nothing sexual. I actually don't need to have sex before marriage, but I do need touch. Our conversation also could not have any sexual connotation. He replaced the word "orgasm" with "sporgmatic." It wasn't until later I realized the very particular nature of language JW's have in their "system of things."

    I told him that I wasn't sure I'd be able to continue without touch... I was very upfront with him. Well, long story short, touching ensued... he and I both shared some amazing chemistry, both touching and NOT touching. I'd actually never experienced this sort of thing with anyone.

    Later, however, he would tell me that all this was attributable to what he called "OCD" - things I'd say were natural human inclinations (that yes, we shouldn't overindulge in necessarily). He said that things wouldn't leave his mind - he was obsessively thinking about them and this made him question his beliefs. He told me he kept praying to Jehovah for guidance.

    When he said we needed to break from each other, I read an immense amount of literature regarding JWs. (One book was extremely fascinating to me - The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses.) I realized that this was considered "apostate" literature and kept my reading hidden from him. In later conversations, I'd use my new knowledge of JWs and their "system" of beliefs in casual conversation... he thought I was learning to become one... really, I was just trying to get him to trust me...

    This was all for not, of course. And in the long run, I knew it... but I felt I should still be armed with knowledge. He and I were both falling for each other, we knew it... and we knew we'd have to split ways.

    And let me tell you it SUCKS. Since his reinstatement, I've not talked with him. It hurts to know that he's been indoctrinated to believe I'm "bad association" and I realize the futility of the situation I'm faced with... because I know that if I offer opposition, he'll look at me as though I'm a very bad influence.

    I miss him terribly and feel an overwhelming sadness for him... I saw the inner turmoil he went through and is still going through. He suffered from high anxiety. As it was, after we shared our first kiss, he shivered for a good four minutes (and I don't credit myself being THAT good a kisser lol :) In all seriousness, I realized through both my reading and my "witness" of his behavior, this organization is BAD NEWS.

    I visited this board actually through a google search on just how JWs feel about kissing. Didn't find an answer, but found a young man suffering the same plight... he fell for a JW girl and is suffering like I am... Wow, who would've thought there needed to be a JW Lover's Support Group lol

    So, I decided to join myself and share and vent with you all as well. I'm relieved to see you all have found out the contradictory nature and have escaped the GB snare. I just wish I could help him to do the same *sigh*

    Thanks for reading =) I hope you all are well. I hope to post more regarding other topics soon.


  • Cellist

    Hello Katie, welcome to the board. I'm glad you found us. I'm also glad you researched the religion before you could get sucked in!


  • jgnat

    Wow, you've been through the wringer.

    I notice that lots of JW's are obsessed with sin. I chalk it up to their being drilled to abstain, but they are not given any tools to deal with their desires. It's kind of like telling yourself, "Don't think about chocolate, don't desire chocolate, don't dream of chocolate EVER AGAIN." I can guarantee you will be tempted with chocolate for at least an entire week afterwards. The brain is not wired to shut off thoughts about something we obsess about.

    What your boyfriend does not realize is that most JW's get around this quandary by living a double life and SINNING IN PRIVATE. As long as they keep up appearances at the hall, everything is fine. You have the good fortune to have a "true believer" on your hands.

    Ah, well. What could have been has walked away. You can have a good cry in your Rootbeer Float. Then take a look for another likely fish in the sea. Make sure this one doesn't have a hangup about "touching".

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Welcome. I hope you can sort through your emotions here. Hope all goes well for you.

  • MerryMagdalene

    Welcome, Katie!

    How sad. And I didn't think your story was too long at all. Thank you for sharing it. A lot of people who have fallen in love with a JW seem to come here looking for answers and help. I'm sure you'll be a beneficial voice of experience for them.

    I look forward to hearing you address other topics too.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Katie, and welcome to the board. Your story touched me, thanks for sharing it.

    You have certainly been through a lot because of the jws, and you haven't even been one!

    I hope you get through it and come out ok

    love, Linda

  • ithinkisee
    He replaced the word "orgasm" with "sporgmatic."

    What the hell?


  • luna2
    He replaced the word "orgasm" with "sporgmatic."

    What the hell?

    ROTFLMAO!!! ithinkisee, I can't stop laughing. Your reaction just cracks me up.

    Sorry, intent to make light of your situation at all. Welcome to the board! I'm so sorry for the heartache you've had to go through. JWs are pretty weird, poor ducks.

  • lucifer

    HI katie, welcome(im new to) your story made me laugh a little becuase i remember when me and my old JW friends who discuss stuff liek your situation and what we would do if we ever fell for *gasp* a worldy person dun dun daaaa, but i understand how frustrated you must feel because he is so brainwashed into the cult, you should email him this site or something,maybe he'll open his eyes, and his heart again

  • dezpbem

    Welcome Katie. Enjoy your stay here.

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