Our Kids Feel Like Freaks

by Shakita 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shakita

    I was reading the February 15, 2003 Wt which had an article on page 23 entitled "Do Not Leave Your Child's Heart To Chance." On page 26 under the subheading "Even From Within the Congregation." The Wt overlords say: "Although your teenage child appears to be in good spiritual health, inside he may be struggling with a divided heart. For instance, Megan faced worldly ideas stemming from other youths who came to the Kingdom Hall:

    "I came under influence of a group of young ones who saw Christianity as boring and as an obstacle to having fun. They said things like: 'The minute I am 18, I will leave the truth,' or 'I can't wait to get out.' They shunned young ones who said anything to the contrary, calling them holy ones.' "

    I personally don't feel it's right to mock others, but there is a good reason why so many youths are leaving the Watchtower.(not the truth) Nor do I feel that teenagers should have carte blanche to do whatever they want, but all the kids want is to have a normal life.

    Think of what it must be like to be a Witness in school. You are not allowed to salute the flag. You can't celebrate Halloween. You can't celebrate Thanksgiving. You can't celebrate Christmas. You can't celebrate Birthdays. The JW kids have few friends because all their schoolmates are viewed as worldly. Our children end up feeling alone and isolated. They feel like freaks. Why should our children be martyrs at the expense of their well being and at the expense of their happiness.

    Hey Watchtower. This is what it is all about. The kids that you put down only want to lead a normal life and not feel like freaks. Having the desire to leave you Watchtower, does not make these kids evil. They couldn't help being born into this religion. They had no choice. So, why should they feel that they are rejects because they don't want to be part of a religion that was forced on them.

    I remember how bad I felt that my kids were going through these things at school, but I thought the end would come and relieve all of our suffering. Year after year I waited and the end never came. In the meantime, my children were robbed of the normal childhood that they should have had. I know that they felt like freaks and outcasts. Knowing that I believed you Watchtower and enforced your beliefs, thus causing my children unnecessary pain, cuts very deep. You no longer have a hold on me Watchtower. My remaining children are going to live a normal childhood, free from Watchtower machinations.

    I would like to hear from those of you that grew up in JW land. How did you cope in school? What got you through your Watchtower indoctrination? How are you doing now that you're free from the borg? Are you still resentful over a lost childhood? I offer my deep and heartfelt apology to my children for the way you were raised. I hope that anyone lurking that may be heading into a similar situation, pull yourself away from the Watchtower if you don't want a life full of regrets.

    Mr. Shakita

  • kaykay_mp

    right on!!

    i left the truth right after i turned 18. i joined the army at 21. then i went back to visit my family after a while. one of my uncles and his family are all inactive/disfellowshipped/disassociated. my aunt hit the nail right on the head when she said this, "i can't help but think of all the things they could have been had we not pushed 'the truth' on them. they had so much talent."

    yep my cousins are wasting their lives boozing/toking it up all because they didnt know what to do with themselves after they left the bOrg. i almost became that way until i got into the military. it really straightened my life out...well somewhat. my life didnt get straight until i had two kids out of wedlock, which i believe is enough to straighten anyone out.

  • Mary

    Think of what it must be like to be a Witness in school. You are not allowed to salute the flag. You can't celebrate Halloween. You can't celebrate Thanksgiving. You can't celebrate Christmas. You can't celebrate Birthdays. The JW kids have few friends because all their schoolmates are viewed as worldly.

    Oh man does that bring back memories. Not only was I a Witness, but I was overweight through most of school too. As we all know, kids can be cruel and I was tormented for being chubby AND for being a Witness. The more I was teased about beinga a JW, the more I ate for comfort. Needless to say, by grade 3 I lost any self esteem I might have had and by Grade 11 I was just numb. I had no real friends. Even though I lost weight in my late teens after I left school and had men hitting on me left right and center, I couldn't cope with it because I still had no self esteem, thanks mostly to the religion. I'll never forget having to go to the gym and sit on a mat while my classmates all got to carve pumpkins, exchange Valentine cards and sing Christmas carolls..............gee, I wonder why I've never got married!!

  • Swan

    How did I cope? Not very well. I had perfect attendance in the fourth grade. Then in the fifth grade I began to get sick and missed about five months of the nine month school year. Sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth grade were not much better. I barely remember grade 10. 11 and 12 were skipped completely. The psychosomatic symptoms and depression caused by being a JW, being abused, and a medical condition that went undiagnosed until adulthood were very real and very debilitating. I received tutoring from the school, but what I really needed was counseling and someone I could trust.


  • Valis

    Shaks...take heart...all we can do is make sure we don't make the same mistakes.

