Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-27-05 WT Study (Humility)

by blondie 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-27-05 WT Study (October 15, 2005 issue) Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxesw = Watchtower
    g = Awake


    "The humble people you will save."-2 SAMUEL 22:28.

    Opening Comments

    Before reading this article and/or comments think of those who hold "authority" in the WTS: fathers, husbands, elders, COs, DOs, GB and their assistants. How many have or are 'leaving a record of being genuinely humble"?

    The Bible depicts Jesus as washing the feet of the apostles because none of them took the initiative. Do you know people that would wash your feet? Whose feet would you wash? Personally, I have only known one elder that would have performed such a personal service.

    To the WTS, humility means doing what they say without question. It is not the practical and kind deeds helping others. Humility is not submitting to authority. It is giving to others what they cannot give to themselves.

    *** w95 6/1 p. 28 Godly Obedience in a Religiously Divided Family ***

    Constantly supplicate him for patience, self-control, and humility to obey the authority in your life.

    *** w94 6/15 p. 29 Looking With Appreciation Upon the "House of God" ***

    Bethel family members in France with experience going back many years comment as follows: "Love for Jehovah. Having the determination to persevere wherever he places us; humility, submission, and obedience to the direction given us by the Society."

    *** w91 7/15 p. 29 Why Be Clothed With Humility? ***

    Humility leads God's people to appreciate his organization and to stay with it as integrity keepers. (Compare John 6:66-69.)


    THE pyramids of Egypt bear testimony to men who once ruled that land. Others who
    left their mark on history were Sennacherib of Assyria, Alexander the Great of
    Greece, and Julius Caesar of Rome. All such rulers had one thing in common. They
    did not leave a record of being genuinely humble.-Matthew 20:25, 26.

    Pharoahs of Egypt (first world power)
    Sennacherib of Assyria (second world power)
    [Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon--third world power]
    [Cyrus of Media-Persia--fourth world power]
    Alexander the Great of Greece (fifth world power)
    Julius Caesar of Rome (sixth world power)
    [Britain/US (seventh world power)]
    [UN (eighth king/world power)]

    Revelation Climax book (1988) chap. 35 p. 252 Executing Babylon the Great

    The Succession of Seven World Powers

    w74 10/1 p. 606 Questions from Readers

    Why do the Watch Tower publications refer to only seven world powers, when there were obviously other powerful empires down through the centuries?-U.S.A.
    They must be great empires that had direct dealings either with God's ancient covenant people or his new nation of spiritual Israel, composed of loyal disciples of Jesus Christ. (Rom. 2:28, 29; Gal. 6:16) Before Babylon destroyed Jerusalem and desolated the land of Judah, two other great empires exercised considerable influence over the Israelites. The first, Egypt, enslaved them for many years, and the second, Assyria, destroyed the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel and also devastated numerous Judean cities. After Babylon, Persia ruled Judea until Greek rule supplanted that of Persia; and later Rome dominated the Jews.

    The WTS selects non-Jewish rulers/men they see in opposition to the Jewish nation rather than the emperors of China or the Incan rulers or the rajahs of India.

    2 Could you imagine any of the abovementioned rulers being in the habit of
    searching their realm to find lowly subjects in need of comfort? Of course not!
    Nor could you imagine that they would go to the humble dwellings of crushed
    citizens to uplift the spirits of such ones. How different their attitude to
    ward lowly human creatures is from that of the Supreme Ruler of the universe, Jehovah God!

    Were there non-Jewish rulers that were in the habit of searching their realm to find lowly subjects in need of comfort? Mahatma Gandhi? Mother Teresa?

    Go to the humble dwellings of crushed citizens

    How often have the elders visited your "humble dwelling" just to comfort, not to chastise?

    *** w96 3/15 p. 26 How Christian Shepherds Serve You ***

    Personal contact is therefore necessary if a trusting relationship is to exist between the shepherd and the sheep. The same is true in the Christian congregation. An elder noted: "Being known in the congregation as an elder who regularly visits the sheep makes it easier to call on one who has problems." Hence, spiritual shepherds should not try to feed and care for the sheep exclusively at the Kingdom Hall. As far as circumstances allow, elders should get to know the sheep by making shepherding calls at their homes. One Christian recalls that when he was a newly appointed elder, the presiding overseer telephoned and asked him to visit and comfort a brother who had just lost his daughter in a dreadful road accident. The elder admits: "How awful I felt, since I had never called on the brother and did not even know where he lived! It was a relief when a mature elder offered to come with me." Yes, elders assist one another on shepherding calls.

    *** w92 7/1 pp. 16-17 Elders, Judge With Righteousness ***

    True, Paul warned against "oppressive wolves." But did he not reproach these for 'not treating the flock with tenderness'? (Acts 20:29) And while he implied that the faithful overseers should expel these "wolves," do his words not show that the elders should treat the other members of the flock "with tenderness"? When a sheep becomes spiritually weak and falls by the wayside, what does he or she need-beating or healing, punishing or shepherding? (James 5:14, 15) Therefore, elders should regularly schedule time for the shepherding work. This may bring the happy result of less time spent in time-consuming judicial cases involving Christians who have been overtaken by sin. Certainly, the elders' first concern should be to provide a source of relief and refreshment, thus promoting peace, tranquillity, and security among Jehovah's people.-Isaiah 32:1, 2.

    *** km 11/75 p. 3 Your Share in Field Service ***

    But how can elders take the lead in field activity without neglecting shepherding work? Some elders make appointments to work in field service with publishers who need encouragement and offer them counsel as they walk between doors, thereby combining the shepherding and house-to-house work very nicely.

