Did you ever TURN SOMEONE IN?

by Sassy 40 Replies latest members private

  • Sassy

    When you were sincerely an active JW, did you ever come into a situation where you either witnessed wrong doing, or was confided in by a friend about something they did that you felt the need to either force them to turn themself in, or you turned them in yourself?

    If so, how did you feel? Where there hurt feelings/relationships hurt temporarily? or even for good?

    OR.. was the shoe on the other foot.. where you did something wrong and YOU were forced to turn yourself in.. or YOUR FRIEND would.. ?? How did you feel about that person?

  • blondie

    I encouraged my mother to "turn herself in." She needed help (her drinking). She was going to rehab. They didn't even meet with her and certainly never followed up with "spiritual" assistance. I never went to the elders for help again.


  • Englishman

    I once turned myself in for loving my neighbour.


  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    My ex-wife turned her parents in for beating the crap out of each other at home.... she feared that one would end up dead.

    the elders removed my Father-in-law from his elder position and told them to have more bible studies together and pray at meals.....

    my ex- nearly killed herself when her parents turned on her for airing the family dirty robes...

    she felt so betrayed and let down that she mentally withdrew....but found that guilt was so severe that she continued through the motions for years, even as a pioneer, nearly killing herself due to illness to make her hours.

    such is the mental illness that can come from such mind manipulations.

  • 95stormfront

    When I was first baptised and got in a heated argument with the wife, the very first thing she said was let's see what the elders think. When they came over the conversation went a little something like this....

    Are you paying personally to Jehovah and asking his help by name? No? Then that's what you need to do.

    Are you going out in feild service regularly? No? Then that's what you need to do.

    Are you making and participating in all the meetings? No? Then that's what you need to do.

    Are you availing yourself to all the Soceity's publications? No? Then that's what you need to do.

    None of this had anything to do with the issue me and the wife were engaged in.

    It was at that time that I started my slow march out the organization.

  • undercover

    I've never actually "turned someone in" but I have been a witness against the defendant in judicial meetings. I've been in 2 actual judicial meetings. One was a mess. Five elders instead of 3. The wrongdoer was a lying, conniving, scam artist. They deserved everything they got. There were so many "witnesses" there who saw some wrongdoing by the accused that the parking lot was as full for this meeting as it was for the regular meetings. Since we couldn't all go into together to "testify" we hung out in the parking lot and traded stories about the accused. I don't remember much about the other one. It was a pretty dull affair.

    I've been in several closed door meetings that were not official judicial meetings. I learned in those meetings that the elders are not the same people that you see elsewhere(well, some of them anyway). As a kid, I was afraid of elders. Back in those days, elders were more of a policeman than the more modern versions. It was the backroom meetings, though, as a young adult, that caused me to start distrusting certain elders. They displayed one personality in front of everyone and a completely different one behind closed doors, especially when they were trying to pin something on someone.

  • undercover
    Are you paying personally to Jehovah and asking his help by name? No? Then that's what you need to do.

    Are you going out in feild service regularly? No? Then that's what you need to do.

    Are you making and participating in all the meetings? No? Then that's what you need to do.

    Are you availing yourself to all the Soceity's publications? No? Then that's what you need to do.

    None of this had anything to do with the issue me and the wife were engaged in.

    Don't forget the family study. Admit to not being regular in that and all of your family's problems can be traced to that.

    I experienced something similar. When ever you have problems, be it marital, financial, at work, at school and you decide to seek help from the elders, you get this scenerio. Praying, meeting attendance, family study and field service are supposed to make everything just hunky-dory and if it doesn't, well at least you know you're doing the right thing and Jehovah will bless you in time. The lady on the psychic hotline has better advise than that.

  • Sassy

    Personally I have been in both situations.. Known about stuff going on.. i.e., in highschool the brother I had a crush started smoking pot. Everyone told him not to tell me (they all knew I was good and never would be a bad girl and try it).. because they all said I would "NARC" on him, I didn't. I was mad anyone thought I would turn anyone in. Then when some brother from another cong did, all the kids in the hall had to talk to the elders. We all knew what was going on by then. Then we got reprimanded for not telling. The brothers parents were especially mad that none of us kids told..

    Years ago, I confided in a friend about 'fooling' around alittle with a brother.. She promised not to tell and then a month or so down the road she asked HIM if we had done anything.. then he LIED and said NO... he was trying to get his MS position back and furious I had told anyone.. Then she called me angrier than hell that someone was lying. And she was damn well sure someone was going to the elders. Since he denied it all, she assumed I was lying so made me either turn myself in or she would. I said I'd deal with it. Then a month after that she called my elders and asked if I had told them anything. Nope, I hadn't. So now they were calling me for a judicial meeting regarding her aligations. They tried to get hold of the brother too, but he had given her a bogus cong. What a mess it was.. I got so stressed out that I tried to OD.. stupid.. but the pressure was too much between the two of them and the elders..

  • Sassy

    Did you feel like you needed to turn him in? or get him to turn himself in?

  • freedom96

    I never turned anyone in, and never did confess to anything.

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