Weddings That Honor Jehovah

by Kent 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • DB


    I agree with you.

  • ozziepost

    'Winning the war but not gaining the person' doesn't seem to be an attractive option IMHO.


    "Evil is the absence of empathy"
    Movie (2000), Nuremberg

  • Naeblis

    Maybe I missed some behind the scenes goings on but I don't see how Ken't post was an attack on anyone. *confuzzled*

  • dedalus

    Nice post, Kent. Too bad some people are so sensitive about your posting of newspaper articles and such.

    For all the timely advice given about the proper way to conduct oneself at a Witness Wedding (tm), the ones I've been to have been relatively wild. Of course, the ceremony is boring as hell, and the reception is usually tacky, with some sister in the congregation arranging a buffet. Never an open bar, never! And yet, there have been some crazy moments at wedding receptions that fly in the face of what the Watchtower says.

    At my own brother's wedding I was the best man (I suppose you could say I was the "director of the feast." I had nearly everyone in attendance line up to shake my brother's hand, slipping him a condom as they did so. Before the line ended my brother's pockets were bulging with rubbers!

    We also trashed his car -- shaving cream, toothpaste, balloons, and, of course, inflated condoms on the headlights.

    I drank six bears in about 45 minutes. After that I don't remember what I drank.

    At my best JW-friend's wedding, all of the groomsmen took turns urinating into the hotel's pool after the reception (this was an elder's idea). Someone flashed a camera. Again, I was hopelessly drunk, despite having thrown up from overindulgence the night before. It's interesting to note that, the day before the ceremony, my friend's brother-in-law withdrew as a groomsman, because he'd found a WT article saying that proper dress and grooming was necessary at weddings. Since this was a beach wedding, and we were wearing pants w/ rolled up cuffs and shirts sans ties, he didn't approve. Now there was a brother with the true JW spirit!

    ANYWAY, I'm not trying to discredit your post, Kent. If anything, this "questionable conduct" makes the Witnesses I left even more hypocritical for shunning me, since they were also heedless of the Watchtower in matters of conduct and propriety.


  • JanH

    LOL. Prisca started a totally unprovoked attack on Kent. Kent isn't even giving her back with her own medicine, he just makes some jokes about her, and she goes ballistic.

    Prisca seems to have the maturity level of a 3 year old. I imagine her literally jumping up and down as she's writing that bolded message with an overload of emoticons.

    Actually, I can't help considering this great fun. You don't have much more fun in life than what you have at the expense of others.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]

  • Prisca


    Your "morals" or lack thereof, are evident on the way you trash people in your posts with lack of provocation.

    Your inability to deal with anyone who diagrees with you, even when I have tried to give you constructive criticism, shows that you are extremely insecure in your beliefs.

    You mentioned before that you refuse to turn the other cheek. So you believe it's better to make snide remarks about people in unrelated threads?

    What ARE your beliefs, Kent? What is your method of securing a happy and solid foundation to your life? Please enlighten us, as with all your time spent as a ex-JW, we would have hoped you have worked something out.

    I have never seen you give encouragement to someone who is down and searching. Your posts are generally negative and offer no other suggestions to improve one's life. Why is that?

    Do you think anyone will ever notice you're gone?

    I'm sure the 4 posters I was chatting to tonight about your childish behaviour would. These men think you are a laughing stock Kent! And there are plenty of others I've made friends with that think you are totally off the mark with your posts. Grow up little boy!

    You are still under the influence of the WTS mindset, the very religion you are trying unsuccessfully tear down! Sad isn't it.....

  • Kent
    What ARE your beliefs, Kent? What is your method of securing a happy and solid foundation to your life? Please enlighten us, as with all your time spent as a ex-JW, we would have hoped you have worked something out.

    Not to EVER be a bitter, old maiden nobody wants.

    I understand your hurt. LOL

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • msil


    I also agree with you.

    Sorry I know I announced my retirement from here but I am really perturbed by the attacks on you. Decency is a word that is obviously not in their vocabulary!!

    Just because one becomes leaves the JW's doesnt mean one has to now be indecent.

    The only advice I can give you Prisca is this:


    Here is the reasoning. Some will not stop attacking you. One would have hoped that Simon would ask them to behave or to leave. Perhaps if enough of us leave here in protest for having to put up with crap like this then something will be done about it.

    When there is a civil place to return to I and some others I have spoken with will return.

  • ZazuWitts


    This post could have stood on its own merit; and I think it would have generated many personal experiences.
    I had my and Larc's strange tale to share.

    But your inability to refrain from flaming by making personal attacks makes any such experiences secondary to the topic. Why do you do it? What do you get out of it?

    I wish Norm had posted this topic...I think the dialogue on this tread would be taking an entirely different direction.

  • Tina

    The witness weddings I attended with the exception of just one,were very boring,dry staid affairs. People even whispered like they were in the kh! It seemed like an empty lifeless ritual to me. But I think that has to do with the type of cong it is. Compared to what I've read on the boards,mine was the monastery of all congs.....just some thoughts. regards,T

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