After Armageddon?

by ScaryHairy 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    devon,, maybe fi with out the sci

  • theinfamousone
    That's when all the JWs get to go claim the big house they staked out in field service in the snobby neighborhoods.

    i remember they used to actually talk about that... "thats my bible study, i kinda hope he doesnt come in so i can have his house after armageddon" HA HA HA, u stupid ass hole... i always thought ppl were so fake in that religion, i wanna "save" as many as i can, unless they have a nice house... stupid bastards the infamous one

  • tetrapod.sapien

    ya! that thousand year reign and then satan loosed for a while was always a sore spot for me. it's like they couldn;t even let you freaking enjoy paradise for the first thousand years tears without a bunch of fear and guilt thrown in for good measure.



  • skinnyboy

    quoting Josh:
    it's like they couldn;t even let you freaking enjoy paradise for the first thousand years tears without a bunch of fear and guilt thrown in for good measure.

    BINGO! I used to balk at that, its like, oh havent we been good enough to survive your ethnic cleansing in the first place, only to get another shot at it, what are we dogs or something?? Bastards, what head fucking psycho makes this shit up, and us plebs believed it once. For all the JW apologists on here, wake up and smell the stench. Your being led by fools.

  • daystar
    that thousand year reign and then satan loosed for a while was always a sore spot for me. ; it's like they couldn;t even let you freaking enjoy paradise for the first thousand years tears without a bunch of fear and guilt thrown in for good measure.

    I suspect that that part was a caveat built-in, just in case Armageddon did happen, so the WTBS, GB et al, would still have a reason for being.

  • Undecided

    Do you think the final test will be a fruit tree again? Maybe God will let the hormones in the resurrected one loose again and see if they have sex. If everything was perfect how could you be tempted to go back to the old worldly ways? That old Devil is so smart he might use a dog this time to tempt people and they wouldn't have legs anymore either like the snakes.

    Ken P.

  • rebel8

    The prospect of living with mean/cold/controlling JWs for eternity was one main thing prompting me to leave the org.

    After Armageddon I plan on taking over a couple of islands in the caribbean and proclaiming myself the Dictator of such islands.

    LOL! If I believed in Armageddon, I'd plan on naming myself the new head of the WTS. I'd DF all the GBs and demote all the other leaders. All the child molesters and other criminals would be stoned. There would be trials for any JWs who did mean or wrong things and they'd be punished. Then I'd legalize fun, free thinking, swearing, wearing "inappropriate" clothes, and atheism. I'd proclaim a worldwide litter-ature burning session. After that I'd turn all the KHs into candy stores and make it illegal to attend meetings, tell others what they should believe, think that women or people of certain ethnic backgrounds are in any way not as good as white males, and wearing bookish "modest" clothes. Everyone would have a mandatory fashion class. All the unpopular JWs would get to live in the nicest houses and get the best jobs.

  • blondie

    The After Armageddon story based on how the WTS congregations operate now:

    DAY 1

    Well, the Big A is over and I survived. I made my way down to the Kingdom Hall this morning. By the end of the day most of the congregation had gathered at the Hall. Some brothers and sisters are still missing, Ed Thorn, our presiding overseer, told us that those who were missing should have spent more time in field service. (continued)

  • forsharry

    Thank you Blondie,

    I posted that link way up there (points up) and was a little surprised that no one made a comment on it. I thought it was pretty durned good. I had a good chuckle out of it, that's for sure.

  • BrendaCloutier

    That essay is excellent! I keep it in my favorites for periodic referral. Yes. I think with the way witnesses have turned out (management class) that is likely they way many areas would operate. Sad.

    Thankfully, they're full of kawkaw.

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