For former elders: Did having the authority to DF make you feel powerful?

by juni 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    Just curious about this. Do you realize now what the shunning practice does to a person's emotional health? To shun or isolate a human being is one of if not the worst punishment. Hardened criminals are put into solitary confinement. I'm sure a lot of people have suffered and/or still suffering because of the JC's decisions. Do any of you ex elders who were on JC now suffer because of what you did to others? Juni

  • Seeker4

    I was involved in a few disfellowshippings over the 15 or so years I was an elder. I hated the whole process and I hated the results. Feeling powerful was never a factor at all for me. Feeling sick at heart over the whole thing was more like it. It was great to walk away from all that.


  • IP_SEC

    what seeker4 said

  • AlmostAtheist
    Do any of you ex elders who were on JC now suffer because of what you did to others?

    Never there myself, thankfully, but one ex-jw/ex-elder commented that he came home from jc's in tears, unable to tell his wife why. Talk about a rough row to hoe.

    For more info, you can see this old thread:


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Look at Dave shamelessly promoting one of his own threads. LOL

  • juni

    Thanks to you guys for answering back. Because you had a heart in these JC matters is probably one of the reasons you got out. Another thing, my husband was a MS and he said during some of their mtgs. w/the elders there was talk that was not theocratic. For instance, who was the prettiest sister in the hall or discussing that they wished they had the same problem that Bro. so and so had of having a wife who couldn't get enough sex.

    I was appalled at hearing about this, but of course I was very gullible to believe what I was told. Juni

  • AlmostAtheist
    Look at Dave shamelessly promoting one of his own threads

    Dang! I thought I was logged in with my EliJah account. Ok, you caught me...


  • outoftheorg

    My time as an elder was short, about 2 yrs., confusing and irritating and above all revealing. Powerful?? No never. Just another load I never wanted.

    Little man elder " an old tyrant" tells me I should be an elder. I tell little man that I do not feel that I qualify.

    Little man says that there are the sins of comission and omission and to refuse the offer is a sin of omission. Ya can't win these debates, so I reluctantly joined the "in crowd".

    This is where the revelations began to fill my little brain. #1 little man thought he was in charge of "everything". #2 was he was a tyrant. #3 the other elders were afraid of him. #4 everyone was afraid of the CO AND DO. #5 they were tyrants also. #6 common sense was not allowed. #7 a "FEW' elders were ok but shouted down by little man and his clowns, #8 some elders didn't want justice, they wanted to wield power.

    A job offer comes from another state. One I would be a fool to not take. The elder body writes a letter of acceptance as an elder to be taken to the new congregation. Little man refuses to sign it and claims that I was not service minded enough. I had several children and supporting my aged mother and this dope wants more time in service.

    The CO overrides him on a technicality. He neglected to tell me of his feelings about being service minded as he ought to have.

    Arrive at new city and a local elder comes to me before the furniture is out of the truck. With a very urgent and important message.

    The elders in the new congregation are at odds and divided. The congregation is disintigrating.

    The issue is about some very old and useless seats from an old theater that one of the two sides had taken to the dump. Without the other sides permission.

    My God what an evil destructive thing to do. Is how this elder felt. Oh shit not again, is how I felt.

    I thought things out and told this NEW divided set of elders. I no longer want to be an elder and I STEPPED DOWN. dontcha like that stepped down thing?

    This was so devastating to the elder that was FIRST at my house, that he left town and moved to Utah.

    Find this all hard to believe?? I did, but it is all true.

    My life as an elder. all copyrights etc. in force. HA HA


  • juni

    thanks "out of the org." for your reply. I will PM you with a question. juni

  • HappyDad

    NO..........I hated it!

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