Ritsfield Victory!

by silentlambs 115 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • GodRules

    Although I don't agree with all of you on your attacks agains Jehovah's Organization.

    I am very pleased to see that Erica got justice. All child molesters should end up serving time, and if not repentent wiped out.


  • waiting

    I have nothing more to add to all the positive outflow, except more positive outflow.

    I hope Erica can find a measure of peace now. Long, hard haul for her.

    Bill & Sheila,

    Thanks multi-fold for the work and lifestyle you gave up for others.

    Anyone who buys your candles will be delighted, btw. I have - give them to others in basket gifts & they love them, as I do.

    Just thought I'd throw that plug in because there's no way a million candles will ever repay the time & trouble & money investment y'all have spent on child abuse victims (but every little bit helps).


    Can you actually scan your flyers? For the dummies here (me), please be specific as in word-for-word what you say. It sound like a great idea - and thank you for shamelessly talking about it.


  • silentlambs

    Thanks for all the support and business plugs!

    One piece of info. that I left out last night is that he was found guilty on all four counts.


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough


    Our "attacks" against the WTS is because it is the force behind whatever the elders did not do to protect the victims. The WTS is wholly to blame and must be held accountable. The WTS's mishandling of molesters has resulted in repeated victimization of innocent children and cannot be excused away with "they are only human".

    It "made noises" like it cared but only in what the public would see in its mags and press releases, but the truth has been made known how it was more concerned with its image and not making the public aware of its problem with molesters.

    You may call it "Jehovah's Organization", but how can you possible believe that God would condone how they have treated his flock. They are no better that the Pharisees that were condemned by Jesus, and they must pay for their misuse of people's trust.

  • Helen

    <b>WAY TO GO!! YAHOO!!</b>

  • Dogpatch

    Excellent Sheila,
    Many thanks to you for having to raise two kids at home and do the business and hope that you will continue to have food on the table and pay the bills. Bill is in the spotlight, but you are taking a heavy load. Bless you!
    Randy Watters

  • Esmeralda


    I am so happy for this victory, and cheering that the media was there to record it! There is no way that the Society can deny that!

    I want to say too, that I swear I'm feeling a sense of justice and a nod of approval from my friend Ed, "Winston Smith" who I know was working in the cause of researching cases for silentlambs in his area.
    Wherever you are now, Ed, I know you're rejoicing with us in this victory for justice.

    Sheila, I want to echo Randy's remarks to you. I think of you often, and always send my best wishes and hugs to you whenever I write to Bill. We are all very aware of the stresses on your family because of the noble work that you are doing, and I want you to know that you are regarded as nothing less than heroes.

    We love you!



  • belbab

    Great news, the chariot is on the move. I am looking forward to reading reports from all that were there. I hope we do not have to wait for a big long report that takes a lot of time. Send it, in bits and dribbles, I don't care.

    Erica and all others in similar circumstances, I am happy for you.

    One last note, I thought the spelling is Ritzville, lets not spell the name of the host town wrong. I may be wrong.


  • riz

    This is excellent news. My thoughts are with Erica, and also with you and Bill, Sheila. You are heroes. Thank you for your dedication.


  • safe4kids


    Thanks for the info and for all of the hard work that you and Bill do on behalf of victims. Having been a victim myself, I know how validating this victory must be for Erica.

    Wendy, as a comment on your post, many, if not most, pedophiles are considered to not be good candidates for rehabilitation by the mental health community. While I agree with you that we need to give up our judgemental WTS attitudes, and lean towards being forgiving wherever possible, I also think that a person who is likely to prey on innocent children needs to be locked up. And I'm afraid, perhaps due to my own childhood experiences, that I have no sympathy for a person who has hurt a child in this manner. I echo my sister...I hope in prison he learns what it feels like to be powerless and forced to participate in sexual acts that he would not otherwise choose to be a part of.

    Roaring a bit myself today,
    Dana (showing a bit of her not-so-nice side)

    "I undid his head collar and took him outside for a drink, and felt, if not exactly a communion with him, at least an awareness of being a fellow creature on a lonely planet."

    Dick Francis in "To The Hilt"

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