i gave my word

by teejay 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    I have met seven people in person who post here. Just for fun, I would like you to guess who they are. If you have read a lot of threads, you should get two of them for sure.

    This is not a trap. I am just curious as to who you think these people might be based on your reading of my posts, i.e., what I write about, who I tend to agree with.

  • teejay


    I don't read nearly as many threads as you might think, so I am not sure who those are with whom you most often agree. But, just for fun...

    Farkel, AlanF, Waiting, Wasasister, DannyBear, Ginny, and mommie dark.

    Speaking of mommie dark, on the other thread you said,

    I don't know if you have read Mommie Dark's biography or not. There was a link to it awhile back. The woman grew up through the concrete believe me. I think the thing that saved her was her great intellect and spirit.

    I'd like to mention something to you. At http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?site=3&id=7178&page=5 you will find your friend Mommie Dark's first post to me. We had never spoken, but she had the audacity to speak to me without feeling or warmth of any kind. Among other things, speaking of my daughter, she said,

    Sounds like she has a control freak for a father... And will he disfellowship and shun her if she decides to think for herself? teejay, if she follows your example I guarantee she WILL be an asshole.

    It was our first interchange. As far as I could recall at the time, we had never spoken. How such a harsh opinion could come from a perfect stranger stunned me, yet this was the way she chose to make her acquaintance. In spite of her unkind remarks from the blind, I gave her the benefit of ignorance and explained a bit about me, my daughter and my sister, of whom I'm about to speak to you now. It made no difference. She did not back away from her statement.

    She spoke ignorantly of my precious daughter and the father I am to her. And, unbeknownst to her, she conjured up painful and extremely sad memories of years of loss, years of separation, from my oldest sister--disfellowshipped in 1971 when she was only 19--and a hard-core, JW mother, bent on living by Watchtower rules, family ties be damned. If I still believed in demons, I'd think that mommie dark spoke their voice, since she brought pain to me in ways that few ever could, not because of her ignorant words, but because of the memories they brought to my mind.

    I knew nothing of her then. I do not know mommie dark now, but as you know, first impressions can be a bitch to dispel, and this one was far from illustrious. I have a clue as to how many here feel about me, but the depths of her unkindness, her unfairness, totally without warrant, was striking, and since then she has done nothing... NOTHING... (publicly or in email) to even attempt to override mine of her. Unfinished with her work on the board, in email she has detracted further from what little good I may have faintly seen in her (would you like to see?)

    Md is your friend. She will never be mine. I will not be reading her life story.

    peace, Larc,

  • larc


    I am very sorry about your encounter with Mommie Dark. I hope she reads your words and realizes the depth of pain that she caused you. I am just getting to know her and consider an aquaintance at this time. My friends go back to when I first came here last December and include Waiting, RedHorseWoman, Logical, Mommy(Wendy), Frenchy, Simon, Thinker, Thinker's Wife, Pathofthorns, Cygnus, Ianao, Seven, Prisca, and RR. These are the ones that helped me and I helped them when I first got started here.

    As far as the people I have met, Zazu was the first, she's my wife (trick question, I guess). The second was JAVA. I first met him shortly after he came out. We spent two hours every Sunday afternoon at a restaurant drinking coffee and talking about the Witness experience for a period of three months. Later, I met Ros at a BRCI convention. She knew JAVA and I told her about the time that JAVA and I spent together. She got tears in her eyes. Years before that I met Notinservice at Peter Gregorson's summer home (The man that had lunch with Ray Franz, which gave the excuse to df Ray, since Peter was disfellowshipped). I met Norm and Ginny at JAVA's house this past winter. JAVA and Norm had communicated for years via the internet, but it was the first time they had met. Norm started posting here after that visit.

    So, teejay, you got one right which is not bad considering the number of posters.

  • larc


    I left out the most recent one I met. I met Sunchild (Rochelle) this past summer at the Flint Michigan Art Fair.

  • teejay

    Hello, Larc.

    It was this morning just before leaving for work when I gave you my guess of the seven you had met. You might recall... part of my note to you I mentioned her. One of the cool things about my job that I really like is that since I've done it so long, most of it comes automatically, so it frees my mind to think. So, I spent a good part of my day today thinking about her, my big sister Connie.

    She's six years older than me. One of the best times of my life, even after all this time, was when she got her first car. Even though I have two older brothers, she'd always ask me to go with her to help wash it, and afterwards she'd take me to Sandy's Drive In for a burger and fries. For a ten year old kid, it was the tops. Not for that reason, Connie was always my favorite sibling. Still is. Big sisters can be waaay cool. Mine was.

    When she was disfellowshipped, the Society's policy had turned hard relative to the treatment of df'd family members, and my mother set the tone. Connie was one of about seven or eight teens who ran together, but for some reason she was singled out for discipline when all of them went to all the same places and did the same exact thing. The fact that it was a very small Southern town and our family was the only 'colored' family 'in the truth' at the time probably didn't have anything to do with what happened to her, but I wonder.

