Ozzie's Weekend Poll #152 Why did you believe in 1914?

by ozziepost 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all!

    So owyergoin' this fine weekend?

    Down here, underneath the world, we've had a strange week weatherwise; from heatwave to 'sheets back on the bed' weather. It should settle into summer very soon.

    Me? Been trying those screw-top bottles of wine we spoke of earlier in the week. I still don't like them - or maybe it's the wine I've been drinking. Even Mrs Ozzie turned up her nose at the red last night! Too thin for her - she likes a full body!!

    Other than that, a couple of concerts this week and now it should be a day for .....rest and friends and....who knows?

    So, what shall we reminisce about this week?

    This weekend's poll question is:

    Why did you believe in 1914?

    1. They told me, so it must be true!

    2. Trust in the F&DS.

    3. I could actually work it out!

    4. Well, it's right ------------ isn't it?

    5. I still believe it.

    6. I learned the Reasoning book off by heart.

    7. The person who studied with me told me.

    8. The fulfillment of bible prophecy.

    9. If it's in the Reasoning book, it must be true!

    10. Dunno

    11. Other (please detail)

    So waddayareckon? Give it a thought while you enjoy a good drink and let us know your thoughts.

    Enjoy the reminiscing.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Scully

    1. They told me, so it must be true!

    2. Trust in the F&DS.

    3. I could actually work it out!

    Then I learned that they lied about 607BCE.... and it was sooooo OVER.

  • blondie

    3. I could work it out

    Until we started studying history of that period in school and I found out the WTS had not told us all the information, just what we "needed".

    Then when I found out the history of the doctrine and how 1874 was original determined to be the year of Christ's presence....and so on.

    I relied on the signs then to prove this is the time of the end...until I started studying those.

    Now I tend to believe that it all has been fulfilled already--preterist (is that the right term).


  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    I never did, actually. I found that asking too many questios about it seemed to get me in trouble, so I stopped asking. I simply accepted it, since that was easier.

  • Honesty

    1. They told me, so it must be true!

    2. Trust in the F&DS.

    4. Well, it's right ------------ isn't it?

    I was soooo stooopid

  • yaddayadda

    I believed it cuz WW1 started in 1914.

  • greendawn

    Out of naivity and ignorance accepting the JW dogma uncritically, the end of times signs did appear to occur and justify the 1914 date.

    Later of course I searched more closely and critically their end of times concepts and found out that it was all a con. Lots of people in the USA in the 19th century coming up with dates on the basis of very arbitrary reasonings and Barbour was one of them. A 24 year old Russell got those faulty dates from him.

    As for famines earthquakes and wars there had been equal or worse in past centuries. As for the preaching of the end times the equally cultic mormons and the moonies did better than the dubs in gathering followers.

  • ozziepost

    greendawn: Quite so. Interesting how they've dropped the earthquakes bit of the sign in recent years.

    yaddayadda: Even though WW1 started a few months before the end of the Gentile Times? This was one of my turning points. You see, the WTS teach that Christ came to his Kingdom in 1914, war broke out in heaven and Satan was cast down to the earth.

    Apparently, this must have happened before the Gentile Times ended!

  • Narkissos

    # 3.

    When I was a teenager I loved being asked "how does the Bible foretell 1914?"

    It was like playing a magician trick, jumping from Luke to Daniel to Revelation to Ezekiel to Daniel again and there you have it!

    Btw I agree with yaddayadda: this would be totally unimpressive were it not for the WWI coincidence -- and the fact that the WT has pointed to the date before (even with a completely different meaning, which JWs easily forget). Unfortunately this configuration of superficially independent clues (not to mention the great pyramid) is more than enough to many minds.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Initially because the person who I studied with told me, then I got to think that the fds were infallible. I never could really work it out.

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