Any Active JW's here!

by isaias4u2nv 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    I'm not an active JW any more. Ever since I voiced my disapproval of the WTS protecting the pedophiles that molested a family member I have been regarded as a demonized apostate bastard from hell.


  • gumby

    Acadian.....check your PM


  • Trojan

    To AlmostAtheist: "Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys." (quote by: Emma Bull).

    If that answers your question...

    MidwichCuckoo: LOL even more!!! Nope, difficult thing to put on fake hair and sleep with the old men...

  • MidwichCuckoo
    MidwichCuckoo: LOL even more!!! Nope, difficult thing to put on fake hair and sleep with the old men

    Even WARMER? Oh - you're a (bald) rent boy at Bethel? Lol - just jesting.

  • Check_Your_Premises

    So trojan... give us something to substantiate what you are hinting about yourself.

    And if you are inside the tower, how did the tort of misrepresentation article go over?


  • sherrid

    Hello, i'm kinda new here; i've been out of the Organization for over 20 years, i was disfellowshipped at that time, and i made an EARNEST EFFORT, even submitted my letter for re-instatement. What is it going to take for THEM to forgive me, because i know Jehovah has..???????????????

  • wombat

    Hi Trojan.....Welcome to the site. You can make yourself welcome by teaching PMT - sorry - PMC how to spell easy words correctly whilst he has no trouble spelling big words. Erich had the same problem.

    Maybe give Sherred some advice too.

    Love to Defed...........Wombat.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    over 10 year fader here, although I can see things coming to a head in the very near future with my family.


  • Dimples

    Not an active JW here. I have been free from the organization for 6 years now.


  • mrsjones5
    What is it going to take for THEM to forgive me, because i know Jehovah has..???????????????

    If you know jehovah or God has forgiven you why do you need THEM to?

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