Is Discussing Jehovah's Witnesses Therapeutic For You???

by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • dezpbem

    In the short time i've been here i've found it very helpful. Even just reading others stories had a positive affect. But the best therapy has been all the joking around that goes on here. If you jump in and join in you look back and find that the joking teaches you not to take your past in the jw too seriously.

    I suggest everyone try jumping in a "live" thread where everyone is joking in real time. We did it a week ago and it was a blast! I think everything i've encountered here has been great.


  • delilah

    Lonely,..... I used to feel like you...I was embarrassed, or even ashamed to say which religion I had belonged to. Now, I find it very therapuetic to reveal my thoughts and feelings about the organization, to those who inquire. I recently spoke with the Pastor who comes in to my place of work, and I felt so liberated, after telling him some things about the JW's, and the reasons why I left. I am no longer embarrassed when someone asks me questions about the witnesses...I tell them what they want to know, and also warn them, if need be.

  • willyloman

    I made it a point to tell all my workmates about it; I've worked with them for several years and they all treated me with respect in the past, despite my odd religious views. It's been interesting to see the reaction the news. In every case, it's been kind of "I'm happy for you" and one fellow said "congratulations" with a big smile.

    Anyway, a few months after that my birthday rolled around and one of the workers asked me if I had any objections to a cake and a card from all of them. I said I would be thrilled. The day came and we gathered in the break room and there was a chocolate cake with lit candles and they handed me a card they'd all signed. I was told to make a wish and blow out the candles, which I did (for the first time in at least 30 years). Then there was that moment of silence when I guessed I was supposed to say something, so I thanked them all profusely for giving me my first birthday in a long, long time. Two of the people there started weeping. It was all very liberating.

    So, yes, I find talking about it therapeutic.

  • atypical

    I definitely find it therapeutic. For me, coming to this site made me realize that I wasn't a freak for not fitting in with the congregation; that there were others who have been through similar experiences, and that was very healing.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I have only been here a short time, but I have read many posts and made a few myself, and I am so glad I joined, I can't see myself ever not wanting to be here. Some of the stories on here a truly heartrending, but there are so many positive things, so many people who have rebuilt their lives after years in the jws. I am just taking my first steps towards rebuilding mine, and I can sense that posting on this board will play a big part in that process. It really helps to know that I am not alone, that so many feel as I do, and I am very thankful for that.

    All my love , Linda

  • Seeker4

    Hey, Min, a nice topic.

    Talking or writing about all this has been great. Similar to a lot of your comments, I find at work, through my last two jobs, that I've had a chance to talk with people about the JWs and what they think, and that has been liberating. I have no shame about having been a member. Even today, there were a bunch of questions from a few co-workers about JWs. It's always nice to take a few minutes and explain things.


  • sass_my_frass

    I love talking to you guys, and I've had to talk a lot to my workmates and new family about it too.... partly to explain why I'm a psycho-hose-beast at the moment (I quote my husband!) and just to get it off my chest. I always say 'they believe that ....' and 'they have cut me off...' etc, so that my audience doesn't think that I believe this is healthy behaviour. Got to pick your audience though.

  • Jamelle

    I have always gotten a real satisfaction from educating others about the realities of the Witness "faith". My co-workers and my friends all know how I was raised and I dole out little pieces, a bit here, a bit there, so as not to overwhelm them with how weird the belief system was.

    I've always felt that if something I say to these people keeps them or someone they love from harms way - from the JW way - then I've done something worthwhile. Of course, I occasionally still hear the little voice in my head - the one programmed there by the dubs, "You are giving a bad witness for Jehovah!" ICK! I keep on talking anyway.

  • Honesty
    Is Discussing Jehovah's Witnesses Therapeutic For You???

    Not only for me, but also to the several local JW's that God has allowed me to help lead to Christ and away from the Congregation of Jehovah's False Witnesses much to the consternation of the B.O.E.

  • minimus

    Seeker, when we speak truthfully in detail about all the reasons WHY JWs do what they do (or don't), and we don't water it down to make it politically correct, "normal" (worldly) people all give you that same *look*. Yes, JWs DO have 2 heads!

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