
by netclocker 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Just keep typing. After awhile you'll be a supreme one or something then all will believe.

  • Jordan

    wait, did this turn into a serious conversation whilei was gone?

    (yes, i skimmed it, and yes, i'm drunk again)

  • Abaddon


    It doesn't matter if you're predicting the end of the world or the happy return of mini-micro skirts. I did give various predictive options, but you totally miss the point I made.

    People have played the game you are playing and NEVER been right, not with the Bible, not with whatever book they use, not with whatever they were prophesying.

    What makes YOU different?

    You're random splicing, pattern matching. What you do has no more validity than looking at a cloud and seeing it looks like a tree, or a man, or a dragon. It might look like that to YOU, but it ISN'T what it looks like.

    I ask for facts and you give me a post you made that is again filled with speculation and unsubstantiated intuitive leaps (i.e. wild speculation).

    It's boring man. Give us something with more substance.

    Oh, and knock of the CAPS LOCK, didn't you know it's rude? Do you have such little respect for others that you think you have to use CAPS so they understand, or deluded enough to think CAPS give your words any more weight? You would have to be an utter online newbie to be unaware LONG SEQUENCES OF CAPS LOCK ARE CONSIDERED THE EQUIVALENT OF SHOUTING. But you are obviously NOT an online newbie so it is just bad manners and lack of respect for others.

    But saying this to you is almost totally pointless; you're already deluded and paranoid. I have a friend who has the same problem as you, so I recognise the behaviour, the disjointed, rambling, egocentric delusions of grandeur. He is however getting better, but you obviously think everything that happens to you in life that is bad is not because you are rude and subject to schizoid delusions, but because the whole world is against you and the unique truth you have to offer. Oh, did I add in about how you come over as a fricking megalomaniac? Get over yourself, you're as liable to fart as the next person. You assume people are against you, and miss out the fact it is your crack-pot third rate ignorant speculations that they are having a go at.

    But as, due to your mental instability, everything is about you, you see it as opposition and conspiracy against you because you have these wonderful ides, not as your stupid ideas being shot to pieces for being the turd-infested puke fest they are.

    Please let me know if I am not making this clear. Go get medical help, Lay of the pot, if you smoke it, it'll only make it worse. You're not a prophet, you are at risk of becoming so detached from reality you will flush your life away. There are a few examples of that on this board; those who believe they are right about what the Bible means, even a one or two people who think they literally talk to god or are Jesus.

    In any case, you're are assuming Adam was literal. As I have said on another thread, if giant locusts with sulphur breast-plates are metaphorical (as we see no evidence for such creatures), then the entire Biblical Creation account up to and including the Noahcian Flood is also metaphorical as there is no evidence for creation occurring in the manner the bible specifies or a global flood at the dates the Bible says this event occurred.

    Doubt me? Go to Egypt, see the Great Pyramid, and marvel how something built c. 500 BEFORE the Flood survived a "Global" Flood without any damage, LOL. The go do some research on 'Bristlecone Pines'.

    Oh, fandabidozey is a catch-phrase from English children's TV, it's a neologism meaning 'fantastic'.

  • Cygnus

    Cool, Jason Mewes is posting here.

  • Undecided

    If God was the one who had the bible written to enlighten us to his actions don't you think it would be understandable to more than just one nut case like you?

    Ken P.

  • AlmostAtheist
    bible chronoligy sayes each day is 7000 years, this is not a witness teaching this was well before them.

    Does it? I've heard this too, but I don't know what you'd point to in the Bible that reveals this. If it was THAT obvious and clear, you wouldn't think there'd be such things as Young Earth Creationists that believe the days were 1,000 years long. (You mentioned your method works if the days are 1,000 years anyway. THAT would be some interesting math. Please show your work.)

    why would he give adam eve at 25 or 35. if the devil wasnt alowd to temp jesus till jesus was 30, its the same with adam. if its not then god is cheating. dose that help any

    I think it was FunkyDerek that pointed out that Adam was created fully developed, so the 30 year rule wouldn't reasonably apply to him. You could just arbitrarily apply it, but you wouldn't have any basis for doing so.

    And besides, before you spend your life digging through the Bible for buried meaning, you really ought to spend a few hours proving the authenticity of the Bible to yourself. If you invested a tenth of the time in that effort that you've spent in this stuff you'd quite possibly conclude that it wasn't inspired at all. Then you could take up golf.

    Incidentally, thanks for sharing your research. You think I need to hear it, and you're telling it to me. Thanks.


  • kid-A

    Incidentally, thanks for sharing your research

    This is RESEARCH???? WTF??????

  • netclocker

    i had a nice weekend how about you

    almost an athiest. what can i say, youve just told me that your having a go at my posting and you know nothing about chronoligy. if you know nothing about chronoligy your argument is somone elses, if you want to argue about somthing you know nothing about then on you go,

    now your point about adam being full developed is correct. but he would still only be 1 year old after the first year. and after 30 years he would still only be 30, or did somone teach me how to count wrong. it does say that god decided that adam had been on his own long enough and needed a companion.

    in all honesty almost an athiest and without sounding disrespectful, ive posted a topic on chronoligy and your asking me to prove the bibles authenticity, i posted that for people who are interested, if you want the bible to be true or false youll have to prove that for yourself, if you dont youll always be stuck between thows who say its true and thows who say its false,

    abaddon mate how are you this fine morning. fandabbidozey comes from the crankies and its brittish tv, not english, and its a scottish word, your not one of them that goes about saying england won the war are you.

    random splicing now that would be like the witnesses do with the john class and the peter class. were things are brought together to look like somthing else. i have a problem with that, didnt somone tell you that joseph and david both prefigured jesus, so how can that be random splicing. theres nothing random about it, its common knowledge. and its common knowledge that they were all 30 except adam, so were does the splicing come into it, i havnt spliced anything i stated facts apart from adam being 30, becaucse the rest is in the bible.

    im certainly not deluded or paranoid, and i dont think the world is out to get me, as for the caps lock what can i say, NOT THE END,

    since i first posted this about four years ago ive had it from all sides, but the bit you miss is that other people can see it. and after my post was up for a few weeks, someone adds the bit about jewish law stating that a man is under his father till he is 30, so he saw it, because i didnt know that, but i do now, and thats why i posted it, in the hope that somone might add somthing useful to it, if you want to get annoyed at it on you go, but if lots people started posting positve remarks about it tommorow would you start to change your mind.

    have you ever actually read a bible.

    why do you believe that the pyramids were built 500 years before the flood, is it somthing your happy with or just somthing you picked up on the discovery channel.

    ill wish you good night as its getting on but before i go is this randon splicing. a hole in the ozone layer 3 times th size of australia, a 30% drop in the sperm count that is being blamed on all the micro waves, that they want to increase, thousands of species that have dissapeared, a change in the world climate that they know will get worse.

    and thats leaving the bible out of it take your pick. if you dont beleive in god the only hope is hollywood, mabey thell get bruce willis and sly stalone to baille us out. try this out


  • nowisee

    since i am relatively technically challenged i thought fandabbidozey meant:

    l) fan the bidozy


    2) fond of the bidozy

    glad someone clued me in bc i kept wondering what was a bidozy?

    good luck, netclocker.

    best wishes to all, nowisee

  • netclocker

    apoligies i dont know what happend there but try the link its scary stuff, its about hoe low the sperm count is. all over the world.


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