You're going the thong way!

by tall penguin 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hellrider
    but I always heard my dad telling mom who they met with, what they did, etc. In his voice, you could tell the "immorality" was turning him on, and they usually went home and made the bed squeak.

    Sounds like my own dad. He was an ms though, not elder. And after he died, I found his secret porn mag-stash in the attic. Such damn hypocrites.

  • Periodic Bedlam
    Periodic Bedlam
    But I raise my glass to any woman who wears thongs or t-backs! Bless you all!

    I say drop the underwear all together!

    I had to endure my wife being interrogated lovingly helped by the the voyeuristic pervs elders in which they asked about things that even I hadn't inquired about...which many people (manage a trois)...was she "enjoying" herself...did she use profanity while f*cking committing adultery.

    u/d I really feel bad for your wife and others who have went through this kind of drilling. I experienced it as well. Those same kinds of detailed questions. You know how the elders on the committee take notes? They write down all the details. Well, those pieces of paper go into an envelope are put into a file regarding the judicial case. I only know this because when I had my committee, I asked one of the elders about it. I asked if that envelope with those notes was kept in the KH in the file cabinet in the elders room. He said it used to be that way but because of the possibility of theft, the records/files are kept at one of the elders houses. So, the "minutes" from my judicial meeting are somewhere out there in somebody's house. Also, if a person relocates, their file may be sent to the new KH. They did this in my case because I had my committee in one congregation, moved, and strangely enough, the elders in my new congregation knew the intimate details of my past.

  • Terry

    Wearing a string in the crack of your ass has to be the height of conformity! I lament the lack of practicality in women generally.

    Women will wear shoes that hurt their feet and distort the shape. Women will spend a fortune on cosmetics to moisten, camouflage and misdirect and all in the name of personal attractiveness. What are they REALLY saying about how they feel about their NATURAL SELF???

    How many times will a woman change their hair in a year and why? WHY this compulsion to CHANGE themselves into something other than what they are??

    Why buy in to the pressure from sheeplike society, advertising and the entertainment industry?

    How can a human being who is otherwise so superior as a species be so easily led into this behavior in service of an illusion?

    It boggles my widdle bwain.


  • Hellrider
    Wearing a string in the crack of your ass has to be the height of conformity

    Guys like thongs, it reveals the buttocks. Women like that guys like them.

    Women will wear shoes that hurt their feet and distort the shape

    Guys like high heels. Women like that guys like them.

    It`s no mystery. Many women like to feel sexy and attractive (thank God ). If they want to wear certain things to feel sexy and attractive, they have a right to. It`s no big deal anyway. Sexuality is a ... game. It`s fun.

  • alreadygone

    Six years later, and I still break down and cry when I think of my jc meeting.

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