tions about hello everyone, i'm new here,,,

by telltruth 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • telltruth

    shopping for hassans' books today. will post later. wish me luck. talk to you all soon. thank you all so much.

  • telltruth

    my apologies for the multiple(3) identical posts yesterday, not sure how that happened. success! managed to acquire both of the hasan books that several of you recommended. lots of reading to do. if anyone can add to my reading list, please do. i hope everyone is having a good day.

    i know that that is not always possible, however positive thought is always within reach if we try. i look forward to hearing from those of you are able to make the time, as once again your words are always appreciated. thank you.

  • Legolas

    Welcome to the board!

    Nice to meet you!

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Dont get involved unless there is a chance of leading her away from the Watchtower Society. If you do you will piss your life away. If you want to do that, that is your problem, but that is my advice, free from me to you. Take it or throw it away.

  • Tez

    Cannot add much to the sound advice others have given you, but would like to repeat what a great bloke you must be to go to so much effort for this young lady. Really hope it works out for you, but should you get badly hurt (and think you must keep this possibility in mind) then we'll be here for you. It will be a long haul but hopefully worth it, or put it this way, you sound like the kind of guy who would regret it if you didn't try! You would just spend the rest of your life wondering!!!

    Welcome to the board, look forward to hearing from you!!!

  • Check_Your_Premises

    One thing about Hassan's book's is they are very general. You will need to see how they apply to the jw in particular. IThinkIsee did some summaries awhile back on some of the chapters. Go through his history and you can find them. THey are pretty good.


  • telltruth

    good day everyone, hope things are good. thank you for your posts. would like to pose a question, feedback is very important and appreciated. would an observatory attendance of a typical kingdom hall meeting present me with any insight i may find beneficial. please keep in mind i am in NO way in jeopardy of falling victim whatsoever. please know this about me and commit to memory. wish your opinions prior to my final decision. thank you in advance. awaiting your response.....

  • Check_Your_Premises

    WHy are you so sure you won't join? Are you familiar with mind control methods? Do you have strong doctrinal disagreements?

    Why are you wanting to go? Just to check it out for yourself? Are you going with this "friend" or by yourself?

    In general, "keep your friends close, your enemies closer". Also your, um, friend will be ecstatic if you attend (without her because you are probably a dirty little secret)


  • AlmostAtheist
    would an observatory attendance of a typical kingdom hall meeting present me with any insight i may find beneficial. please keep in mind i am in NO way in jeopardy of falling victim whatsoever.

    Yes, it would be useful to you to see it for yourself. You'll hear lots of "loaded language" statements that will no doubt catch your attention, though it blows right by people that are already in.

    I half-agree with CYP that you need to be aware of the possibility of getting sucked in. Some people wind up JW's whose sole intent was to "prove them wrong". They just went about it poorly. Keep your eyes open, call a spade a spade.

    It might even be fun!


  • telltruth

    thanks for the response so far. would appreciate hearing some more voices on the subject. to qualify... my reasons for attending are to 1. increase my knowledge of their principles and practices. (keeping in mind, i have no self-esteem issues. sound and healthy thought processes. know full well what they are about. and in NO way whatsoever in danger of falling victim to their ANYTHING.) 2. visual and first person factual account of the kingdom hall environment. 3. keep my friends close, my enemies even closer. 4. derive some parrallel understanding of even the smallest degree of what my friend has and continues to be exposed to. 4. i need to see the inside of a kingdom hall.

    my task is ,as you all know, not going to be easy nor reach a quick conclusion. i am looking to know and i mean know in depth absolutely everything that will prove to be of assistance in helping my friend help herself. please keep at the forefront of your thoughts that i am not now or ever will be, in danger of the jw ANYTHING.

    i hope the lack of response is not based on anyones reluctance to the proposal i am questioning, the result of concern for my mind/well being/safety,etc.

    i cannot state this strongly enough. i am me, i know myself, they NEVER will. please keep any and all suggestions, personal exps, concerns, advice coming.

    i continue to await your posts. thank you so much for this. this is something i feel i need to do. keep posting please.

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