jehovahs roofing ouselves...ignore everyone else!!

by kid-A 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • kid-A

    Some interesting arguments between DUBs and apostates are devoloping on the conversation thread at the end of the page!

  • undercover

    I loved that there was an ad for the Red Cross next to the main story.

    I posted a message but it didn't post yet. They must approve them before they put them up.

  • Finally-Free

    I posted a comment but it isn't up yet.

    I can't speak for others, but many times I saw JWs in need and they never received any assistance from the congregation. It seems to me the only time JWs help anyone is when there's a potential for media coverage.


  • upside/down

    I's up!

    And I got a reply from some 77 year old Dub bitch telling me I lied...and that she doesn't believe me.

    You can't win with "these people"...


  • undercover

    When did you post u/d?

    Mine still isn't up.

  • R6Laser
    I posted a comment but it isn't up yet.

    I can't speak for others, but many times I saw JWs in need and they never received any assistance from the congregation. It seems to me the only time JWs help anyone is when there's a potential for media coverage.

    I can say that while I was in and any other JWs were in need the local congregation would help them. There was this family who lost their house due to a fire, the local congregation (myself included) rebuilt their home. I'm thinking that the WT as a whole does not come in to help the local needs that's up to the local congregations to do.

    My opinion on this is who cares if they're not helping every house in need, at least they are doing some for the ones they know, which is the way it usually works.

  • R6Laser

    Looking back at the article from msnbc and it looks like a lot of posts in pro have come forward. Where are most of you that post here about them not doing anything, now is the time to let it know in this article that's written in a well known website. I only saw a couple of posts that some of you submitted, and yes I did post also for those that might ask.

  • undercover

    There have been quite a few JWs to post on this at the site.

    Unfortunately, because the article was about people helping people, any negative remarks about JWs has been bashed pretty good, both by JWs and impartial third parties.

    I can see why, JWs are blind and the uniniated don't understand just how sinister the WTS is, so when anyone posts something trying to enlighten others it is seen as "hateful" and "mean-spirited".

    I just responded (again), this time a little more pointedly. I hope I didn't over do it, but I felt like my tip toeing around earlier didn't even make a dent.

    I've noticed that it takes several hours for a post to actually get posted, so here it is for your enjoyment or displeasure, to thought provoke or stir to anger or to agree with or disagree with.

    To those who deny that they are not in a cult:

    You claim that you are not told to blindly follow but exmaine the scriptures. It is true that the scriptures say to examine and test out what is said. What does your religion say however?

    Watchtower 8-1, 2001

    First, since "oneness" is to be observed, a mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and "the faithful and discreet slave."

    The "United in Worship" book 1983

    To please Jehovah, we need to accept the instruction he provides through this channel and act in full harmony with it.

    Watchtower 12-1 1981

    Jehovah God has also provided his visible organization, his "faithful and discreet slave," made up of spirit-anointed ones ... Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do.

    Watchtower 10-1 1967

    Jehovah poured out his spirit upon them and assigned them the responsibility of serving as his sole visible channel, through whom alone spiritual instruction was to come. Those who recognize Jehovah's visible theocratic organization, therefore, must recognize and accept this appointment of the "faithful and discreet slave" and be submissive to it.

    JWs live in a world of cognitive dissonance. They know what the bible says, better than most other religions even, but when the WTS dictates new policies or changes doctrine, all JWs are expected to fall into line without question. Any who question are looked upon as "weak" or "unappreciative". If they persist in bucking the system, they are disfellowshipped and shunned by all members including their own family members.

    So much for examining the scriptures and putting to test the teachings from men.

    So we have you(JWs) to thank for having civil liberties in this country(

    You fight for your rights in the court system, then brag about it to anyone who will listen, but yet refuse to vote, will not defend the nation if asked to and will not even, at the least, stand respectfully when the national anthem is being played.

    Earlier I applauded individual JWs who help each other out. I agree, JWs, as a group, have a fine response system to natural disasters. I'm glad that they help each other out. But there's more to this religion than just running around repairing houses and building buildings.

    The core message of the religion, and I dare any JW to prove me wrong, is that this "wicked world" is coming to an end very soon and they alone are marked for survival into their coming earthly paradise.

    So even though they may come around and repair your roof today, if you don't join tomorrow or next week, or next year, when Armageddon comes you are considered wicked and evil and will be destroyed, just because you don't share their religious beliefs. How's that for a charitable religion?

  • Finally-Free

    Yeah, I just posted there again too. I even got one email from a current JW there. But the cult's hooks in their minds are very deep, and things that we say to them now may not really hit home until some point in the future when they are personally affected by cult abuses.


  • Honesty

    I posted the following:

    Great story!!! I would love to worship Jesus with these people.

    Do you think I will get invited to a KH for a worship service?

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