    How did you cope in school?

    I lied, snuck around, did what wanted, and then by my senior year I left. What more could you ask for? My own place, (after a while on the couch circuit and the street) a kick ass job and all the partying of the rest of the teenagers...OH and no JWS!!!!!

    What got you through your Watchtower indoctrination?

    I always thought it was crap. I guess the easiest way for me to tollerate any of it was at least one good friend from an early age...the same good friend that left with me and I still hang out with.

    How are you doing now that you're free from the borg?

    Great personally, with little family interaction though..and a general ambivalence towards them...I also have to watch out for the proselytizing my children as well...they already tried once and had the blunt and very pissed son to deal with

    Are you still resentful over a lost childhood?

    I've asked mysel this question and I guess I try and make up for some of the things I didn't have and make sure my kids get to do things like sports, girl scouts, holidays, college, no forced religion, NO JWLAND, whatever it is they want to be I'm all for it.

    I hope the best for you and yours!


    District Overbeer

  • Nosferatu

    Here's a link to my story:

    That should be the link ;)

    Anyway, I left the WT when I was 18, and moved away from home when I was 19. I moved in with a very nice worldly chick who helped me deal with all the stress that I was going through at home. We got engaged, and moved into our own place. 2 years later she left me. I've had to move back home so I could get myself out of debt.

    I notice that a lot of teenagers who leave the WT go through something similar. Then they suddenly realize that the WT is a better way of life, and they return. NOT ME!!!

    I am quite upset that I missed out on Christmas, birthdays, etc, but there's no going back. It's hard to get into the habit of actually celebrating these things, and it's still awkward to me.

    You'd think that after that whole scene with my ex would get me extremely depressed, but it didn't. I'm now dating another very nice worldly girl who I have even more stuff in common with than my ex.

    Some of the positives that I've achieved since the WT were being in a hard rock band, and I've just recently joined another. I'm the lead singer, and I love it! I like hanging out at Karaoke bars, and meeting new people. I'm finishing up a course in college that goes along with my career in electronics.

    My goal right now is to pay off my debts, and buy myself a house. I hope to have kids one day, and enjoy Christmas, Birthdays, and all that good stuff that goes along with childhood.

    I've also learned a lot about self-improvement, and being able to continually improve myself without the help of the WT has made me an incredibly happy person. I love life, and the freedom that I now enjoy. I've never been happier, and I'll only get happier! Nobody's stopping me from achieving the things that I want in life.

    As I look back on my childhood and teen years, I must say I didn't really have one. I'm not going to take away all the goodness that all children should enjoy when I eventually have kids.

  • caligirl

    School was the worst experience of my life. Being a kid is hard enough without having to deal with all the crap that went along with being a witness. I had NO self esteem or confidence. No sense of self, and felt like an outcast everywhere I went, at times so severe that I did not feel comfortable even at home. The knowledge that my children will NEVER have to experience those stresses in addition to normal growing pains brings me great comfort. I watch how happy my son is when he talks about holidays or his birthday and it helps me to get over my bad memories of feeling left out and uncomfortable. I see his little vulnerabilities and am so grateful that he will never ever have the added burden of being forced to be different because I tell him he has to.

    Edited by - caligirl on 14 January 2003 18:52:59

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    wow, these stories hurt sooooo!!! much i think George bush should bomb the shit out of the wt instead of Iraq.. the wt is more hate full than osama bin ladin. and the wt has hurt, killed more than osama..... nuke the wt TODAY...JOHN

  • wednesday

    My HS years were not so bad, there were a lot of jw and i hung out with them after school and all. The bad times were the pep ralleys, we r such freaks. Grades 1-7 were awful. My mom would go down every year and inform them i was a jw and what i could not do and she was really hateful about it too. so then the teacher hated her and took it out on me. there were no jw in grade 1-7 and i had 1 friend that i can remember. And to top it off my fmaily was inactive during grades 1-7 and so we had little jw contact, but were stilll not allowed to do non jw stuff. I remember once in 1st grade i attended a BD party aginast my mothers wishes, boy was she mad. I reallly got punished. But i was spunky and fought back. This was befoer they beat me into submisssion, which they eventualy did.

  • Shakita

    Hi Kaykay,

    "i can't help but think of all the things they could have been had we not pushed 'the truth' on them. they had so much talent."

    These are my feelings exactly. I personally gave up a chance at a career to pursue the borg. Obviously that is common among the JW's since the anal retentive boys looked down on college for years. They take away our right to choose what we want in our lives. I'm just glad my children don't have to go through what my wife and I went through to try to live the JW lifestyle.

    Mr. Shakita

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