"Brothers and sisters, open your hearts and your wallets." - Assembly day

by truthseeker 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere
    A few years ago, at our assembly day, our CO told us the next line in his assignment (like Pellechia): "we have a parking-lot outside with some gates. If there is no money enough at the end of this day, we will not unlock the gates. So you have got a problem then! So, be wise".

    No applause for the CO!

    lol... and if they refused to allow me to leave I would immediately call the police and file false imprisonment charges against anyone who refused to open the gate.

    Polly want a jail cell?

  • luna2
    4) We are in the feet of the image mentioned in Daniel - "no brothers," the speaker says, "we are in the toes of the image."

    Geeze, I remember this exact line and I haven't set foot in a KH or ASSembly for over four years.

    I used to wonder how the heck we would ALWAYS have a deficeit at the CAs and DAs. Now I know. I wonder if I would have defended this practice back when I was still a dopey dub? Might have, but I think it would have really bothered me.

  • hillbilly

    New wrinkel one an old scam. They carry outstanding debits on the books until Sunday PM... then announce a "shortfall". We always made sure to have all boxes out at exits. I knew all the a

    ~Hill (worked in accouting for years class)

  • metatron


    Another defeat for the Watchtower! They are openly demanding contributions just like Christendom!

    Remember this when defenders of the Society claim that they don't beg for money.


  • Gill

    I have a relative who is a JW who has always criticised the Catholic Church for its demands for money. I wonder what she will make of the Nov Watchtower and its begging article and the demands for cash at the assembly last weekend. I wonder also, how long it will take for her to wake up to the similarities.

    From recent experience however, the demands for cash are getting greater and greater and louder and louder.

    I ran into a JW about a year ago who was complaining about their unnecessary move to quick build and the elders' (her husband is also an elder also) constant demands for more money and more and more cash and more time working unpaid for the congregation as well as the bOrg.

    Often I read here that former JWs don't believe that the WTBTS will ever fall, but I think that time will prove them wrong and the WTBTS will fall, if not completely then at least into total insignificance as the Truth about Da Troof becomes more known and understood.

  • willyloman

    Thanks for the report from the front lines.... Here's some reaction:

    3) The number of genuine anointed is dwindling. There will still be anointed ones on earth during the tribulation.

    Translation: Despite the fact that the number of partakers keeps going up, dammit, only a handful (and we're not saying how many) are "genuine" annointed. This means most of them are total whack jobs, which explains why we don't need to consult them. Thus, all the decisions will continue to be made at Bethel where only "genuine" annointed reside, along with, ahem, some people who aren't annointed at all, nor do they claim to be, but that's all right because we got new light on that decades ago.

    one of the paragraphs says that disgruntles ones whos expectations have not been fulfilled, start making use of the world to its full, careers, university education and hobbies.

    Translation: So, those folks who used to come to the KH, they left because their expectations weren't met and they are DISGRUNTLED, so have nothing to do with them. Just because their expectations -- just like yours -- stemmed from our preaching and teaching, that's no reason to excuse them. They're disgruntled, dammit, and you know what that leads to.

    ...speaker actually said, that we may have questions or doubts which go unanswered for a long time, that is privately held views ans such. IF we allow these to fester, we could experience a crisis of faith and go apostate!!! Of course, the remedy is do research, but only in the Bible based publications.

    What wasn't mentioned, of course: It's was those same "Bible based publications" that planted seeds of doubt in the first place, because they make no sense when you review them now in light of all the changes, the doctrinal flip flops and the blatant hypocrisy taking place, and the rampant cognitive dissonance that prevails among dubs today.

    Summary: It is remarkable to look back on this crap now and see it for what it is.

  • r51785


    I beg to differ. As a member of Christendom and a regular church-goer I can assure you that although a collection is taken (as in the days of the apostle Paul) no one ever has to beg for money at our church.

  • AuldSoul

    I don't think metatron meant to offend any Church by his comment. He was using language promoted by the WTS in his comment, they demonize all "so-called Christian religions" by denigrating them on several bases. One of those is "begging for money."

  • TopHat

    Gill said: Often I read here that former JWs don't believe that the WTBTS will ever fall, but I think that time will prove them wrong and the WTBTS will fall, if not completely then at least into total insignificance as the Truth about Da Troof becomes more known and understood.

    I see it coming too...Just makes sense they will fall...Is that why they are collecting as much wealth as they can now...so that the "Power Elite" left living will live out thier lives in the lap of luxury.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    3) The number of genuine anointed is dwindling. There will still be anointed ones on earth during the tribulation.

    The 'partakers' number disagrees. Those last 8500 are hearty souls indeed. In fact they have gained a handful this year. Of course 'wheat' will mature and mulitply, huh? What a grandious barrel of fecal matter! Jeff

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