Truth Book from 1974

by Virgogirl 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Virgogirl

    Does anyone remember "The Truth That Leads To Everlasting Life" book? It was blue, and was intended as a six month home study book. I think it came out in 1974at an assembly with much fanfare and gasping!. We were told to use this rapid course for no more than six months, and if the study wasn't attending meetings and thinking of baptism by the end of the book, we were to drop them! They said from the platform that the end was just too close to be wasting our time on people who didn't want to come into the truth before it was too late, and this book was everything they needed to make their decision. Some Dubs protested that their study was really interested, but needed a little more time to make up their mind. They were told to "move on, there isn't enough time to waste on the lukewarm!" We were also told to give our study the ultimatum, near the end of the book, that we would not be able to continue studying after the book was finished, and they needed to start thinking about getting baptized. They had to let us know by the last chapter. I remember this was a periodof huge influx when many new ones got baptized but many promising studies were dropped for not obeying the ultimatum.

  • xjwms

    I remember that

    the six month deal was dropped as soon as some never made progress that fast.

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    Is this book still in the Guiness book of world records as the most published something-or-other?

    I used to have great pride showing this fact to schoolfriends back in the early 80's.

  • Virgogirl

    Our congregations locally were reeling them in right and left for baptism. Around 1976, many of them disappeared of the radar screen and faded away.

  • blondie

    Actually it came out in 1968, 7 years to get the faithful ready for 1975.

  • AuldSoul

    The Truth that leads to Eternal Life

    I have the 1968 edition and the later revision in hard copy.


  • clear2c

    lol I recently was offered a study but was told the same thing that in six months if I wasnt considering being baptised that the study couldnt continue. Right off the bat it seemed like the brothers where not in it for the long haul? The brother also mentioned Bloodguilt for brothers that take a study and the person does not get baptised.

    This policy seems to be like it is setup so that more magazines will be published/placed rather than giving a through knowledge to people that are interested.

  • AlmostAtheist
    Is this book still in the Guiness book of world records as the most published something-or-other?

    I used to have great pride showing this fact to schoolfriends back in the early 80's.

    It's a shame there is no record for lowest ratio of pages actually read to pages published. The Watchtower would win that baby hands down.


  • Virgogirl

    What am I thinking of then? I have vivid memories of urgency to study this book in people's homes around 1974... did they dust it off and re-issue it later for the six month studies? We placed alot of them, they seemed to sell themselves and were in that simple, easy to read format.

  • skyman

    I remember. I was in grade school when the book came out. Man I knew the end was so near. I was not going to make it to my next grade before the end came. I can remember it was Sept. 1975 and the P.O. here said we have one month left this is the last time we will make it around the Territory. He said it with a shout of glee and gave a big hurray. That is how I remember the Truth book as the book that ushered in the NEw Order. Both memory are tied together.

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