Patterson has a pool?!

by lonelysheep 34 Replies latest social physical

  • Sunspot


    Must be the deemins messed with my previous post! It didn't look like THAT when I typed it!

    Think the Watchtowergod is gettin' even with me?

    I don't dare try and go back to fx it......I'm afraid it will come out worse!

  • hamsterbait

    If the branch (London f.e. ) has no leisure facilities, the Borg is mean and takes no consideration of the young slaves' need for leisure.

    If the branch has leisure facilities, then the Borg is not living up to its vows of self-sacrifice.

    The Catholic church provides facilities , and is not criticized.

    The Catholic church does not provide facilities and is not criticized.

    Same sort of damned if you do damned of you don't talk the WT taught us all to use so well. And we still can't stop doing it...

    Sad, really.


  • ignored_one

    The Surrey Assembley Hall in Haysbridge was recently refurninshed. Quite a few have been mumbling about the cost too. I think it included adding a large plasma screen.

  • heathen

    hamsterbait-- The catholic church doesn't make all it's members sell magazines either or constantly beat people over the head over materialistic wants . They are just happy if you show up and take mass and leave something in the collection plate . They do not have congregation snitches that run to the elders over every and any little petty nonsense that no sane person would even give a second thought over . There's a huge difference . I agree the WTBTS spends money that could go to better use especially in helping members that sell publications with gas money even . They keep waving the end of the world carrot in front of everybody but seem to always have time and money to piss away on fancy facilities or lawyers to find loop holes . I think df'd has a way to go in his deprogramming . I think it's more of a reflex action after all that time of brainwashing to be obedient and not complain . You can do it .......

  • upside/down
    because I KNOW from the history of his org, it has always been flawed. Why? It is full of FLAWED people.

    Can't ANY and EVERY "organization" make that claim...?

    u/d(of the apologists are silly class)

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