by chuckyy 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    I recommend you read up on Near Death Experiences, it is very interesting, the ones I find most interesting are the NDE's of people that were born blind, in their NDE they were able to see, and described things in the room, there is alot we don't know about because we were kept from these things due to the negative connotations from the WTS. I really believe that we live on in spirit when we die, and what comes after doesn't matter, it will happen regardless. I believe that some mediums are quacks, but there are also phsycic's that are genuine, and for some reason can see things we cannot.


  • xjwms

    As Bob Hope said when they asked where he wanted to be buried..............................

    Surprise Me !

  • jstalin

    Mediums do this through so-call cold reading. They throw things out there and the person reacts, either positively or negatively. We give off signals when we are being told things. The medium probably said something like "i'm seeing a son.." your mom probably reacted facially, or said "uh huh." The medium went further, or maybe saw your mom start to cry, and the medium asked "did something happen to your son?" Then something like "I see an 'M' name or a name like Mike or Jim."

    It's a scam. Have your mom sit there completely stone-faced and not react one single bit. Then we'll see how accurate this "medium" is.


  • M*A*S*H

    Personally I believe mediums to be on the same playing field as magicians, clever trickery can make it seem even the laws on Physics have been broken. When you watch a magician make a bunny rabbit disappear - you don't think 'Wow... he vanished Thumper!?'...no, you think, 'Wow, what a cool trick - just because I don't understand it, doesn't make real magic!'. The major difference in attitude is magicians don't claim to have 'special powers'... and we just enjoy the show.

    As you weren't not present for this reading from the Medium, it's difficult to say how 'amazing' the show was. Mediums usually get all the information they need for a 'cold reading' from the person sitting opposite!

    If you've never seen or heard of him - look up Derren Brown, he's a 'magician' in the UK who employees many of the tricks of mediums and alike... except he always explains that it's all trickery! Sometimes he gives you clues how it's done. It really is worth looking up! He has a DVD out I think.


    PS. I should be on commision.

  • Terry
    What ..............HAPPENS........?

    Sometimes the problem is with the question and not the lack of ability to answer.

    This question supposes there is a "happens".

    This demands an accounting.

    So, what gives us the license to insert a "happens"?

    It is beyond anybody's proof that anything "happens" other than the dissolving of the molecular constitutency of what once functioned as a living thing.

    We might as well be asking:

    Where does the "white" go when the snow melts away?


  • Honesty

    Ask JillBedford. She is a member 'in good standing' (I couldn't resist) on this board. 25 years ago at the age of 12 she drowned after she fell into a pool below a waterfall. That's one of the many reasons why she is a Christian today and no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Sirona

    I always feel like a broken record when this subject comes up!

    I have seen spirits (ghosts). I know others who have. I have spoken to one man who was a skeptic but who experienced one thing in his 60's which just made him ask "what WAS that?" (note: his experience happened whilst he was awake, away from home, and with someone else who also saw it....then it was confirmed by a member of staff at the building it happened in).

    Basically we carry on after death, in spirit form. That is my belief.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Basically we carry on after death, in spirit form. That is my belief.

    I'll second that.... (from personal experience.... and no, I'm not going to relate it, because if there's one thing this board has taught me, is that you can't convince the unconvincible and I'm not up to going back and forth on multiple postings ).


  • Terry

    I always feel like a broken record when this subject comes up!

    I have seen spirits (ghosts). I know others who have. I have spoken to one man who was a skeptic but who experienced one thing in his 60's which just made him ask "what WAS that?" (note: his experience happened whilst he was awake, away from home, and with someone else who also saw it....then it was confirmed by a member of staff at the building it happened in).

    Basically we carry on after death, in spirit form. That is my belief.


    Things which "happen" to us are interpreted by our brain which runs a context filter (of sorts) entirely DEPENDANT ON OUR BELIEF of what the possibilities are.

    In an earlier era people believed, saw and photographed fairies! Later, it was UFO's. Whatever category is currently held to be ___possible__becomes the "likely" explanation for something we JUST DON'T KNOW.

    In ancient times almost anything unknown (and therefore mysterious) was interpreted as being the handiwork of "the gods".

    This has NOTHING to do with reality necessarily!

    A "skeptic" may not be INCLINED to believe in ghosts or spirits, however, the unexplained can prompt that (fallback) liklihood onto center stage under certain circumstances.

    Think of it this way.

    Imagine sitting on the floor in the middle of a large room while people bring you boxes of "stuff" to sort. You have baskets with labels on them that you are to sort into.

    When you come to an item you DO NOT recognize it will go into one of two baskets:



    2.A best guess other category (which may or may not be an error of sorting)

    This little exercise is what we do all of our conscious life. When we are kids in a dark room we are easily persuaded by shadows and noises that there are "monsters" out there. But, that is a sorting basket made possible by the stories we have been told and the movies we have seen. Those shadows and noises are what they are and NOT NECESSARILY monsters!

    As we grow older and more mature and (possibly) more rational we begin to discard the sorting baskets that are impossible or fictional. However, if we remain irrational (to a certain extent) because of emotional and psychological immaturity we likely cling to fantasy possibility and this makes us SUSCEPTIBLE to magic-thinking and our labels on our sorting baskets WILL INCLUDE the fantastic.

    Surely you can see this.


  • Terry
    if there's one thing this board has taught me, is that you can't convince the unconvincible and I'm not up to going back and forth on multiple postings ).

    Extraordinary claims REQUIRE extraordinary proof.

    There is nothing that should force anybody to conclude a fantastic story is true simply because it was asserted as true by a person who BELIEVES it. I'm sure you see that is fair.

    The people who swore they "saw" the golden tablets translated by Joseph Smith do not go far in convincing me of anything, for example.

    This is not because I am unconvincible. It is because this distant and removed hearsay evidence lacks credibility and is not equal to the task of overwhelming my skepticism that extraordinary claims have been verified to my satisfaction.

    There are thousands of people who receive telephone calls by telephone solicitors and end up losing their life savings on scams that SOUND very good to them and pass their tests of skepticism. Would a higher standard on their part have saved them the bankruptcy and misery? It is worth considering.


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