Looking forward to Armageddon?

by Gill 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    Hi All!

    Virgogirl -Bonfire night is celebrated here on the 5th of November. Guy Fawkes, hundreds of years ago, some catholic dude, planned to blow up the houses of parliament and was caught with the explosives in the cellars. He, along with his fellow plotters were hung drawn and quartered!

    Anyway, on Nov 5th we get to have bonfires and blow up fireworks to celebrate the houses of parliament surviving. It's fun, noisy and I forgot we get to burn the Guy. He's an effigy of the poor bloke Guy Fawkes.

    Britain is a very civilised country ... don't you know!

    defd - There is no Armageddon coming. Chill! The Bible is a collection of writings wittled down by the Jews to form the Old Testament and finally wittled down by the Catholics to form the New Testament....all in the name of keeping the general populace in order and fear of the religious leaders who were in control along with political leaders....that's all it is.

    The name Jehovah was coined by a catholic monk in 700 AD. Are you a closet Catholic/Seventh Day Adventist?

    Also, I don't think Jesus would be too pleased to have you talking about his causing untold death and destruction to billions in the same sentence as his name.

    thorn - I'm with you in that Armageddon can't be right and if it is...then God really is cruel!

    Periodic Bedlam - The JWs have left some nasty footprints full of fear in your mind. Though bad things may happen to any of us, why expect it at the hands of God.

    Sweet Tee - I love your out look. No one knows tomorrow, but it's good to look forward to happy and good things!

  • Periodic Bedlam
    Periodic Bedlam
    Periodic Bedlam - The JWs have left some nasty footprints full of fear in your mind. Though bad things may happen to any of us, why expect it at the hands of God.


    My post was a comment made in jest. I gave up living in fear based religion when I left the borg and I don't believe in a homicidal God.

  • joyssister

    I no longer a witness but I still would not ignore A out of hand! I still believe Jesus is my saviour and he predicted these would happen so I tend to take his word for it.

    Now I am not a witness I celebrate christmas and make sure my children enjoy their birthdays although I still refuse to celebrate halloween

    I dont want my children to have their childhood ruined like mine was with no christmas celebration no birthday and having to lie to their friends about what they got for christmas

    My children are free but also aware

  • Carmel

    joysister, where or when did Jesus predict armegeddon? I'm not a bible scholar but I sure don't remember Him ever discussing the big A.


  • skinnyboy

    wasn't bruce willis in that movie?

    Armageddon, i can't believe how dumb the witnoids really are!! My sister said a beuty to me the other week, on the phone to her, telling me about some old bro from my old cong who died, shame really cos he was a funny dude, monster of a pioneer lived for the troof, yada yada, then out she comes with the "i hope you die soon, so you can get ressurrected" im like WTF??? I had forgotton that was the official line! Now i love my sister, but just because i choose to live for today and not some Fairy Tale, do i have to be condemned to Tartarus for eternity because i found Non-Jesus!

  • Flash

    Yes, I am looking forward to it.

    I do though believe the Great Crowd will be much greater than the WTS believes. God reads hearts and I'm sure He will not overlook anyone deserving where ever on the earth they may be. While I wait for it I do 'feel' for all those suffering around the world. I also put Birthdays, Mothers Day and Fathers Day back ON my calender but all the religious Holidays I have not and wont be.

  • Gill

    Periodic Bedlam - Please accept my apologies for misunderstanding your post.

    I'm actually surprised at some of the answers in this topic as I really didn't realise that so many people on the board do still expect an Armageddon to arrive.

  • Gill

    Skinnyboy - you've got one brainwashed sister there. When you hear of people actually say, never mind just personally believe, but actually say something like that it makes you realise how crazy the JW cult is!

    Flash - You're going to be very disappointed because it's just NOT going to happen.

    joyssister - I too remember lying to people as a child who asked me what I got for christmas. I'd say my parents bought me gifts all year round and so I didn't miss it. Total lie. I can't remember my parents buying me any gift ever.

    It's good to give your kids something you know you truly missed. All that time and attention thinking about them, and what they individually want and need and then all the the fun and anticipation of a special day. That's joy and love in action. Not, 'Oh, it's Christmast day! Let's go sell some WTBTS books!' Yes...Let's....NOT!'

  • Flash
    Flash - You're going to be very disappointed because it's just NOT going to happen.

    Fulfilling prophecy aren't you?

    All that time and attention thinking about them, and what they individually want and need and then all the the fun... That's joy and love in action.

    We did that. Just because we didn't do things around the popular calendar dates didn't mean we didn't focus love, attention, good times AND gifts on them. I will admit though a calendar date is helpful. It was a challenge not to get caught up and distracted by the minutia of life. The months with 5 paydays in them is were where we planned gift giving since our budget was based on a 4 payday month. I'll admit, because we lived on a shoestring it didn't always go as we wanted too, but that was our plan.

  • Gill

    Hi Flash! I'm glad you managed to do those things for your children. Not many JWs do. Certainly, mine didn't. I realised a few months ago that I had never received a gift as a child from my Aunt and Uncle....NEVER!

    I'm still sure about the Armageddon thing. Recently I've been studying deeply on pre history, myths, folklore etc and finding a lot of good stuff out. I hope to post on it soon, when I've finished. But all of it points to one conclusion and that we don't have to fear a terrible destruction brought on by God.

    One thing I have discovered, is that if you don't know history well, you can be tricked into believing anything, just to be part of a controlled mass of people. People can tell you anything, and you'll believe it because you have no roots in the past to know where certain beliefs, rites, religions began.

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