    Do the elders "search" their "realm" to find those lowly in need of comfort? How many so-called shepherding calls do they make that aren't connect with judicial matters or counseling the rank and file that their behavior/attitude needs adjusting, that they are not attending enough meetings, spending enough time placing literature, etc. Do they elders know where you live? Is the time between doors appropriate for getting to know people????

    Blurb on page 26: Jesus was genuinely humble

    The Greatest Example of Humility

    3 Jehovah is unsearchably great and lofty, yet "his eyes are roving about
    through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is
    complete toward him." (2 Chronicles 16:9) And what does Jehovah do when he finds lowly worshippers who are crushed in spirit as a result of various trials? In a sense, he "is residing" with such ones by means of his holy spirit "to revive the spirit of the lowly ones and to revive the heart of the ones being crushed." (Isaiah 57:15) Thus, his revived worshippers are better able to resume serving him with
    rejoicing. What humility on God's part!

    What does Jehovah do--what does Jesus do (where's Jesus?)

    lowly worshippers--only JWs

    Crushed in spirit as a result of various trials--good counsel, rarely followed

    *** w95 11/15 p. 22 Would You Extinguish a Smoldering Wick? ***

    If a Christian 'takes some false step, those with spiritual qualifications should try to readjust such a person in a spirit of mildness.' (Galatians 6:1) However, would it be proper to look for flaws in others and seize every opportunity to correct them? Or would it be right to push them to do better by implying that their present efforts are inadequate, perhaps causing them to have guilt feelings? There is no evidence that Jesus did anything of that kind.
    While the giving of Scriptural counsel is important, it should not characterize the spirit of appointed elders or others in the congregation. Christian meetings are not held primarily to give and receive counsel. Rather, we meet together regularly to upbuild and encourage one another so that all can enjoy their association and their sacred service to God. (Romans 1:11, 12; Hebrews 10:24, 25) How good it is when we discern the difference between a serious flaw and an imperfection that it is wise and loving to overlook!-Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7; Colossians 3:13.
    Yet, what if a report was presented in such a way as to suggest, 'You are not as good as these Christians, and you ought to be doing much better than you are'? Is the listener likely to embark on an energetic program of improvement? It is probable that he will become discouraged and perhaps give up, especially if comparisons are often made or implied. This would be much like a parent asking his child, 'Why can't you be more like your brother?' Such a comment may cause resentment and discouragement, but it is unlikely to promote better behavior. Comparisons may have a similar effect on adults, even making them somewhat resentful toward those with whom they are being compared.

    in a means of his holy spirit

    resume serving him--serving WTS

    4 No one else in the universe has humbled himself to the same extent as the
    Sovereign Lord in order to help sinful humans. The psalmist could write:
    "Jehovah has become high above all the nations; his glory is above the heavens.
    Who is like Jehovah our God, him who is making his dwelling on high? He is
    condescending to look on heaven and earth, raising up the lowly one from the
    very dust; he exalts the poor one from the ashpit itself."-Psalm 113:4-7.

    Humbled himself--Where's Jesus?

    5 Note the word "condescending." When referring to humans, that word can have a
    bad connotation, `to assume an air of superiority to one inferior or less
    fortunate.' Such a haughty attitude could never describe Jehovah God, who is
    pure and holy and thus devoid of "haughtiness." (Mark 7:22, 23) But "condescend"
    can also carry the sense of coming down to the level of one socially lower or
    descending from one's rank or dignity in dealings with an inferior. Thus, some
    Bibles render Psalm 113:6 as saying that God humbles himself. How well that
    conveys the image of our humble God giving loving attention to the needs of his
    imperfect human worshippers!-2 Samuel 22:36.

    Condescending...could never describe...God--elders?

    Coming down...socially lower...rank...dealings with an inferior--elders? Glorious ones, mighty men, gifts in men, authority

    his..worshippers--only JWs

    Why Jesus Was Humble

    6 God's greatest act of humility and love was that of sending his beloved
    firstborn Son to be born on earth and raised as a human for the salvation of
    mankind. (John 3:16) Jesus taught us the truth about his heavenly Father and
    then gave up his perfect human life to take away "the sin of the world." (John
    1:29; 18:37) Perfectly reflecting his Father, including Jehovah's humility,
    Jesus was willing to do what God asked of him. That was the greatest example of
    humility and love ever set by one of God's creatures. Not all appreciated Jesus'
    humility, his enemies even considering him to be "the lowliest one of mankind."
    (Daniel 4:17) Nonetheless, the apostle Paul realized that his fellow believers
    should imitate Jesus and thus be humble in their dealings with one another. -1
    Corinthians 11: 1; Philippians 2:3, 4.

    God's greatest act--where's Jesus?

    Willing to do what God asked of him--not willing to do what his religious organization said was required

    imitate Jesus--How?

    7 Paul highlighted Jesus' outstanding example, writing: "Keep this mental
    attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus, who, although he was existing in
    God's form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal
    to God. No, but he emptied himself and took a slave's form and came to be in the
    likeness of men. More than that, when he found himself in fashion as a man, he
    humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture
    stake."-Philippians 2:5-8.

    Took a slave's form...likeness of men--do the elders consider themselves slaves? or overseers?

    *** w02 8/15 p. 14 "I Set the Pattern for You" ***

    While on earth, Jesus did not expect to be waited on and served.

    When was the last time an elder(s) said he was a slave to the publishers? A brother told me years ago that an elder had said from the platform that the elders were not to be elevated, that he was only a slave of the slaves. The elder was counseled by the other elders not to ever say that again. I guess the other elders missed this article.

