Questions From Readers - No More?

by Severus 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Dansk
    Dorothy Dixers



  • AuldSoul

    I think it's about time they flip-flopped about Lot's wife being resurrected again.

    Speaking of which, if death is the wages of sin haven't Adam and Eve paid the price for thier own sin? If so, why did we become sinners? If not, what does Romans 6:23 mean?


  • Terry
    Speaking of which, if death is the wages of sin haven't Adam and Eve paid the price for thier own sin? If so, why did we become sinners?

    Jehovah holds grudges bigtime!


  • M.J.
    "Can a Christian maintain a good conscience if he accepts employment that involves being armed?"

    Someone has to write the GB to ask them what their conscience is telling them?

    (BTW here's the 1K post)

  • steve2
    It seems to me that when the GB or WTS want to get a point across to the R&F they dress it up as a QFR.

    You're spot on ozziepost! Make a question seem like a "heartfelt" query from a concerned reader and "use" it to instruct the rank and file.

    The Awake! does something different with its readers' letters page: It may purposely print a critical letter and place it next to an appreciative letter, all the better to illustrate how "weak" and "mean-spirited" the critical correspondent must be.

    That's an old editor's trick from way back: It creates an illusion of receptivity to different views, but also effectively "shames" the different views. Occasionally - no make that very rarely - a letter writer is allowed to point out an error, but it's usually an error of no great consequence such as pedantically pointing out that an earlier article that claimed a river was the longest in the world when in fact it is only the longest river in Timbuktu. Big deal!

  • lawrence

    Just spoke to Fred Franz's ghost and he told me that it will be replaced in February by 'Dear Abby' - a move to the center to attract new followers.

    To those interested: left Toronto on Saturday in the truck and arrived in Orlando on Monday (on way to Belize) just in time for the hurricane. Will stay in Orlando for the next week. All is well, and the Dalmatian Sassy says, "RUFF!"

  • peacefulpete

    They haven't addressed a real question for decades. Never is a question about inconsistancies in WT teachings or Bible contradiction/imposssibilities discussed. The "questions" are simply are a forum for repetition of dogma. I wish someone could locate the quote back in 90's where they spoke disparagingly of those who write in with questions, more than implying that this reflected a lack of faith in them as 'God's Channel' tm it would be a good one for Quotes.

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