Letter: 30 hour quota to be extended to additional months

by 88JM 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • 88JM

    Read out at the service meeting this week.


    January 21, 2013


    Re: Thirty-hour quota for auxiliary pioneering

    Dear Brothers:

    We are pleased to inform you that the arrangement for an optional 30-hour quota for auxiliary pioneering during the month of the Memorial is being expanded. Beginning March 2013, this arrangement will be available during March and April of every year. It will also be available during the months that a regular visit of the circuit overseer is scheduled at a congregation. If the circuit overseer's visit (Tuesday through Sunday) includes days from two months, the auxiliary pioneer may decide which month he would like to have the 30-hour quota. Additionally, beginning March 2013, any publisher who auxiliary pioneers during a month in which the circuit overseer visits the congregation may attend the circuit overseer's meeting with the pioneers in its entirety.

    This letter will be posted on the information board for one month. Thereafter, the elders will be pleased to refer to this letter to answer any questions you may have.

    We send our warm Christian love.

    Your brothers,
    Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses

    PS to body of elders:

    The above portion of this letter should be read to the congregation during the Service Meeting the week of February 11, 2013, at the beginning of the part "Will You Auxiliary Pioneer?" Although this postscript along with the rest of the letter will be posted on the information board, the postscript should not be read to the congregation. The letter should be retained in the congregation permanent file of policy letters. You may wish to update Index to Letters for Bodies of Elders (S-22) at this time as well.

    Besides months of March and April, an adjusted hour quota may only be applied to the circuit overseer's regular visit to a congregation, not to a visit in conjunction with a circuit event or other circumstance. Even if the last day of an auxiliary pioneer's service falls on the first evening of the circuit overseer's visit, the auxiliary pioneer may choose a 30-hour quota for that month and may attend the circuit overseer's meeting with the pioneers in its entirety.

  • Gopher

    I am old enough to remember when auxiliary pioneering was called vacation pioneering, and required 75 hours per month (as opposed to the 100 hours the regular pioneers were expected to perform).

  • 88JM

    So in theory, a JW could now do 30-hours aux. pioneering for up to 4 months of the year, if the circuit overseeers 2 yearly visits occured outwith March or April.

    The pressure to do your "dirty thirty" is going to be even more for those still in.

    This is the case in the congregation here where the visit is in May - people were already talking about signing up for all three months in a row. There was a strange kind of hysteria after that horrible service meeting - those two items tonight were a deadly combination. The first item guilting you into not "slaving for riches" and not "storing up treasures on the earth" with the following item hounding JWs to aux. pioneer - all just to make people feel guilty for not doing it.

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    I am old enough to remember when auxiliary pioneering was called vacation pioneering, and required 75 hours per month (as opposed to the 100 hours the regular pioneers were expected to perform).

    When I did it in the early 1960's we had to do 90 hours.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    only a matter of time before it becomes 30 hours for aux pioneer every month. They need to brag that pioneer numbers are growing

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    This is pretty old news.

  • pontoon

    But remember, you are not a representitive, employed, or scanctioned by the WBTSNY, Christ.... of JW"s, WBTSPenn or any one of our hundreds of corporations

  • justmom

    Wow so it only takes 30 hours to be among the elite class in the k hall now. Standards along with everything else is going ooh SO LOW...

    So I guess they figure that's 30 less hours in a month that folks will spend on apostate sites LOL

    Just a thought


  • steve2

    This seemingly 'generous' gesture has the faint whiff of vainly rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Even with all the pumping up of the importance of the role and the 'wonderfully' extended downsizing of the hours over consecutive months, the results - in terms of any increases in peak publishers, bible studies, memorial attendances and baptisms - are more often than not deeply unspectacular.

    Slave on you lovely but gullible witnesses. On day you may realize the public vanity of it all.

  • OnTheWayOut

    It's still 30 hours too much.

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