    *** w89 9/15 pp. 16-17 Elders-Treat God's Flock With Tenderness! ***

    A Christian man who is 'reaching out for an office of overseer is desirous of a fine work.' (1 Timothy 3:1) When we consider this and Jesus' counsel just cited, these basic factors stand out: (1) Christian elders must not tyrannize over others; (2) those shouldering responsibility among Jesus' followers must be their slaves, not their masters; and (3) men reaching out for an overseer's office should look upon it as "a fine work," not as an exalted position. (Proverbs 25:27; 1 Corinthians 1:31) The term "elder" does not elevate any man above other worshipers of Jehovah. Rather, the congregation has reason to expect all elders to be spiritually mature, experienced, and humble men who take the lead in sacred service. Indeed, elders should view themselves as humble slaves of Jehovah God, Jesus Christ, and fellow Christians.-Romans 12:11; Galatians 5:13; Colossians 3:24.

    8 Some might wonder, `How did Jesus learn to be humble?' It was a marvelous
    benefit of his close association with his heavenly Father for aeons of time,
    during which he served as God's "master worker" in the creation of all things.
    (Proverbs 8:30) After the rebellion in Eden, God's Firstborn was in a position
    to note his Father's humble dealings with human sinners. Accordingly, when on
    earth, Jesus flected his Father's humility and made the appeal: "Take my yoke
    upon you and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you
    will find refreshment for your souls."-Matthew 11:29; John 14:9.

    learn to be humble--by example, what kind of example do you see in your congregation?

    Which elders would wash your feet as Jesus washed the feet of his disciples?

    Double Honor--Do the words match the actions in your congregation?

    *** w89 9/15 p. 22 Be Obedient to Those Taking the Lead ***

    Paul's words just quoted indicate that material help can rightly be given to those looking after the spiritual interests of others. However, this does not mean that elders should receive a salary, and "double honor" surely is not something exacted by an elder. It may come from the congregation's members spontaneously, but he must never use his assignment to gain power or material possessions. He should not seek his own glory or associate mainly with the more prosperous ones for material advantage and to the neglect of others.

    That's right the donations to the CO are "spontaneous" as the elders put an envelope on the table at the elders meeting at the circuit assembly.

    *** Choosing book chap. 9 pp. 144-145 Men Who Can Aid You to Succeed ***

    But such "double honor" should always come spontaneously from congregation members, never being sought by an elder or viewed as something he rightly expects or exacts from them. Prominence may come to an elder, perhaps because his circumstances leave him free to share more extensively in Kingdom activity than others, or because of certain outstanding abilities. There may easily arise a temptation to profit from his prominence, leading to his wanting, even hinting about, certain material things that others might be able to give him. This could perhaps lead to his associating mainly with more prosperous persons in the congregation, to the neglect of others. He may become desirous of praise but become cool, or even resentful, toward valid criticism or counsel.

    9 Because Jesus was genuinely humble, little children were not afraid of him.
    Rather, they felt drawn to him. He for his part showed fondness for children and
    gave attention to them. (Mark 10:1316) What was it about children that Jesus
    found so appealing? Certainly, they had desirable qualities that some of his
    adult disciples did not always display. It is a simple fact that little children
    view adults as being superior. You can see this by the many questions they ask.
    Yes, compared with many adults, children are more teachable and not as prone to
    pride. On one occasion, Jesus singled out a young child and said to His
    followers: "Unless you turn around and become as young children, you will by no
    means enter into the kingdom of the heavens." He continued: "Whoever will humble
    himself like this young child is the one that is the greatest in the kingdom of
    the heavens." (Matthew 18: 3, 4) Jesus stated the rule: "Everyone that exalts
    himself will be humbled and he that humbles himself will be exalted."-Luke 14:
    11; 18:14; Matthew 23:12.

    Felt drawn to him...showed fondness...gave attention--at the recent KM school the elders were counseled to be more approachable.


    Synopsis: Jesus told Peter to feed his little sheep, so elders should shepherd the flock. Elders should be sincerely concerned for flock, approachable. Learn to recognize spiritual condition of the sheep, and give them appropriate guidance. Definition of a shepherding call: "loving personal assistance & encouragement". Prepare well for the calls, and don't overstay your visit.

    Sir's analysis: Assuming the several congregations I have served in are typical, shepherding is the least liked & least done activity of the elders. This was a part to spur/guilt the elders into doing their jobs. Again, based on the items emphasized, it seems that many elders have the reputation of being harsh, unapproachable, only making shepherding calls when someone screws up, and then offer their own ideas rather than Society-approved directives.
    Egregious quotes: Among a series of "self examination" type questions: "Do others, even children, readily approach us?"
    Given the reputation the Society has earned, not sure that "children approaching elders" is the image they want to project.

    Little children view adults as superior--??????

    Teachable...not as prone to pride--and then they watch adults and that changes as they learn through example

    *** w97 6/1 p. 4 Why All the Secrecy? ***

    Not all secret groups are secret to the same degree. But those that have "secrets within secrets," as the Encyclopædia Britannica expresses it, pose a particular danger. It explains that "by the use of special names, ordeals or revelations," members of the top ranks manage to "set themselves apart," thereby stimulating "the lower ranks to the effort necessary to reach the exalted degrees." The danger inherent in such groups is obvious. Those in the lower echelons may be completely unaware of the real objectives of the organization, not having as yet progressed to that level of revelation. It is easy to become involved in a group whose goals and methods of achieving them are only partially recognized and, indeed, perhaps not even fully shared. But the person who has been initiated into such a group may later find it difficult to free himself; he is, as it were, bound by chains of secrecy.

