How many of you shunned others when you were a JW?

by Lady Lee 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    HIS father was an animal that terribly abused every one of his kids. The abuse was so bad the courts removed his parental rights and gave the kids to my mother. She was actually an improvement if that tells you anything.

    He really needed to be locked up and the key thrown away. Good thing that one is dead now.

  • mouthy

    Thanks Lee I never knew that. Makes me feel better Thank.s..

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Sometimes we need to just realize toxic people need to be avoided. Nothing wrong with that Grace

  • mouthy

    I sent your letter on to Sue. She responded -I sent that to your private e-mail if it is the same as I had long ago? Your info REALLY helped me & Sue (((((((HUGS)))

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Grace I got the email and added a bit more that you might want to pass on

  • mouthy

    Great!!! Imagine how it was all covered over....

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    When I stop and think about it, this was one very sick family. Then they got involved with the Witnesses.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    When I stop and think about it, this was one very sick family. Then they got involved with the Witnesses.

    The abuse that was told to the elders was always swept under the carpet. Kids disappeared as my mother got rid of us all, No one seemed to question where the kids went.

    The hiding of secrets seems to be the hallmark of JWs. And it only perpetuated the abuse.

    The elders knew what was going on. My mother called them in every time. It seems their answer was always to get rid of the victim and hid what was wrong.

    At no time was anyone ever told to get professional help. Always get rid of the kid and keep quiet.

    And sometimes, probably more often than we realize the wrong person gets DFed and the abuser gets to stay within the cong. That's what happened to me in my marriage.

    They DFed me so no one would find out that he was an abusive husband and father. meanwhile the wolf is still in the pen

  • BrendaCloutier

    Sadly, yes.

    the one i'm most regret is the 16 yo friend who was caught by her mother in bed with her stepfather who had been sexually asaulting her since she was 11. She was df'd because she was considered old enough to tell.

    I'd smile at her when she'd walk into the hall. I'd mouth "hello" and "I'm sorry". I never thought her DFing was right. Cuz it wasn't. Step dad wasn't df'd cuz he checked himself into a mental hospital immediately, and got away with public reproof. He was later df'd after being caught with the younger sister!

  • GetBusyLiving

    : remember her telling me a story about how a DFd woman whispered a question to her "Is this seat taken?" My mother proudly reported that she "just glared at that person until they went away".

    That just literally made me sick to my stomach. I just can't believe my parents ever got involved with these f*cking lunatics.


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