I think my D.O. Is a closet apostate. References Stanford Prison Study and hints he sometimes disagrees with the Branch

by kneehighmiah 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillin

    I once told a DO whom I had known for many years, that I had conducted a search for him on the internet to see if I could find out what he was up to. I told him that my search took me to a strange page where various COs and DOs were being discussed and that this one poster had severely criticized him. I could not keep my mouth shut so I sent this poster a defense of the DO in a private message. That forum was this one.

    it was obvious that the website wasn't JW.org. It was obvious that I was telling him that I had logged on to an "apostate" website and posted a defense for him. Know what he said? "I really appreciate it!"

    Pretty cool

  • done4good

    I have noticed there is a "good cop/bad cop" relationship between DOs and COs. Not sure if that is coming into play here. I would still be careful how you approach any subject with these guys.

  • kneehighmiah

    Many top level guys are very intelligent. Some get worn out by the hypocrisy and the demands of the job and begin thinking outside the box. Remember most of the best and most devastating apostates are former top level members. Ray franz was a GB member and I have him listed #1in my apostate power rankings.. Plus the big shakeup in the 80s was all top level guys. I think most top level guys, besides the power hungry narcissistic jerks, privately hold their own views but are smart enough to not ruffle feathers and get dropped on their butts in the freezing cold with no retirement or insurance.

  • RottenRiley

    Please keep his name private, we don't want the Sharks spreading lies against our allies! The Watchtower is on the Great Witchhunt (I have friends I sent cash to at Bethel to subsidize their terrible wages, we are on speaking terms (Money keeps them writing you letters) against their own members they preceive as a threat. The Alarm Clock has rung it's little bells off, the Watchtower's Alarmist and End-Times Doctrines have Expired, they are like eating 180 year old Twinkies, it's possible but not good for your stomach! I think I could push the 180 years to 250 years, this is based off writings pre-dating Mad-Miller's, our Brother Russel reclaimed ideas based off some 1700 Christian writers, so not much of Russel's New Theology was New!

    There are people who scour Facebook, JWN and other Internet Media outlets looking for clues to destroy the JWs leaking information to Ex-JW-Great-Thinkers, the Tower hates how you all show their illogical conclusions and false doctrines based on pure conjecture. Let's keep this gem in place until he is ready to come forward and shine!

  • kneehighmiah

    I won't give his name. Hopefully I haven't given too much info. I also hope my own cover isn't blown.

  • frankiespeakin

    Don't worry about that DO you may be witnessing what some call fruedian slips. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freudian_slip

    I'm sure the Governing Body is well aware that trouble is a foot in their little imaginary spiritual paradise at headquarters and in the DO's and CO's dom. You can't keep yelling the sky is falling like chichen little did over and over again and expect people to take you seriously forever. I'm sure their are many doubting DOs and CO as we speak.

  • Vidiot

    I hate to be the negative Nancy here, but even money says this guy ain't gonna last long if he keeps that shit up...

    Just sayin'.

  • kneehighmiah

    Ok I'm in the bathroom posting this.

    The D.O. just said during the talk "For those visiting what Im about to say in this talk I cannot back up or explain, so ask your teacher." Wow.

    I hope this didn't blow the cover of him or I. Please delete it if it's too revealing.

  • bigmac

    Many top level guys are very intelligent.

    yeah ? doing a crazy job for almost no wages---?

    i cant see how any very intelligent person can stay long at the top in dubsville.

  • Phizzy

    I kind of agree Bigmac, depends what you mean by intelligence I suppose. The D.O's and C.O's I met mostly seemed nice blokes, but nearly all had in common that they had spent all, or most, of their life in the W.T Bubble.

    Hence they were "Captives of a Concept" and all seemed to err on the side of being Company Men first, and something akin to a christian second at best.

    Looking back, with the benefit of present knowledge, I would say none of them had any real Bible knowledge, it was all filtered through the prism of W.T "knowledge".

    One guy I remember, the D.O Anthony Kendall, used to try to show off his knowledge of Greek words, he had obviously got hold of a "Vines Expository" or somesuch, he used to waffle on about the basic meanings of these words to no real effect, in a boring monotone, 99% of the audience zoned out.

    I should imagine that most of the "top guys" are very aware that any workings of the Holy Spirit, at all levels of the W.T, are notable by their absence, and that fact must give them pause for thought, but very few are even closet Apostates I'm afraid.

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