    10 That truth raises important questions. Our prospect of gaining everlasting
    life is in part dependent on our cultivating genuine humility, but why do
    Christians sometimes find it difficult to be humble? Why is it a challenge for
    us to swallow our pride, so to speak, and react to trials with humility? And
    what will help us to succeed in cultivating genuine humility?-James 4:6, 10.

    CARROT: Our prospect of gaining everlasting life

    Christians--only JWs

    Swallow our pride--when was the last time an elder apologized to you let alone admitted making a mistake?

    *** w81 1/15 p. 19 It Pays to Swallow Your Pride ***

    Still another instance in which we may need to swallow our pride is to admit a mistake when we have made one. Nobody knows everything; nobody is perfect. So when we find that we really did not know what we were talking about, or made some mistake in judgment and so acted unwisely, the course of wisdom is to admit it to others who may be affected by it. This is especially important on the part of those having oversight, be they parents, supervisors or appointed elders in a congregation.-Compare James 3:1, 2.

    When has the WTS apologized for the 1975 fiasco, the organ transplant flipflop which cost people lives, the UN debacle?

    *** w80 3/15 pp. 17-18 Choosing the Best Way of Life ***

    In modern times such eagerness, commendable in itself, has led to attempts at setting dates for the desired liberation from the suffering and troubles that are the lot of persons throughout the earth. With the appearance of the book Life Everlasting-in Freedom of the Sons of God, and its comments as to how appropriate it would be for the millennial reign of Christ to parallel the seventh millennium of man's existence, considerable expectation was aroused regarding the year 1975. There were statements made then, and thereafter, stressing that this was only a possibility. Unfortunately, however, along with such cautionary information, there were other statements published that implied that such realization of hopes by that year was more of a probability than a mere possibility. It is to be regretted that these latter statements apparently overshadowed the cautionary ones and contributed to a buildup of the expectation already initiated.

    In its issue of July 15, 1976, The Watchtower, commenting on the inadvisability of setting our sights on a certain date, stated: "If anyone has been disappointed through not following this line of thought, he should now concentrate on adjusting his viewpoint, seeing that it was not the word of God that failed or deceived him and brought disappointment, but that his own understanding was based on wrong premises." In saying "anyone," The Watchtower included all disappointed ones of Jehovah's Witnesses, hence including persons having to do with the publication of the information that contributed to the buildup of hopes centered on that date.

    And it only took 4 years!!!!!!!!!!

    Any apologies on these?

    Organ transplant

    United Nations

    Blurb on page 28: The world encourages people to strive to be superior to others

    Why It Is Difficult to Be Humble

    11 If you have found yourself struggling to be humble, you are not alone. Back in
    1920, this journal discussed the Bible's counsel on the need for humility, com
    menting: "As we thus see how great a value the Lord places upon humility it
    should encourage all true disciples to cultivate this quality daily." Then came
    this frank admission: "Notwithstanding all these exhortations of the Scriptures
    the perversity of human nature seems to be such that those who become the Lord's
    people and who engage to run in this way seem to find more trouble, more to
    contend against, in this matter than in any other." That highlights one reason
    why true Christians have to struggle to be humble-our sinful human nature craves
    undue glory. This is because we are the descendants of a sinful couple, Adam and
    Eve, who gave in to selfish cravings.-Romans 5:12.

    Back in 1920, this journal--Why no month, day, page number, title of article?

    1920 or 7/1/00 WT page 205????

    Seeing that without this meekness none can enter into this Kingdom, we need not wonder that the Scriptures everywhere exhort the Lord's people to humility--"Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God [now] that he may exalt you in due time" in the Kingdom. Yet notwithstanding all these exhortations of the Scriptures the perversity of human nature seems to be such that those who become the Lord's people and who engage to run in his way seem to find more trouble, more to contend against, in this matter than in any other. And some who feel themselves to be little enough seem very anxious that others of the brethren shall esteem them very highly. Would to God that all of the Lord's dear people, and especially all who seem to be leaders, and who have some natural qualifications for leading, and helpfulness in the Church,

    Lord's people--only JWs

    True Christians--only JWs

    Adam and Eve--finally both get the blame.

    12 Another reason we may find it difficult to display humility is that we are
    surrounded by a world that encourages people to strive to be superior to others.
    Among this world's common goals is a craving for satisfying "the desire of the
    [sinful] flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means
    of life." (1 John 2:16) Rather than being dominated by such worldly desires,
    Jesus' disciples are to keep their eye simple and to focus on doing God's will.
    -Matthew 6:22-24, 3133; 1 John 2:17.

    Surrounded by a world that encourages people to strive to be superior to others--the WTS doesn't encourage members to feel "superior" to others when they label some "weak" and "immature" or encourage members to "mark" members as being bad association?

    *** w04 7/1 p. 17 'Teach Them to Observe All the Things I Have Commanded You' ***

    It saddens us, however, to notice that some of our fellow believers have grown spiritually weak

    *** w04 4/1 p. 13 Resist the Spirit of a Changing World ***

    Bad associations can involve anything or anyone-even within the congregation-reflecting the spirit of the world.

    Showy display of one's means of life

    When does it become a "showy display"? What is the limit on the price of a house or a car? Can JWs wear fur coats and diamond rings, Rolex watches? Can they go to Hawaii or Europe or content themselves to go the DC? Who decides? The WTS, the CO/DO, the elders, the elders wives, the rank and file?

    God's will as explained by the Bible or God's will as the WTS interprets it?

    *** w71 4/15 p. 230 The Bible-the Creator's Guide for Man ***

    Without the Bible we would not know the real purpose of a dedicated person's life: "Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man." (Eccl. 12:13) It makes clear that man is not a product of blind chance, but a creation of God, who has a loving purpose for mankind. And it explains what God's will is for us now and how we can find real satisfaction in life.-Rev. 4:11; 1 Tim. 2:3, 4; Ps. 16:11.

