They're turning up the heat

by Winston Smith :>D 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Well, after four elder meetings at 2 hours a pop, they sill want to get together with me. The last meeting I told them to give me scriptural backing that disproves that the 70 years ended when Babylon fell as spoken of at Jer 25: 10,11. I also asked for scriptures to prove why they insist on 607 rather than 587 as the fall of Jerusalem. They said they would do that and get back to me.

    I then get a voice message from Elder 'Salem Witch Hunt' saying that the elders want to get together with me again. I called back and left a voice message saying that I'm too busy for their bullshit to get together. I'd want them instead to put their scriptural answers down in writing for me to review at my own leisure.

    I recently was asked to get together in person by the same elder via email. I emailed him back saying that I can't meet together personally due to my schedule and that I prefer for him to put his answers in writing so that I can review them at my own leisure.

    *EDITED specific email content by Winston in case of roving eyes.*

    So that's where i'm at right now. My wife was having a hard time going to meetings and service and studying. Well, I had to work during this one meeting, and she went by herself to the meeting, and now she is all 'refreshed' and they want to get together with me.

    Jeezzz! I can't let her go to one meeting on her own without me having to start right were I began with her a month ago!
    Any thoughts or suggestions?
  • shotgun

    I've been thinking of you Bud wondering if you were swamped with work..etc

    What's that elder doing on the Internet..That spawn of Satan..he sounds like bad association for you my friend especially in your spiritually impoverished state of mind missing the banquet last night and all.

    I'm sure he will have no reply other than rely on Jah and accept the council of the GB..where else will you go?... I about Doctor Seuss his teachings make more sense.

    My elder has resurfaced as well with no anwers to my question of how the Gentile times could end before the last days and great tribulation when both Matt and Luke clearly show that would not be the correct order for the events to transpire. I gave him the too busy to talk well have to get together in a few me more time to prepeare my next stumper.

    I ordered the books you mentioned BTW

  • Gadget

    Hang in there budd.

  • rocketman

    My guess is that they are looking to get you into a situation where you might disassociate yourself, or they may df you. I'd be willing to bet they haven't done the research you asked. Even if they have, they likely view you as someone with apostate ideas.

  • happyout

    I have to agree with Rocketman, I think they are trying to manuever you into a situation where they will find "cause" to disfellowship you. I think such action would be terribly detrimental to your wife's well being, but since when is that their priority? I would do all I could to avoid meeting with them.

    Good luck, you're a very strong man.


  • minimus

    Go to the meeting with her til she gets strong enough to see the bull of it all. Look at it as an investment. If there's no chance that she will change, I'd ignore the elders' requests.

  • mustang

    Tell 'em you've enrolled for LAW SCHOOL; @ NIGHT TIME


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Hi All,

    Thx for the replys.

    My guess is that they're are looking to build a case for DF or DA also. I ahve been going to all of the meetings with her when she went. She even thanked me for not discouraging her from going. But I missed this one meeting, and now I gotta make-up ground again. Minimus, I guess you should know since you are getting your wife out successfully.

    I have been planning three different plans of attack in my head RE these meetings:

    1. delay, delay, delay. i'm too busy

    2. Go on their terms to their interogation and secretly record the whole meeting. Get them to say that they will DF me for not admitting the WTS is the F&DS and that they will encourage my wife to get legal seperation or divorce if I don't fall in line. Then at the end of the meeting, lie like hell and say i believe the whole ball of wax and ask for forgiveness to buy time and get them off my ass

    3. go to the meeting, but whip out the recorder at the begining of the meeting and see what happens.

    I'm leaning towards #2 only because right now my wife & I are getting along great, and she is still having a hard time with keeping on the WTS treadmill. I have not told what they have been saying to me at these last two meetings. If she hears for herself, I'm hoping that she will at least start to Q the all out authroity that the WTS yields over our lives.

    What say you?

    Shotgun, ya, I'm really busy w/work right now. Glad you ordered the books, you'll enjoy them.

    They are the best GonG action I've ever seen

  • mustang

    I favor #1, with a lot of hemming, hawing, head-nodding and blank smiles thrown in. Don't say anything: CONFUSE THEM!!!

    Then get BUSY AS HELL @ anything. Try to get your wife interested in something that WILL BE TIME CONSUMING & that YOU CAN DO TOGETHER. All the while go very NEUTRAL and away from the subject.

    I did something similar, except that I was single, never went confrontational and moved completely across country.

    An outbreak of MATERIALISM sounds about right, here...


  • willyloman


    You are playing cards with a deck that is stacked against you; these guys own the cards, they deal, and they make the rules. You are playing with fire and if you imagine you can outsmart these guys with a tape recorder, you've got another think coming.

    You must bring this series of meetings with the elders to a halt in the "softest" way possible. If this means becoming an award-winning actor, do it. Recording the next session and playing it back to them, or your wife, will NOT have the breakthrough impact you are hoping for. Elders know if someone whips out a tape recorder, the machine has "apostate" written all over it. Don't go there.

    Your being DF'd (or DA'ing yourself) will have sad consequences with respect to your relationship with your wife; it sounds like she's coming around, so work with her. She's wasn't "refreshed" by going to a meeting; that's just the guilt rolling off her back. Be very careful. There are vipers in these woods.

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