Im new

by g_cuddles 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • g_cuddles

    what was it that made you all not trust the truth now,....or have you always been skeptical

  • jgnat

    Hi, g_cuddles. I am a non-JW married to one. Jehovahs Witness discussion attracts all kinds.

    "not trust the truth". Funny. Most non-JW's don't call it the "truth". I trust truth. I just don't trust the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

  • g_cuddles

    Im an active JW

  • misspeaches

    Hi gcuddles and welcome too you!

    I understand your sister is disassociating herself. I imagine that is a big deal in your family and congregation. There are some people on this forum who have disassociated as well. There stories may be of interest to you.

    Personally I have never been disphellowshipped or disassociated. I was raised as a JW all my life and stopped attending meetings almost 2 years ago. I stopped because trying to meet all the obligations like meetings, field service, personal study, preparation, bible reading, talks etc was making me feel VERY inadequate and I could no longer deal with the associated feelings of depression that came with it.

    I am happier than I have ever been now. I still consider myself to be a Christian. My relationship with God is stronger than its ever been. I like to think I am a good person (as per your initial query.) I found out some disturbing things about the JW doctrines at the beginning of this year. It really shattered me too. I was so upset and hurt. I felt really betrayed.

    I really do hope you stay around. Feel free to ask questions of us. It's a great happy little community!

    Cheers - Miss Peaches

  • g_cuddles

    yes it is a big deal very stressful adn painful time for us all .....what disturbing things did you find out

  • PopeOfEruke


    I am inactve, never DA'd or DF'd....I am not "apostate", I just to know the TRUTH about things, and the truth about theTruth is very disturbing...

    Always keep an open mind!


  • Cordelia


    i hope your family are ok what is making your sister disassociate herself? i got dfed in march and have brought loads of heartache to my family, i was very strong in the 'truth' till then but now i have experienced the cruel coldness of being shunned even if it is the 'truth' i dont want it!

    can your sister not just fade and save you all that pain?


  • misspeaches
    what disturbing things did you find out

    Well I guess the thing that blew me out of the water the most was discovering that Jeruselum (spelling) was not destroyed in 607BCE. This was a big deal for me because if that starting date was not right then that meant the prophecy in Daniel that brought us to 1914, when Jesus began ruling as King, was wrong as well. It meant that Jesus didn't begin ruling as King in 1914 and all other related prophecies must be wrong too. You can read more about this in the 'Best of' Section by Lady Lee. Seriously theres some interesting reading there. Go check it out when you have a chance.

  • g_cuddles

    thats pain ful in itself not being able to share my life with my sister whos also my best friend ...she should be there for always .....I dont want her to just fade most who leave the org she leaving to be with a worldly or unbelieving boy....

  • visualt

    me too

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