    *** w52 2/1 p. 79 Jehovah's Theocratic Organization Today ***

    Jehovah God deals with his people as a servant class. He does not feed each one individually nor does he appoint an individual over them. No individual student of God's Word reveals God's will or interprets His Word. (2 Pet. 1:20, 21) God interprets and teaches, through Christ the Chief Servant, who in turn uses the discreet slave as the visible channel, the visible theocratic organization.

    13 A third reason why cultivating and displaying humility is difficult is that
    the originator of haughtiness, Satan the Devil, rules this world. (2 Corinthians
    4:4; 1 Timothy 3:6) Satan promotes his wicked traits. For example, he sought
    worship from Jesus in exchange for giving him "all the kingdoms of the world and
    their glory." Ever humble, Jesus flatly rejected the Devil's offer. (Matthew
    4:8, 10) Likewise, Satan tempts Christians to seek glory for themselves.
    Instead, humble Christians strive to follow Jesus' example, directing praise and
    honor to God. -Mark 10:17, 18.

    Originator of haughtiness, Satan the Devil, rules this world

    He sought worship from Jesus

    Does Satan seek worship from all humans?

    *** w03 8/1 p. 9 Jehovah, the God of Truth ***

    Eventually, however, a spirit son of God brazenly set out to establish himself as a rival god, opposing Jehovah. This spirit creature, who became known as Satan the Devil, wanted others to worship him.

    *** Reasoning book p. 52 par. 4 Babylon the Great ***

    "Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light. It is therefore nothing great if his ministers also keep transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness. But their end shall be according to their works." (Thus Jehovah's chief adversary, Satan the Devil himself, is really being honored by all who do not worship the true God in the manner that He has appointed, even though they may claim to be Christians. See also 1 Corinthians 10:20.)

    *** w59 5/15 p. 318 Worship of the Devil ***

    These glimpses expose the filthy thinking and base mentality of the one who now is worshiped indirectly by most of mankind as their god, namely, Satan, the fool opposer of Jehovah God.

    *** g89 1/8 p. 5 Part 1: 4026-2370 B.C.E.-Religious Disunity-How It Began ***

    Thus man moved out from under theocratic rule and established his own standards as to good and evil. By their independent actions, Adam and Eve set mankind on a course that would result in many different religions, all of them constituting false worship in contrast with the true worship practiced by Jehovah's faithful witnesses down through history. Directly or indirectly, the beneficiary of that false worship has been the great Adversary, Satan. Thus, the apostle Paul was able to write: "The things which the nations sacrifice they sacrifice to demons, and not to God; and I do not want you to become sharers with the demons." He went on to show that there are only two forms of worship, saying: "You cannot be drinking the cup of Jehovah and the cup of demons; you cannot be partaking of 'the table of Jehovah' and the table of demons."-1 Corinthians 10:20, 21.

    Christians--only JWsHumble Christians--only JWs

    *** w96 2/15 p. 8 We Have Reason to Cry Out for Joy ***

    Yet, as true Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses have joy.

    *** w96 7/15 p. 23 What "Instinctively Wise" Creatures Can Teach Us ***

    Bearing in mind Jesus' illustrative words, true Christians stick closely to the flock of God and meekly accept counsel from Jehovah's organization

    Cultivating and Displaying Genuine Humility

    14 In his letter to the Colossians, the apostle Paul warned against the outward
    pretense of humility to impress men. Paul described this as "a mock humility."
    Those who make a mere pretense of being humble are not spiritual people. Rather,
    they betray that they are really "puffed up" with pride. (Colossians 2:18, 23)
    Jesus pointed to examples of such false humility. He condemned the Pharisees for
    their showy prayers and for the way they fasted with sad and disfigured faces to
    be observed by men. In contrast, for our private prayers to have value before
    God, they should be uttered humbly.-Matthew 6:5, 6, 16.

    Outward pretense of humility...mock humility...not spiritual people...pride
    Jesus...condemned the Pharisees

    Have you ever watched certain JWs when the CO comes? It is as if their personalities morph into the perfect Christian model. They're friendly and greet everyone, smile and walk around shaking hands talking to children and then afterwards....or the night of the Memorial...

    Showy prayers
    Fasted with sad and disfigured faces to be observed by men

    I know elders who averaged about 5 hours a month, rarely showing up to take their group out, but the month the CO came, they would auxiiliary pioneer making sure they spent time alone with the CO to promote their agenda. Thus if you think 5 hours times 10 months (50 hours) and 2 months of 50 hours (a lot invisible time, 100 hours) equals 150 hours divided by 12 equal 13 hours a month which is above the national average. Pretense/mock humility???

    Private prayers to have value--so if they're private, how does the WTS know they aren't humble????

    Remember the prayers at the end of the conventions what would be a review of a the days talks? As if God somehow hadn't heard them?

    Blurb on page 29: Humility helps us to approach strangers in our ministry

    15 Christians are helped to maintain genuine lowliness of mind by focusing on
    the best examples of humility, Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. Doing this involves
    a regular study of the Bible and Bible study aids provided through "the faithful
    and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45) Such a study is vital for Christian
    overseers, "that [their] heart may not exalt itself above [their] brothers."
    (Deuteronomy 17:19, 20; 1 Peter 5:1-3) Reflect on the numerous examples of ones
    who were blessed for their humble attitude, such as Ruth, Hannah, Elizabeth, and
    many others. (Ruth 1:16, 17; 1 Samuel 1:11, 20; Luke 1:41-43) Think, too, of the
    many fine examples of prominent men who remained humble in Jehovah's service,
    such as David, Josiah, John the Baptizer, and the apostle Paul. (2 Chronicles
    34:1, 2, 19, 26-28; Psalm 131:1; John 1:26, 27; 3:2630; Acts 21:20-26; 1
    Corinthians 15:9) And what about the many modern-day examples of humility that
    we find in the Christian congregation? By meditating on these examples, true
    Christians will be helped to have "lowliness of mind toward one another."-1
    Peter 5:5.

