JW's on trick or treat night

by carla 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8
    We had one jw house that used to be totally dark except for the porch light so we could read their sign- we are jw's and do not celebrate halloween.

    That's exactly what my mom did...a guarantee I'd be horribly made fun of and/or beat up over the next few days. I don't know why in the world we couldn't just not answer the door. Why everything has to be made into a major issue ("taking a stand") is beyond me. It is SO hard on the kids.

    Do they honestly think they are "making a good witness" by putting up a stupid sign? Is there anyone here on JWD that became a JW because of such a sign? Anyone at all? LOL

  • blondie

    Does it make a difference in a family where one parent is a JW and one is not, if the non-JW parent is the father?

    My father wasn't a JW and he never handed out candy. Maybe it was because he was cheap. It certainly wasn't because of my mother.


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    If it wasn't a meeting night we would turn off all the lites and hide out away from windows and that would pretty much eliminate any one stopping at our door. If they did we just didn't answer. Fortunatly our house never got egged or anything like that.

    The first Halloween that I can remember was a Tuesday night bookstudy (I think?) and my parents warned me not to open the door. While my mother was upstairs getting ready for the meeting some trick or treaters knocked. I answered the door and there was three kids, one of them was either Frankenstein or the Hulk (cant remember for sure which one but I do recall him being green). So I yell upstairs to my mother that there were some monsters on our door step that wanted to talk to her. LOL.

    Needless to say my parents were upset with me for not listening to them. I cant remember anything else after that, probablly because they beat me to a pulp for insubordination (just kidding). But from then on, Halloween was always an event that I watched trough a closed bedroom window or an automobile window on my way to a meeting. Great childhood, huh?

  • skinnyboy

    yeah great childhood Darth, same as all of ours!! How crap was that, all i wanted to do was go out dressed as ET or something, just to fit in but NO, we had to go and be told what wastes of space we were because we only did 8 hours service that month!! All witness kids should be taken away from their parents and made wards of court. If only their was a Law against forcing your religion on your kids.... Shits me no end, your most formative years, where nature makes you the person you are, interupted by the insidious beliefs and doctrines of madmen. I still wonder what i would of been if i wasn't brought up a dub.

  • kid-A

    My parents would always just take us all out to dinner that night so they didnt have to listen to the doorbell going off. It used to piss me off so much, knowing all my "worldly" friends were off at fun parties and collecting candy and making costumes....all the fun I missed.

    The absolute WORST was when halloween fell on a "service meeting" night. Sitting in the 'boredom chamber' for 2 hours while my friends were out partying.....just crystallized the misery of my JW youth.....

    I am happy to say I will be attending 2 Halloween parties this year....the first was last night and it was AWESOME!!!!! Its never too late to enjoy your childhood! LOL

  • Balsam

    Good lord some of the efforts some of the JW parents mentioned here is amazing to me.

    I was a JW for 30 years and raised 3 sons in it. On Halloween we just didn't turn on our porch light and we would keep the binds down with the lights on and never had but one kid ever knock at the door on Halloween all those years. We just didn't answer the door is all, no big deal. My kids and I just watched fun movies and ate popcorn and hung out if it wasn't a meeting night. My ex and I never made a big deal out of it with our kids saying it was evil or Satan was on the lose or something like that on Halloween. I sure didn't realize that other JW parents were so freaked out and acted so stupid about it. We never got egged. I guess over all we lived a pretty charmed JW life to some degree. LOL

    Something else I always did is buy a bunch halloween candy and my kids had their treats right there. Why is it that people make such a crazy big deal our of stuff, scaring the kids to death over something like that?

  • atypical

    We usually went out for the night and avoided the whole thing. If we were home, we definitely did the whole lights out thing.

    One year was fun, though. My dad fired up his antique radio and we listened to the old War of the Worlds radio broadcast in the dark. I remember it seemed even much better than trick or treating. My dad was always cool like that.

  • stopthepain

    The nieghbors knew we were in a cult.It must have been sad for them to see our house all dark,knowing that we were brainwashed.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh
    The nieghbors knew we were in a cult.It must have been sad for them to see our house all dark,knowing that we were brainwashed.

    How about sad for you?

  • stopthepain

    definetly sad for me,but as a kid,i had no choice.

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