Did you read ..........THAT........book...............

by vitty 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • tijkmo

    i read it after being reinstated

    i was shocked and comforted

  • DanTheMan

    I read it after I had left, I never knew the book existed during my years as a JW.

    I heard a little bit about Ray Franz early on, and I immediately and unconsciously went to work creating an imaginary "Ray Franz" character in my mind - somebody who was bitter, mean-spirited, jealous of his uncle, sneering, sarcastic, ridiculing, etc. Anything to stem the cognitive dissonance and curiosity that came with the knowledge that once upon a time a person at the very top of the hierarchy left Da Troof and was now an Apostateā„¢.

    Needless to say, from the very start of the book I quicky realized that my imaginary Ray Franz had nothing to do with the real person. I read the book in only 2 or 3 days, which for me is very fast, and by the time I was done I was a changed man, I no longer had any uneasy feelings about having left.

    Something about Ray's writing style really grabbed me from the start. He has a real gift for the written word.

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