    Christians--only JWs

    Best examples--Jesus Christ, finally a mention.

    Study of the Bible and Bible study aids...FDS--Yes, the Bible cannot be understood without the FDS.

    *** w67 10/1 p. 587 Finding Freedom with Jehovah's Visible Organization ***

    As the canon of books of God's Word was expanded and the Christian Greek Scriptures were added to complete the Bible, each book was written directly to the Christian congregation or to a member of the Christian congregation in its behalf. Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible. For this reason the Bible cannot be properly understood without Jehovah's visible organization in mind.

    *** w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible-A Book Meant to Be Understood ***

    Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovah's channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.-John 6:68.

    Humble attitude--all women

    Yet prominent men??? Can there be prominent women?

    True Christians--only JWs

    16 Having a regular share in the Christian ministry can also help us to be
    humble. Lowliness of mind can make us effective when we approach strangers we
    find from house to house and in other places. This is especially true when
    householders initially respond to the Kingdom message with apathy or rudeness.
    Our beliefs are often challenged, and humility can help the Christian to keep
    answering questions "with a mild temper and deep respect." (1 Peter 3:15) Humble
    servants of God have moved to new territories and have helped people with
    different cultures and standards of living. Such ministers may humbly have to
    cope with the difficult task of learning a new language in order to be of better
    service to those with whom they want to share the good news. How commendable!
    -Matthew 28:19, 20.

    Regular share--interpretation: Every Saturday morning, every Sunday afternoon, and one weekday evening a week; 10 hours, the national average.

    How many remember that there was a minimum quota of 10 hours required for publishers?

    *** w61 6/1 p. 328 Your Time or Your Money? ***

    Each congregation has its hour quota and each Witness strives to meet or exceed it. The average minister in a congregation spends some ten hours monthly in such evangelizing.

    *** w61 6/15 p. 373 Progressing Toward Maturity ***

    Do you spend at least ten hours each month preaching and teaching the Bible truth to others? Can you imagine Paul being contented with less than ten hours a month even when he found it necessary to work full time making tents?

    *** w62 1/1 p. 20 Be Imitators of Christ and Show Your Courage ***

    Do you devote ten hours a month to this work of talking, or just two and a half hours a week, only twenty minutes a day? Think about it! That is not too much time for a Christian to spend, is it, in order to show he is an imitator of Christ?
    With 33,209 more witnesses of Jehovah reporting in 1961, there were only 1,032,856 additional hours spent in preaching the good news. Why? Had just these witnesses of Jehovah let their light shine twenty minutes a day, two and a half hours a week, ten hours each month, they could have spent 3,985,080 hours preaching the good news during the year. Throughout the world the average hours of the congregation publisher dropped, and the same can be said for the pioneers and special pioneers. Why?

    *** w62 3/1 p. 157 Prophesying with God's Loyal Organization ***

    Nor may we content ourselves with but one hour a month if we can devote ten hours to prophesying. Ten hours a month is only one hour every three days, and surely we can find that much time for prophesying

    17 With humility, many have fulfilled their Christian duties, putting the
    interests of others ahead of their own. For example, it takes humility for a
    Christian father to set aside time from his own pursuits to prepare and conduct
    an effective Bible study with his children. Humility also helps children to
    honor and be obedient to their parents, who are imperfect. (Ephesians 6:1-4)
    Wives who have unbelieving husbands often face humbling situations as they try
    to win over their mates by "chaste conduct together with deep respect." (1 Peter
    3:1, 2) Humility and self-sacrificing love are assets too when we lovingly care
    for the needs of sick and aging parents.-1 Timothy 5:4.

    Interests of others ahead of their own--interests of the WTS ahead of their own

    Christian father--only JW

    Effective Bible study--more than just reading the paragraphs and reading back the answer word for word from the paragraph, oh, that's how the WT study is conducted at the KH???

    Be obedient to your parents...imperfect--even if dear old dad is a pedophile

    Wives who have unbelieving husbands...humbling situations--like having the crap beat out of them but going back hoping they will convert to being JWs.

    *** w71 4/1 p. 209 The Christian Wife and Children in a Divided Household ***

    Illustrating that an unbelieving husband can be won to God's truth by the fine conduct of his wife is an experience in Hungary. An unbelieving husband treated his Christian wife cruelly, often beating her until she was unconscious. But she kept integrity to God, and always dealt with her husband patiently and with love, and this over a period of years. On one occasion she told her husband kindly but firmly: "Here I am and you can kill me, but even so I shall trust in Jehovah!" This man had a friendship with a local priest, who had full confidence in the husband because he was fighting against Jehovah's witnesses, not even sparing his own wife. One day the priest told this man that he should not even take a Bible into his hand. Shocked, the husband asked, "Well, is it a sin to read the Bible?" The priest replied that it was not but if he did, he might one day nourish beliefs the same as his wife. The man then admitted how loving and patient his wife was despite his hard dealings with her. He told the priest that if Bible reading produces such results, it seemed worth while to read God's Word. He began attending meetings of the Christian congregation with his wife and took up preaching the very truth he had formerly opposed.

    sick and aging parents

    What if not JWs? Also, don't think this is an excuse to be missing meetings. Or that it is a permanent situation.

