
by Jordan 11 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Jordan

    OH MY GOD! That film is beyond awesome! Everyone should see it, seriously. If you're not doing anything else tonight go to your local cinema and see that film. And if you are doing something, cancel your plans, and go to the cinema to see that film. It's so great I'm still hyped and I saw it almost 24 hours ago.

    Has anybody else here seen it?

  • Gretchen956

    To be honest I hadn't heard of this, but I pulled up the trailer and it looks WONDERFUL! I must go see it!! Thanks for the heads up.


  • Jordan

    I personally thought the trailer looked a bit sci fi cliche, so I was hesitant about seeing it... But man, I'm glad I did...

  • GetBusyLiving

    Hey Jordon, I'm a huge fan of the old TV series. I'm going to see it tonight, thanks for the quick review!


  • Jordan

    I'd never actually watched the show, but I went out and bought it first thing this morning!

  • blondie

    I was a big fan of the TV show Serenity and was sad to see Fox cancel it.

    Sci-Fi channel has been re-running the TV episodes.

    Hubbie and I went to see it a few weeks back and thoroughly enjoyed it. (We just went to see War of the Worlds at the budget theater, what a dog)

    It's worth the money and the time!


  • riko

    Oh my....Firefly was one of the most amazing sci fi shows of recent years, cut down before it had chance to *ahem* fly

    Serenity is a fantastic film, Nathan Fillion has me in stitches, he's such a great character, loveable but a total and utter git, with some of the best one-liners on tv.

    I say, bring back firefly! Even though SPOILER ALERT****it'll never be the same again...

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    I am a huge fan of the TV show and was thrilled to get the DVD box set with the two never aired episodes. I have been waiting for over a year for the movie and thought it was GREAT!

    I was surprised at how things unfolded but it was true to the spirit of the show and something of that sort had to happen sometime.

    Firefly and Serenety mixes my two favorite genres Science Fiction and post War Between the States Westerns.

  • Jordan

    Yeah, I've just watched the first two episodes of Firefly, and I love the whole "western in space" thing.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I loved watching FireFly on FOX and even caught the unaired episodes on DVD. But just the other day some bleep spoiled a part of it by saying that _________ was _________. What?!?!

    I haven't seen the movie yet though, so I hope he was just pulling my leg.

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