Lurker comes out of hiding : )

by happy1975 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • lisaBObeesa

    I think you should stick to the facts of why you wish you were not raised JW.

    And I just had a thought...

    ...maybe you could mention to her that it is accepted in the Org that 80% of the children raised in it leave.

    Is she really ready for the 80% chance that she will have to shun her child in the future? Maybe ask her why 80% leave? Are 80% of children BAD?? How can that be? Maybe she thinks it is GREAT being raised a JW and she doesn't believe you, but maybe she should ask the other zillion people who were raised JW and hated it because it totally messed up their lives.

  • Legolas

    Just tell her that it is all lies!

    They say one thing and do another. They break up families with there shunning.

    Say that they had preached for decades to stay out of the world to be NO part of it, tell her for decades what the WTBTS said the UN was and how we can't even join the YMCA but then they can turn around and join the UN in secret for 10 years and do nothing but lie about it when the story broke.

    Tell her how they own 50% shares in a company that makes engines for war crafts!

    Tell her the 1914 date is FALSE that it is all a lie!

    Then tell her to RUN FOR HER LIFE!

  • vitty

    Its hard to know what would make her think, the big thing with me was realizing that Jesus was not MY mediator, now id read the WT, but hadnt taken it on board. It wasnt until It was pointed out here, that I realized how they really have stepped in between Jesus and mankind that made me take my head out of the sand.

    Stay with the scriptures, always. If she doubts what you tell her, make sure you have WT ref.

    The quotes site is great for finding out information.

  • defd

    I know I'm new and all, but shouldn't you be out somewhere banging on doors insead of associating with a bunch of apostates? ; Just asking ; : )

    Nice. I am banging on your door now


  • luna2

    Hi happy, glad to meet you!

    This woman sounds like me. I was so excited to have found the "truth" that I'm not sure anything anybody could have said to me would have made a difference. I would have taken it as opposition from "Satan" and rejoiced to be able to prove to Jehovah what a true blue believer I was. Just reading her words gives me a chill. That absolute conviction that you have found enlightenment and the best way to live and that the rest of the world resides in darkness...ugh, so familiar.

    Some of us humans seem to think that there must be a rule book to follow and a solution to all the problems we see on the earth. It makes us vulnerable to religions that promote a wonderful utopian paradise where everything is perfect. All JWs have done is cobble together an explanation of the Bible that appears to make sense, with all inconsistancies covered by "Jehovah will fix it in his own time/Obey the FDS" type rhetoric. It looks ridiculous to me now, but I ate it up in the beginning.

    How do you pry open someone's eyes at this initial point of euphoria? I don't know. I think it may be much too late in this case. This is what she wants and she doesn't sound willing to explore opposing viewpoints at all.

    So sad.

  • forsharry

    The funny thing about telling her it's a lie is that she WON'T believe you. I think the grocery store analogy is a good way to go, and informing her of the youth 'drop-out' rate might be informative to her as well.

    I just can't believe what she wrote. I remember spouting out the same kinds of nonsense when I was in and hearing anything critical of the religion. And though I don't agree with Defd's comment in "TOTALITY" I think he's right too...she's too gung ho right now. She's "IN LOVE" with the religion. Give her tidbits to think on (if she wants to think on them) and then let her go. I don't feel sorry for her...she's a big girl making big girl decisions...I fear for her kids though. I wouldn't wish my worst enemy what I endured growing up in the dubigion.

  • AuldSoul

    Ask her whether she knows that the Governing Body teaches that Jesus Christ is not her mediator. (1 Timothy 2:5)

    Ask her whether she knows that the Governing Body teaches that mature Christians have no private ideas about the Bible. (wt01 8/15 p. 14 paragraph 8)

    Ask her whether it matters to her that the Governing Body teaches things that are not in the Bible.

    Ask her whether it is important to her that the Governing Body always tells the truth to the public.

    Then, if it matters to her, help her. If she doesn't care, there is nothing you can do anyway.


  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    First and foremost ... WELCOME. I lurked for months before joining too and I had already been gone several years.

    The note from that woman is just heartbreaking. She has no idea that she is being lied to about everything! You know from reading here how hypocritical the organization is! Sure, there are some good people in the org just as there are anyplace else. The difference is that the Witlesses are all dressed up and parading around on their best behavior for her now. It's not until you're inside that you begin to see the truth and then that depends too on how 'inside' you are. I can't tell you what to tell you but I encourage you ... tell the lady something ... please! I would hate for anybody to give their life over to that organization. It's just no good IMO. I'm with LUNA - people feel they need this but we can be moral human beings by our OWN CHOICE! Minus the pie-in-the-sky-paradise-hope or threats of bloodguilt and eternal destruction.

    I wish you all the best sweetheart and please, stick around. It's nice to have you here.

    Warmest regards,

    sweet tee

  • Ellie

    Welcome Happy, I hope you find what you are looking for here!

    DB, thats a cool analogy, though I imagine over something so trivial as a supermarket, most would do some investigating, its just a shame that over something so life consuming as JWs, most do not.

  • MerryMagdalene

    Welcome, Happy1

    It's wonderful that you care. Whatever you say to this enthusiastic new member, just let your genuine caring and concern shine through.

    You might try a bit of well-worded "prophesy" since you know whereof you speak--first commending her devotion to God, her desire to do what is right for her children, and wishing her well on this path, then bringing up some of the things that may well happen, such as if she or her children have questions or reasonable doubts that can't be answered at some point.

    You might also ask her what will happen if her personal relationship with God and Christ requires her to do one thing in good conscience while the organization directs her to do another? This is a dilemma some have faced, and the rank and file are generally instructed to do what the Organization says regardless. If you follow your God-directed conscience instead of theirs, you are "running ahead" or are considered apostate.

    We all have hard lessons to learn, and even if you are unable to spare her or her children such that may come from this, at least you have reached out in love and will have done what you could to help.


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