    To cut this short, I followed my mothers example, hoping that Jehovah would be pleased with my 'stand for righteousness,' family be damned. Years, went by... years, Larc... and I did not see or speak with my sister.

    I live with a lot of guilt about that now, especially since she is so very forgiving of what her family did to her and what she missed in life from her family. I have tried (and will continue to try) to make amends for the mistake I made, but I fear that the time left is too short for either my sister or I to ever recover for the loss of all those years and all those missed times together.

    Her husband, the same tremendously good man she married thirty years ago, let us know that he's giving her a 50th birthday party in December. I will be there come hell or high water.

    Hope you didn't mind my reminiscing. I was just thinking about my sister.


  • larc


    I don't mind at all. We have all been through a lot of grief. I think that is an advantage of a place like this. It gives us a chance to explain our hurt to people who understand. Most people "out there" just don't get it, or want to quickly change the subject. That has been my experience anyway.

    In my case, I have a sister who is still in. She did not talk to me for 15 years, except for a perfunctory hello, how are you at my parent's house when we happened to visit at the same time. After 15 years, my mother became very ill which required my sister, my wife, and I to handle the situation. My mother eventualy died. Since that family crisis, my sister and I communicate on a regular basis, so the story did have a happy ending, although it had a rough start.

  • teejay

    Hello Ginny. Hope you're having a good week.

    Teejay, if I had a dollar for every time you felt you or someone else were owed an apology, I?d be a rich woman by now. I thought Bigboi understood that I was making a joke; I see I was mistaken. We can all laugh together now.

    We can.

    ["laughingstock." From http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?term=laughingstock : An object or victim of jokes or ridicule [syn: butt -- One that serves as an object of ridicule or contempt: I was the butt of their jokes]

    I do not apologize for calling you a laughingstock because I still believe it?s true.

    Cool. You are probably right.

    So, did you believe the agent stuff, too?

    To be honest, I read right by that part. I was distracted by something else you'd said. Sorry.

    Didn?t it strike you as a bit odd that a Big Hairy Hoss would want to dress up in a sexy policewoman outfit, fishnet stockings, and high heels?

    No. I've seen stranger things, believe me. Some 'Big Hairy Hosses" actually get off dressing that way.

    I have more confessions, Teejay. The picture I use with my posts?the woman on the green background? That is not really me. It is just a drawing I scanned from the old orange Paradise book. And my name is not really ?Ginny.? It is Lola, L-O-L-A Lola, and I like to spend my evenings in in a club down in North Soho where you drink champagne and it tastes just like Coca Cola.

    Gotcha. Is that sarcasm or are you just being plain patronizing? <rhetorical question>

    Is this the best you can do in digging up some dirt on me? Remind me never to invite you to a masquerade party; I?m sure you?d be offended.

    To be honest, my intent was not to 'dig up dirt' on you. I was only pointing out that you had been deceitful in the past, if only as a joke, so I should have seen your "I am a man" 'joke' coming. I was a little naïve, I guess, and in that particular discussion did not know all the rules. My mistake.

    When Simon exposed multiple identities, he and several of our colleagues on this board forgave me my heinous sins. Although my screen was like scarlet, it was washed clean and became as white as snow.


    You could start a new thread about Dark Clouds, Suzi Mayhem, and Acapulco Gold. JanH thought they were all one person. The nicks came from the same ISP address, but DC and Suzi said they were several people sharing the same computer. I don?t know which is true and left it as a matter between them and Simon. If you think this is a case of politics, please take it up with Simon. I had no control over his decision.

    Thanks for that info. I've always wondered.

    I said, ? . . .you took it [my joke] quite literally. For those who have met me, you are quite a laughingstock, Teejay.? I am being quite candid and sincere. You did take my joke literally, and for those who have met me and know that I am very much a woman, it is funny that all this time you?ve been picturing me as a big mean hairy hoss. What makes it even more hilarious is that you persist and make a federal case out of it. Not even a photo could convince you. Ginny is the evil mistress of deception.

    I'm sorry that I mistook your joke as a truth instead of the joke it was. My mistake.

    Please read my statement again, Teejay. I carefully worded it because I have never known anyone without some redeeming qualities. I also understand that there are facets of your personality others may know and love that I may not have seen on this board. I said, ?I . . . patiently wait to see these redeeming qualities, but plainly stated, based on what I've seen of you on this board, you disgust me.?

    Again, I'm sorry for misreading/misquoting your words. My mistake. I can see your point. After rechecking, there's miles of difference between what I thought you said and what you actually said. I thought you said that I had "no redeeming qualities," but what you actually said is that you " patiently wait to see these redeeming qualities, but plainly stated, based on what I've seen of you on this board, you disgust me."

    Yes, I can see the difference. Please excuse my confusion.


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