Porn in My Personal Space

by Robdar 46 Replies latest members adult

  • Robdar

    They wound up re-scheduling my court date yesterday and I came home early. When I went to get on the computer, my roomate, the one that I thought was trying to kill his girlfriend (see ) told me to watch out because there were some pornographic images on KaZaA that he hadn't erased yet and he didn't want me to be shocked. He had thought that I had gone to work and wouldn't be home for hours.

    This did not settle well with me because I had asked him not to be downloading anymore porn or pictures of Hitler on my computer and he is ignoring my request--after he had agreed to abide by my wishes. When I restated to him that I didn't want to open my computer only to find yawning vaginas, he called me "BIBLE BELT"!! Oh my god, you have no idea how much this pissed me off. He then went on to tell me that he had thought that I was pretty liberal but now he was starting to think differently.

    I came unglued on his ass. I told him to stop attacking me, face the issue, or he would be surprised at just how fast I would kick his ass out of here. I explained to him, one more time, that I don't care what he has in his room or what he does there. I just don't want his porn in my space. The computer is mine and I let him use it. This is a public space. If he doesn't like it, he is welcome to go buy his own computer and pay for a second line to be installed.

    He says I am being silly, conservative and uptight. I do not agree with him. I have posed nude for art classes and have no problem with the human body being depicted in an art form. I just don't want to see porn. And I worried that he may be playing with himself in my study, in my chair. Also, I have a huge bay window. This would be, in my opinion, a scandal that would rock my neighborhood.

    When I told him that I would kick his ass out, he then told me that he has certain rights since he lives here and pays rent. That I can't just tell him to get out. Now then, he may be right, but I am willing to take my chances if it comes down to legal action on his part.

    I am seriously thinking of giving him notice. Am I being overly sensitive here? Any comments are appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Robyn Your space your computer. You have every right to ask him (demand) no porn on your computer.

    He pays for a room not computer rights That sounds like a privilege and he has abused it. Stick to your guns.

    Does he have a lease? If so you will have to respect that but you can give him notice. If he pays per month you have the right in most places to provide notice to move.

    Sounds like he is willing to put you down if you don't let him spread his crap everywhere.

  • Jourles

    Sounds like I would have already locked up my computer with a password.

  • Brummie

    Anyone that thinks they have more rights than me in MY home and MY space is a nut. Let him spout his "rights" off to a court if he doesnt respect your rights. You'd win hands down.


  • teenyuck

    Hi Robyn!!

    I agree with everyone....your computer, you call the shots. Your apartment, your lease, you call the shots.

    As long as he is not listed on the lease, you should have no trouble asking him to leave. Especially if you give him a reasonable amount of time to find a space.

    I would lock up your comp. Who knows what type of porn he downloaded? And what is he doing with it after he downloads it if he does not have a computer?

  • Angharad

    You'd already set the ground rules before this and he has gone against your wishes. Ignore his petty childish insults and stand your ground - its your home and PC.

  • gumby
    When I told him that I would kick his ass out, he then told me that he has certain rights since he lives here and pays rent

    Tell him this......Gumby, Big Tex, Thunder Rider, and Ashitaka, are getting on a plane to come over there and kick his ass! Tell him all 4 of these mean bastards are over 6 ft. and that they are crazier than a peach orchard boar!


  • Robdar

    I am off to work and am outta time to answer these great posts. I'll catch ya later. Thanks!


  • teejay


    Your roommate sounds like a selfish, inconsiderate jerk. Next you'll come home early and find him traipsing around in your underwear. When you come unglued, he'll say you're an uptight Bible thumper. In lieu of throwing the bum out, put a password on your pc.

    p.s. Just curious, but what's it like having a roommate of the opposite sex?

  • Francois

    'Pends on what state you're in. You'd be surprised what the leftists have done to your property rights. Renters have a helluva lot more rights than you think they have.

    In one state, your tennant can stop paying you rent, you can then go to a justice of the peace for a dispossessory warrant, the renter can then go to the Superior Court in your county and ask for a dispossessory hearing with a jury. Do you know how long it takes to get a jury in most counties in this country - jambed up as they are with criminal cases? MONTHS. The courts will handle all the criminal cases first and then they'll get to your little ol' renter's dispute. It could take 6, 8 months, maybe a year to get your case heard and meantime you're getting no rent.

    You like this situation? Keep voting democrat.

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