Posted rumors require proof to be believed

by Lady Lee 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I was just reading a post that could be just a rumor. But it could have some truth in it too.

    We know too well that the WTS brands us as liars. And it would be so easy to fall into the trap of making all kinds of accusations without any proof. Even with proof, the WTS will say it is all lies but it might open someone's eyes if they can follow the leads and get to the same point as any researcher here did. .

    We have some amazing researchers on this board. Given a piece of information they can at least know which lead to follow. This is what happened with the UN scandal that eventually led to the WTS withdrawing and doing damage control.

    So YES please provide proof. If it is too dangerous to provide proof (because it might identify you to the WTS spies) then PM the info to sf and they can post the info. And they can leave your name out of it.

    And this applies to every rumor, suggestion, or direct anyone regarding things you have heard. They don't need to be all sent to sf (wouldn't want to drown one person with all the info). Info can be sent by PM to any of the mods or any of the posters on the board that have done so much to uncover the real truth. (the mods can pass the info on to the researchers if need be).

  • oldflame

    Lady Lee,

    Is this is in response to my thread ? If so I will say I will not say who told me this as it would be against their privacy. I was not making a complaint but rather a concern for the women here especially the single ones. I do not believe however that making a complaint on this board does any justice.

    It seems there are two sets of rules here, one for the posters and another for the administrator. That to me is no different than the society and christians, or for our law officials. The reason I say this is because I had made a thread awhile back and it was deleted completely but yet some think it is ok if they mention it here. This is being double standard, and that is an old JW trick.

    I will however for now on keep my concerns to myself here and not share them with others anymore.

  • jgnat

    Oldflame, I doubt Lady Lee is talking about your concerns. There are board issues that go on and on and in and out. That's another issue and another thread.

    Lady Lee, I understand what you are talking about. slimboyfat in particular, enjoys posting unfounded rumors. It is true that the internet is full of good information, questionable information, and untruths. It is also true that there is some fun in posting faleshoods for the entertainment value. The "Are Cats for true Christians" myth, for example.

    JWD in particular though, has had a very good run at uncovering the truth about the TRUTH, which is one of it's attractive features. I, too, would like to see that reputation maintained.

    Me, I have an allergic reaction to urban legends, and immediately check any outrageous stories on .

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    No it had absolutely nothing to do with your thread. I even had to stop and check to see what you were talking about.

    I am referring to rumors about the WTS and thier need to hide their secrets.

    After checking your thread the only thing I can say is that in the past we have had similar situations and some people got very hurt. As anywhere on the internet we need to be cautious. People can and have misrepresented themselves.

    Giving out personal info on the internet can be dangerous. If you decide to meet with someone caution is always wise.

  • oldflame

    Lady Lee,

    All I can say is thank you, you know as well as I do that the interenet is being used everyday for sexual perverts to gain victims and thats all I was concerned about. It happens everywhere all the time and can even happen right here at JWD.

  • Simon

    Old Flame.

    Provide me with proof or evidence via PM immediately and stop making claims that sexual perverts are using this site. If you continue to do this and provide no evidence then I will delete you.

    We've been through nonsense like this before and every time it has turned out to be someone trying to ruin a reputation with rumour and lies.

    - Simon

  • oldflame

    I never once said the sexual predators were using this site, what I said is that it is possible because the internet is used for that purpose. I will not disclose this persons name until I get permission first.

    If you want to delete me Simon then that is your perogative, it is not going to hurt me or make me sick to my stomach. I have a life and it is not here. I can live just fine without JWD. If you think that my concern is meaningless then that is fine.

    Do you honestly think that this board is protected by sexuall predators ? I'm sorry but they can gain access to this site just as easy as any chat room.

  • gumby
  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Hello Can we get back on topic please?

  • Simon
    I never once said the sexual predators were using this site

    Yes, you did. That was the unmistakable implication you portrayed.

    I will not disclose this persons name until I get permission first

    Why? Why do you need permission to tell ME if someone is being abusive on THIS site?

    Do you honestly think that this board is protected by sexuall predators ? I'm sorry but they can gain access to this site just as easy as any chat room.

    Because anyone behaving in such a way is dealt with swiftly and the authorities notified if appropriate. Right now, YOU are the only one 'protecting' them, that is if they exist of course.

    Final chance: PM me the details or I will go through your PMs myself and if I find you have been talking bullshit then I will tell everyone.

    If this is something that has happened off-forum between people then it is nothing to do with this site at all and I think your alarmist warnngs can be removed.

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