You're going the thong way!

by tall penguin 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    So a friend told me something recently that just blew my mind. She was interrogated by some elders regarding her choice of underwear. She was being questionned regarding her conduct with a man and apparently her choice of undergarments reflected the level of intent in her actions. According to these elders, if you wear a thong, you show passionate intent; you're basically looking for sex. And if you don't wear a thong, but wear basic, "respectable" undergarments, then you're a "good girl" and probably just succumbed to momentary weakness. WTF?!
    Has anyone else heard of this?
    tall penguin

  • Legolas

    I didn't hear of it, but I can 100% see them thinking/saying it!!!!

  • upside/down

    I (AS A BROTHER!) was "counseled" for wearing....dare I say it?.....bikini the decadent 80's.

    Yes I was wearing some bitchin pleated slacks and my underwear lines could be seen....the horror.

    As a good MS...this would not do...

    So to the backroom with me...

    Submissive little kiss ass dumbass that I was...I complied.

    My wife was soooo pissed.

    u/d(of the now I go commando class)

  • OldSoul

    Born free...

    OldSoul (of the "Fewer Clothes" Class)

  • Finally-Free

    Hmmmm, so how do the elders know what kind of underwear she owns?

    If they interrogated me about something so personal I'd be raising bloody hell with them. They would not leave the interrogation room unscathed.


  • carla

    I've heard of stories like this, but my jw just says things like, 'maybe that happened long time ago'. Ever notice any wrong doing always was long ago before they 'knew better'? On another board there was a discussion by a number of women who were relating to have to tape down nipples before meetings because they could still be seen through a bra and sweater. What the heck? Aren't the 'brothers' supposed to be looking at their Bibles or something?! How an elder even confronts a woman about something like that is beyond me! If some guy started a discussion about my body parts I would probably think HE was the pervert and clock him or something. Or I would speak quite loudly about why HE has a problem with MY nipples and why was he looking in the first place! Don't these people ever wonder about that? Why are these guys looking and getting 'stumbled'? Maybe they have a problem?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Yes many of us here have heard of this. I personally haven't had this happen to me but other women here have. It was usually in relation to premarital sex and cases of sexual assault.

    The assumption does indeed reflect an attitude of:

    If you were wearing a certain type of underwear then you must have wanted the sex and been prepared for it by dressing that way. Or you proviked the assault because the accused thought you weren't wearing any.

    Same old blame the victim and ignore solid research that says it doesn't matter what a woman wears. If a rapist picks you as his next target he couldn't really care less what kind of underwear his victim is wearing.

  • upside/down

    I frequently suffered from enjoyed a little meeting induced slumber lumber...

    Never got counseled for it though...

    u/d(of the thank gawd the Bible or songbook covered my wood class)

  • daystar

    So, let me get this straight. Someone was checking out her ass, noticed the lack of panty-line and got the elders involved? Let me guess, some shrew of an elder's wife?

    I'll bet your friend is hot too.

  • Elsewhere
    Has anyone else heard of this?

    Yes, however you will not find it written in any publication from the WTS. It is one of those "word of mouth" instructions provided by the WTS.

    According to these elders, if you wear a thong, you show passionate intent; you're basically looking for sex. And if you don't wear a thong, but wear basic, "respectable" undergarments, then you're a "good girl" and probably just succumbed to momentary weakness.

    That's odd... I could have sworn that Calvin Klein designed thongs for the express purpose of eliminating panty lines. Does this mean that panty lines are a sign of a spiritual strong woman?

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