Make it your own

by gringojj 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • TopHat

    Hmmmm that is strange ianone....I am using my Firefox browser and do not see the codes at all like I do with Netscape. What's the deal with that?

  • Ianone

    I figured it out. Different forums on the net require slightly different HTML posting codes.

  • Ianone

    This site lets you preview your HTML posts.

  • caligirl

    Ah yes, the answer is: What my mother says I failed to do.

  • joannadandy

    Make the truth your own...or else...

  • tetrapod.sapien

    make the truth your own... bad ways to not be prone...

    if you wear the armour god supplies...

    you make known, that the truth, is your BLLEATCH!!

    i remember being 18 and "making the truth my own".

    what a F-ed up thing for an 18 year old guy to be doing! WTF was i thinking!?

    it's funny. as an 18 year old guy, i had some messed up fantasies about sisters in my hall. and yet, making the truth my own meant what? praying after slapping the monkey 4 times a day? yup. and when i was done "making the truth my own", they appointed me "via holy spirit" as an MS. i guess da holy spirit likes da womenz too, yo.

    so many bright and shiny people making the truth their own, i just HAD to be one!

    (grumble grumble)


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Oh man, tetra! I can't belive that you posted those lyrics. Im in flash back city right now listening to all the mono-tone dubs singing that song in my memory. Absolutly terrible. I think I'm going to be sick.

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