    *** w04 5/15 p. 17 Caring for the Elderly-A Christian Responsibility/When His Parents Needed Help

    Philip was serving as a volunteer construction worker in Liberia in 1999 when he received news that his father was critically ill. Convinced that his mother would be unable to cope on her own, he decided to return home to organize medical care for his father.
    "It was not easy going back," recalls Philip, "but I felt that my first obligation was to my parents." Over the next three years, he moved his parents to a more suitable home and with the help of local fellow Christians adapted the dwelling to accommodate his father's special needs.
    Philip's mother is now better prepared to cope with his father's serious health problems. Recently, Philip was able to accept an invitation to work as a volunteer at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Macedonia.

    Do I hear the word "corban"?

    *** w98 8/1 p. 29 Highly Esteeming Privileges of Sacred Service ***

    Some congregations have been very helpful in caring for the aging parents of those in special full-time service. They especially appreciate those who have devoted many years to such service. While they cannot relieve them of their Scriptural responsibilities, these congregations do much to make the load light enough so that it may not be necessary for the children to leave their special assignments.

    Blurb on page 30: Differences can often be solved by our humbly covering over
    the matter in love

    Humility Solves Problems

    18 All of God's human servants are imperfect. (James 3:2) At times, differences
    or misunderstandings may develop between two Christians. One may have a valid
    cause for complaint against another. Usually, such situations can be solved by
    applying this counsel: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one
    another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Even as Jehovah freely forgave you, so do you also." (Colossians 3:13) Admittedly, following this advice is not easy, but humility will help one put it into practice.

    God's human servants--only JWs
    Two Christians--only JWs

    Valid complaint--forgive??? Do they repay the debt then? Do you have to go to court? What kind of sins, child molestation, theft, rape, fraud?

    Blurb on page 31: There are many ways in which Christians show humility

    19 Sometimes a Christian may feel that a valid cause for complaint is too
    serious to be covered over. Then, humility will help him to approach the alleged
    offender with a view to restoring peace. (Matthew 18:15) One reason that
    problems between Christians sometimes persist is that one or perhaps both
    parties are too proud to admit being at fault. Or the one who takes the
    initiative to approach the other may do so in a self-righteous, critical manner.
    In contrast, a genuinely humble attitude will go a long way toward solving many

    A Christian--only JWs
    Too proud to admit at being at fault--that is where the standard disclaimer comes in invoked by many elders--I'm imperfect

    Most conflicts I have observed have been between elders on the elder body. I have seen elders lie rather than admit a mistake even when they knew there was ample evidence that they were lying. The more "authority" an individual has the less likely they are to admit to error especially if they see their power coming from human authority.

    *** w93 11/15 p. 30 Why Admit a Mistake? ***

    An elder may be reluctant to admit a mistake because he fears that this will undermine his authority in the congregation. However, trying to justify, ignore, or minimize a mistake is much more likely to cause others to lose confidence in his oversight.

    20 A key step in developing humility is to pray for God's help and spirit. But
    remember, "God ... gives undeserved kindness [including his holy spirit] to the
    humble ones." (James 4:6) So if you have a difference with a fellow believer,
    pray to Jehovah to help you humbly to admit any minor or major blame on your
    part. If you have been hurt and the offender says a sincere, "I'm sorry," then
    humbly forgive. If doing this is difficult, prayerfully seek Jehovah's help to
    rid your heart of any lingering haughtiness.

    Pray for God's help and spirit--does the WTS teach that you can receive spirit directly from God or only through them. Do they teach that there is more of God's spirit at the KH?

    21 Understanding the many benefits that humility brings should move us to
    cultivate and maintain this precious quality. To that end, what wonderful
    examples we have in Jehovah God and Jesus Christ! Never forget the divine
    assurance: "The result of humility and the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory
    and life."-Proverbs 22:4.

    Examples...God and Jesus Christ--Jesus gets another nod.

    But the article ends on an OT scripture. Is there a good NT scripture on humility?

    (Matthew 18:1-6) . . .In that hour the disciples came near to Jesus and said: "Who really is greatest in the kingdom of the heavens?" 2 So, calling a young child to him, he set it in their midst 3 and said: "Truly I say to YOU, Unless YOU turn around and become as young children, YOU will by no means enter into the kingdom of the heavens. 4 Therefore, whoever will humble himself like this young child is the one that is the greatest in the kingdom of the heavens; 5 and whoever receives one such young child on the basis of my name receives me [also]. 6 But whoever stumbles one of these little ones who put faith in me, it is more beneficial for him to have hung around his neck a millstone such as is turned by an ass and to be sunk in the wide, open sea.

    Concluding Comments

    So in the WTS vocabulary lack of humility means not obeying their directives. In Jesus' vocabulary is the one who imitates him, who looks to his words for direction, not a human organization. That is what makes a "true" Christian.

    As the WTS has and continues to stumble others, they are good candidates for the millstone response.

    Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Let's continue finding ways to help others as we continue find peace and healing ourselves.

    Love, Blondie

    Points for Meditation

    - Who are the best examples of humility?
    - Why is humility difficult to cultivate?
    - What can help us to be humble?
    - Why is it so important to remain humble?


