Does your pinkie fit in your ear lobe ? Superstitions

by Crumpet 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Soledad
    Soledad is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship! Have your crushes ever gone further than crushes?


    one of my crushes was a college professor. She was very pretty, looked like an older version of Cameron Diaz. I guess as the semester wore on she picked up on my vibe, so we made a conscious effort to avoid each other, especially if there were no other people around.

    so inappropriate, you know? a student and a teacher, big no-no!

  • Crumpet

    A close call soledad. I think i might have been tempted to pusue said professor.

  • Soledad

    Believe me I was tempted! But I didn't want her career to be ruined if someone found us out

  • Narkissos


    Do you realise your thread is causing a worldwide epidemic of multiple contorsions?

  • Crumpet

    Narkis - am i that contagious baby?

  • findingmyway
    My Guyanese friends say that if your second toe is longer than your big toe you will rule over your husband.

    My second toe is longer than my big toe. It's a family trait. But I heard that it was a sign of intelligence. I'm not married, but I hope the latter is true because I don't want to rule over my husband. I don't like weak men.

  • Gretchen956
    i've also heard if your ring finger is as long or longer than your index finger then you are likely to be gay/lesbian and bi-sexual

    Certainly is true for me, this is more than a superstition, actually they did a study on this and found that it holds true more times than not. (course there are always exceptions)...

    Joelbear, if you can lick your eyebrows with your tongue you need to switch teams!!


  • fairchild
    My Guyanese friends say that if your second toe is longer than your big toe you will rule over your husband.

    My second toe is longer than my big toe. It's a family trait. But I heard that it was a sign of intelligence. I'm not married, but I hope the latter is true because I don't want to rule over my husband. I don't like weak men.

    lol, same here. My second toe is longer than my big toe and I'm not married. So, should we conclude that, when your second toe is longer than your big toe, you won't get married?

  • Billygoat
    Joelbear, if you can lick your eyebrows with your tongue you need to switch teams!!


  • Elsewhere
    If you can fit your pinkie/little finger in the dip in your ear lobe you will be very sensuous and extremely so if you can fit it neatly by breadth and up to the first bendy bit ( sorry is that called a knuckle) you will be highly sexualised.

    It's a good thing I always ignored my granddad's warning that I'd grow big ears if I ate candy!

    -Elsewhere, of the "Yeah all the way up to the Knuckle" class

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