JW's on trick or treat night

by carla 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr. Blue
    Mr. Blue

    I was baptized on Halloween when I was 11 years old. Every year after that, I was so busy at the Baptism Party - eating Baptism candy, stringing lights around the Baptismal scene, and singing Baptism songs, that I did not miss any of this because I had all those Baptism presents to open. Not only that, my teeth were the best in the neighborhood because I had not eaten all that candy. Truly a blessing!!

  • thom

    All those years (all my life) of ignoring the doorbell on halloween and nothing ever happened. Not too many even came to the door as I always kept the porch light out.
    Well now, my first halloween NOT a JW, and my house gets egged.

  • Alana

    If it wasn't a meeting night, my folks and I would drive out of town and eat out and go shopping or something. But they would drive around some for me, so that I could look at the costumes and all. I used to love to look at them and see the kids trick or treat. Then, as I got older I still enjoyed it, but I did so with jealousy....wanting to be out there myself. Then, when we would eat or shop, everyone would ask me why I wasn't out treat or treating or what my costume was going to be later.....that was ackward. When my folks would say we didn't celebrate Halloween, they never knew what to say. Of course, nowadays, I have noticed more people who say they don't celebrate it, so that's not as strange anymore.

  • TheListener

    Alright I'll join in.

    My parents used to keep the house dark and we'd hide in a back room hoping that no one noticed the lights of the television. If someone knocked we'd all hush and mute the tv. I've done that with my kids as well. Didn't scare them, they don't even know why we don't celebrate halloween. If they ask I'll tell them it's because of mother (WT or my wife???? good question).

    Now, I'm fading, can't really celebrate, so what to do? Go to dinner, movies or something else fun. Buy candy and let the kids eat 'til they puke (oh crap maybe they'll get marked for gluttony). I refuse to make a big deal out of it and I refuse to simply sit home and hide. Next year I think I'll pass candy out. Is passing candy out to kids who are dressed up really celebrating? I rationalize no.

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