If absolute proof proved the bible Jesus true....would you be happy?

by gumby 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Legolas
    So can someone here answer that!
    * whistles and looks at watch twiddling his thumbs waiting for answer* Where the hell is Rex and Schizm when you need em? Gumby

    LMAO.....I am waiting to for someone to answer that!

  • Undecided
    So can someone here answer that!

    Because whoever or whatever created the universe made it that way, nothing is exempt. Plants and animals, everything living has to put up with it. I have no idea why it is this way, but we have to live with it, or die with it like this.

    Ken P.

  • Legolas

    No No...Here is what I want answered!

    if the bible says "sons do not answer for the error of their fathers".....how's come we're answerin fer our pa....Adam?

    Can you answer that?

  • LittleToe

    Kid-A:There's nothing new under the sun. Why should his teachings be original, when they're timeless?

    It hardly undermines the paradigm, just because all the various facets of the "Christian" package had been stated before in various ways.

    Setting aside the obvious questions that everyone would like to ask him, how do you answer the thread title?

  • kid-A

    There's nothing new under the sun. Why should his teachings be original

    LT, I would expect the "son of god" would be able to come up with at least a couple original ideas, would'nt you?

    As for the question, I already believe that Jesus was a historical figure and his influence on the history or Western civilization cannot be underestimated. But if the whole underlying story behind Jesus message was proven to be based on a correct premise, I would still not accept it, because I reject the entire concept of original sin. Having said that, you are one of the very few people I know that takes a reasoned approach to christianity and I respect that. I am much more used to dealing with the likes of rex and schizo...LOL !!

  • LittleToe

    Legolas:Tis just a story attempting to explain why we are the way we are.

    In what way are we answering for what Adam did? Allegedly (if you take the whole Genesis to Revelation story ) there has always been a means for anyone to connect to God. People didn't have to sit on their thumbs waiting for Jesus to turn up, for it wto be available. Heck, I even think Adam and Eve took advantage of it. The only downside being that they had been evicted from their home as bad tenants.

    If I'm evicted from my home, should my children expect to regain tenancy on the basis of "it was my pa, not me"?


    LT, I would expect the "son of god" would be able to come up with at least a couple original ideas, would'nt you?
    Why, if had already been stated?

    What more did you want to know??

  • kid-A


    The problem is, I assume you accept the divinity of Christ, whereas I do not. For me, once this pretense is stripped away, I am only left with a rather mediocre, uninspiring, and rather unoriginal philosopher. An interesting historical person, no doubt, but not much beyond that.

  • gumby
    Setting aside the obvious questions that everyone would like to ask him, how do you answer the thread title?

    I'll just betcha a hundred bucks I never get an answer either. Nobody will budge past the point that they could never believe or accept the N.T. as worthy......even if there WAS proof Jesus was who he said he was. Stubborn buncha apostate, spiritual hatin, demon possesed, devil lovers anywho


  • LittleToe

    I took you for having more imagination than that. Try to get past the blinkers and answer Gumbobs question.

    If EVERYTHING in the NT were verifiable, including the healing, raising from the dead, walking on water and shyte, would you be happy?

    I'll take that bet

  • AlmostAtheist

    Yo', Gumbetter! You owe me a hundred bucks!

    I said last night:

    I'm not sure I could blithely dismiss a dude that could raise the dead, float off into the sky, and all that. If there was absolute proof that he existed and all the [contradictory?] stories about him were true, I'd have to reevaluate my position.

    Were you bettin' real money, or are these some sort of JWD FunBux?


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