Pollution, the earth will die in 10-12 years.

by void 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • void

    I have been reading WT Quotes etc, but I have not seen this issue raised. I don’t have a big box of Awakes to search through, but I distinctly remember the cover of an Awake with a picture of the globe and factories producing smog.

    Well the mag was about pollution; the core message/prophecy was that the world will mot be survivable in 10 -12 years so we can expect god to step in the next few years.

    I know there have been other issues raised about god standing in before the millennium, but nobody has raised this one. It would have been in 91 – 95 year of Awake, any insights? Sorry I couldn’t narrow it down more.

    Oh and if anybody is in

  • steve2

    Who can forget those chilling quotes in the misnamed "Truth" book that came out in the late 1960s? That book quoted well known "statesmen" who arbitrarily and confidently predicted that civilisation would end in the mid-1970s. I notice that subsequent editions of that silly little blue book omitted the predictions.The Watchtower has a very flawed record of failed predictions, but it has got better - if that's the right word - at covering up its frequent failed predictions.

  • steve2

    Void, I think the Awake! magazine you are referring to came out in the year 1968. I remember a special edition with the word "Pollution" plastered sensationally across the cover. Very striking and, as it turned out, very wrong.

  • heathen

    I remember reading alot of that stuff about how God was going to step in and save the whales or some such thing because the pollution was getting that bad back in the early 90's ,or possibly the late 80's even . I don't doubt that there are many species on the brink of exstinction but I think God could easily fill the earth again anyways . The thing that really gets things going tho is to save his servants .

  • void

    Steve2, I am only in my mid 20s and I was only forced to read the current WT and Awake, so I know it has to be from 87-> on because I just wasnt there. Nobody really encourages reading the old garbage incase somebody might turn over a skeleton.

  • Cygnus

    Hmmm well the jury is out whether a timescale can be put on how long it'll take at current pollution rates for the earth to become uninhabitable or at least far less habitable than what we're used to for human beings, but the earth itself isn't going anywhere. We might make ourselves extinct but mother earth will still be here faring pretty well. It had been through a hell of a lot before we even got here.

  • truthspokesman

    On this planet there have been many "catastrophies", like impacts of huge meteores, extreme climate conditions, earthquakes, disease-outbreaks, ... that ended many lives and extinction. The fittest survived. Some species live under very extreme conditions, like in deep sea, with the warmth of the earthcore as source of energy, or a chemical reaction with sulfur as a source (hence the association of underworld with sulfur?). Mankind has a lot of potential: polluting and become extinct is one, polluting air and selling eachother fresh oxygen might even be another.

    Future is our fantasy, the now our everlasting perception and the past our memories influencing the first two.


  • Tigerman

    This is just another example of how the WTS uses current events and national concerns to "sell" their ideas. In the post 60's era of enlightenment as to the world's problems, ie: pollution on a global scale, the WTS took this particular subject and worked it into the psyche of those that were" studying." Just one of many.

    I hope that those of you who are still " In The Truth" will do some research about the WTS . . .your life depends on it.

  • heathen

    I remember in the 80's there was alot of concern over the acid rain that was killing all the fish in canadian lakes and they were predicting it would hit the US in the near future . So once again the WTBTS proves false with their predictions , nothing new there . nothing new to see here folks , keep moving along ............................

  • Satanus


    Cool, and welcome.


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