    1, 2. What have many world rulers had in common?
    3. How does the Supreme Ruler treat his human subjects?
    4, 5. (a) How did the psalmist feel about God's way of ruling? (b) What does
    God's "condescending" to help "the lowly one" mean?
    6. What was Jehovah's greatest act of humility?
    7, 8. (a) How did Jesus learn to be humble? (b) What appeal does Jesus make to
    potential disciples?
    9. (a) What did Jesus find appealing in children? (b) Using a young child, what
    lesson did Jesus teach?
    10. What questions will we consider?
    11. Why is it not surprising that we struggle to be humble?
    12, 13. (a) How is the world an obstacle to Christian humility? (b) Who makes
    our struggle to cultivate humility even more difficult?
    14. What is "mock humility"?
    15. (a) What can we do to maintain lowliness of mind? (b) What are some good
    examples of humility?
    16. How does the Christian ministry help us to be humble?
    17. What Christian responsibilities require humility?
    18. How can humility help us to resolve problems?
    19. What must we remember when we speak to someone who has upset us?
    20, 21. What is one of the greatest helps to being humble?

  • minimus

    Let's face it. JWs are to be humble because they can easily be lured. They must be teachable. They need to follow orders. Never question. Be obedient, subservient, a lesser one. Accept everything you're told. If you don't understand, be patient. Wait on Jehovah. Don't run ahead of His Organization. Be humble.

  • HadEnuf

    I have a wonderful example of the humility of the elders and PO in our "former" KH...When they went ahead and "marked" our son without ANY WARNING (a no, no...must be warned before marking someone to give them a chance to change) and boycotted his husband and I weren't going down without a fight. (Hmmmm...lack of humility I guess) My husband asked the PO to meet with ALL the elders in our congregation and it's "sister" congregation to determine why this had happened and to get to the root ot the misconduct of the elders (plus PO and CO).

    He was told by the PO that he would have to meet with them all INDIVIDUALLY because it wouldn't be good to embarrass the elders (all of them actually) in front of one another. HUMBLE!!!

    I actually do know some elders who might wash someone's long as there was a huge audience to see them doing it. Today's elders are yesterday's Pharisees.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Jws suffer under a veil of confusion - humility is not subservience, or downplaying

    Humility is from humus - earth - to be down to earth - not subservient - plainly truthful as a child - like the child in "the emperor's new clothes" who says "he's naked" - being humble is to tell it like it is, and be down to earth - who you are.

    How can one be farther from humility than with jwism ?

    They need language lessons.

  • heathen

    Yah and here it was again , the perfect opportunity for the publishing corporation to lead by example and ask forgiveness for their mistakes and misinformation . Again it's the , "it's not us , it's always going to be you ", angle . For instance they are now being told they can be filled with jehovahs spirit where as in the past the great crowd could never be filled with jehovahs spirit and don't bother trying . The corporation itself did some rotten things to people that wanted to exspose it's seemy underbelly . Who was trying to show humility there , corporation ? I think not .

    yet another load of condescnding tripe ......

  • jgnat

    Why is it hard for a JW to remain humble? Simply put, a person beaten down doesn't feel good enough about himself to lower himself any further. It hurts.

    True humility comes from great men who do the right thing. They can be talented and successful, and that doesn't make them proud. It makes them useful. They put others before themselves because they are strong enough to do so.

    A small section of humble leaders in our modern day.

    Francis of Assisi

    King Juan Carlos of Spain

    Mahatma Gandhi


    Mikhail Gorbachev

    Martin Luther King


    Mother Teresa

    Photo: alt

    Nelson Mandela

    Woodrow Wilson

  • stillAwitness

    THANK YOU BLONDIE! You know I used to always skim through your thread of "Comments You Will Not Hear.." but I never really took the time to read it throughly. As you know I still am "active" and all but I try to ask ask myself "what are they really trying to say?" when I go to the sunday meeting.Your thread was so useful. I had looked over the WT this week and thought "oh this week there's nothing special about the lesson-everything is pretty truthful-what lies can you make about the subject of humility right?" Boy! Did you show me wrong!

    Again thanks Blondie. From now on I will be sure to look for this thread every Saturday night! Now I can go to the meeting tomorrow and know what the FDS is really saying!


  • cyber-sista

    Blondie, you are getting this down to a science here. Another good review.

    The WT repetition of subjects continues on in its tedium--ho-hum--who gives a crumb--nothing new under the sun.

    These articles for on humilty were always difficult to swallow when you looked around and saw brother so-in-so who drives a rolls royce to the KH--seriously, we had one of those....and then all the others dressed in their expensive sunday best--women with manicured nails--etc. you all know the scene.

    Humility is another one of those great JW delusions. the JW religion has a big chip on its shoulder and teaches it followers to do the same. JWs are too good for the rest of humankind and are taught to not even associate with anyone else that is not JW approved. JWs believe they are the most moral, smartest, spiritually elevated religion on earth. No, in fact they are the only religion on earth approved by God and their followers are far superior to anyone elese on this planet. Remember the old saying that even the worst JW is better than the best worldly person? (something like that) JW only believe they are humble because the WT org tells them they are humble, but the real meaning of this quality eludes them, as it is far removed from the WT teaching as a whole.

    getting off my soapbox here,


  • YoursChelbie

    Humility to these EGO-TRipping Watchtower writers refers to their enslavement and guilt-tripping of the RF witnesses. It never referes to their false claims or "mis-calculations" and how many people were mislead by their interpretations. Is any member of the "Governing Body" willing to pay for the costs of all the retired people who gave up everything because they believed "Millions Now Living will never Die?"

    This cult is so hypocritical that I'm just really glad I left.

    Thanks for your hard work in putting this material together for us.


  • jgnat

    Yes, I noticed the odd comments about children, too, Blondie.

    Little children view adults as superior--?????? Teachable...not as prone to pride--

    My marginal notes in that paragraph, "Made-up (as in, there is nothing in the account to make us think that children view adults as superior, are more teachable and not prone to pride). How about innocence? How about the child's tendency to speak the truth, unselfconciously? I am thinking of the little girl who noticed the Elder had no clothes."

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