"New system" questions

by JustTickledPink 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • JustTickledPink

    Do you remember all the hype about the "paradise" and then the natural questions that followed that no one has answers to... like,

    "Will we have cars in the new system?" - uh, well Jehovah will provide us with whatever we need. (God didn't make cars, people do, are we going to be able to build cars???? Uh, there will be NO MORE SICKNESS! (great diversion, but back to cars...)

    "Will there be science and technology in the new system? Will we have TV's and microwaves?" - Uh, well Jehovah will provide us with whatever we need. (nice blanket answer for every question)

    "Will we have birth control in the new system?" - Uh, God said to be fruitful and multiply and we will have the fill the earth with all his people, so Jehovah will provide us with whatever we need that fulfills his original plan. (If the plan failed once, maybe a re-design of the plan would be in order, but don't question things)

    But seriously, this "new system" is starting to sound like the old system, as in Amish country... no TV's, no entertainers, maybe no cars?? No birth control... we have to clean up an entire planet that basically faced the largest war where god obliterates everything "worldly" and we're left with the clean up... and then we have to fill the earth, which means that we LIVE FOREVER and continue to be pregnant and have babies FOREVER, I mean a girl doesn't even catch a break and go through menopause????

    What were your questions?

  • Sunspot

    One of MY biggest concerns was that I was born and raised in another state and that's where my G'parents, etc (nonJWs) were buried. I wondered too, if we had no cars-how would I get back to see my newly-resurrected family? Of course, I was under that same-old, same-old as you said, that Jehovah would "take care of it", but it still bothered me.



  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I still don't believe the crap about the ones being resurrected not being able to marry, while others that made it through will be.

    It's just crazy!!!


  • Fleur

    I know that my grandmother was deeply troubled by the 'resurrected will not marry' bit. She waited faithfully for my grandfather, never took off her rings till she died, and I know that bothers my mom too. I used to tell Grandma that if Jah was going to grant the desires of your heart, that surely she and he would be together because that was all they wanted.

    Me, the thing that really got me doubting/wondering was when they said the lives of my miscarried babies didn't matter to God to have any future life. I used to wonder if I would get to raise parentless babies to make up for it.

    Glad I don't have to worry about trying to justify and explain any of their nonsense to myself anymore. What a circus.


  • Bubbamar

    Good questions! My question is - Are all humans and animals going to be vegetarian? That would be the only reason the people, lamb and the lion would hang out together. If so, what about the food chain system? Oh yeah, I almost forgot...Jeboobah will take care of it. Where will all the dead babies be resurrected. How will the parents be able to tell which is their child? Who will care for all the children who have no parents? If all the animals are magically vegatarian, then the birds won't want to eat all those millions of dead corpses. What will happen to the corpses? If Satan is released for 1000 years to again mislead people - then won't it be possible for people to turn bad and kill people again? Then, if there will be no tears and no dying - will our bodies be like in the horror movies - you can stab me in the heart and I just keep walking around, eating fruit? Or will we die and be instantly resurrected again? Will there NEVER be any mistakes - like falling off a cliff? or a boat sinking in the ocean? At least when the boat sinks the sharks won't eat you...they're vegetarian too! What happens when the sun burns out? Oh yeah - god will take care of it. THese are just a few of my questions. Its totally illogical. But in a world with no logic it makes perfect sense.

  • M.J.

    How will 6 million JWs rebuild the earth into a beautiful paradise with beautiful homes, etc., for billions of resurrected people to inhabit without all the powered machinery, utilities, fabricated building materials etc. of this system?

    How will the huge mass of destroyed buildings, debris, etc, be cleaned up?

    How can the JWs enjoy the new living conditions if they have to continue working to build homes and paradise conditions for the billions of people who will be resurrected? While at the same time teaching these billions of resurrected people how to be in conformance with Jehovah's will?

    Millions of dead JWs will be resurrected with outdated beliefs, so how can the Witnesses on the new earth be united in their beliefs?

    How will witnesses who survive Armageddon pay for their personal sins in this life, since they will never die?

  • JustTickledPink

    hahahaa... About the resurrected people, they will all be coming up out of their graves and walking around. Yeah, that sounds more like a nightmare than paradise to me.

    What about the faithful person who loses their mate and the mate dies, and they remarry... he/she gets resurrected but they can't ever be together ??? That doesn't make sense either.

  • shamus

    What are we going to do all day?

    Pick fruit and garden????

    And have sex that we won't actually enjoy, because it will be for the purpose of pro-creating????

    Pet rattlesnakes and play with rhino's?

    Sounds like a complete drag to me. In the meantime, I'll just pick out neighbours houses in field service (tm) to get dibs on when they get killed at armageddon.

  • mkr32208

    When they said "no recreational sex" I was kinda out from there... I'm going to be surronded by perfect naked females and no sex? Then they said maybe we'll fill this planet and populate the universe! Where in the bible do you see that?

  • JustTickledPink

    I remember that theory, that maybe we'd move to other planets and be fruitly and multiply the whole universe.

    Gawd, and we think that wacko jacko is nuts.

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