i gave my word

by teejay 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • teejay

    It amazes me that the looking for farkel thread lasted more than two posts. I asked norm for a link and once Ginny provided them, the thread should've died. Instead, I've been characterized as "lazy," "envious," "angry", etc. all because I wanted to read an essay.


    A friend asked to cut short what little participation I had in that thread. I said I would. But Ginny and others made comments to me that I wished to respond to. I will do so here.


    Ginny, you said,

    My thoughts on this matter closely follow Mommie Dark's.

    I'm shocked.

    You say you used to participate on H2O, where Farkel was quite active, yet you evidently missed his posts.

    Yes... I did, and I did. My participation here is greater than it was there, but even here it's far from 24/7... and declining. Yay!!

    You know Farkel used to participate on H2O, yet evidently failed to look at the archives.

    I have no link to the archives.

    Big Jim posted Farkel's material, yet seemingly you missed those, too.

    I don't click on every new thread. Sorry... maybe I should start doing that. Not!! I only learned of Big Jim's plagiarism when farkel started a thread with a title of "he's ripping me off" or something like that. Even then, I didn't read what BJ had "written." Sorry.

    Scorpion mentioned that Farkel's material is on Randy Watters' site, but that, too, eluded you. Given your attitude in these threads, why should I or anyone else go out of our way to help you find Farkel's material?

    I don't know, but I'm glad you did. Thanks again.

    What I perceived as a protective attitude surrounding his essays struck me as somewhat odd. The Englishster supplied a hint when he said that I was 'unworthy' to see one, or something like that. I understand the thinking, I guess, it's just that I was never (am not) that way. When I was an active dub, in field service if someone said they wanted to read the latest mags, even a bum on the street, I'd give it to them. I didn't make judgments as to their worthiness... but that's me.

    As for my saying I'm a man... Bigboi laughed at my joke, but as seems typical of you, you took it quite literally. For those who have met me, you are quite a laughingstock, Teejay.

    Your erroneous assumption that Bigboi "laughed" at your joke is what is sadly laughable, as you have discovered (will you do the right thing and apologize for what you said about me above?). I knew/know for a fact that, in the context of that discussion, Bigboi was as blown away as I was when presented with the knowledge that "Ginny is a man!" In email he was playfully "upset" that I hadn't told him earlier, since he thought I knew. We joked about which of us could "have" you. Alas, we both decided to allow the great chance of being with Ginny The Hairy Hoss slide on by. If I am a laughingstock, it is only because I believed the way you presented yourself. In other words, I believed what you said. My bad. When it comes to "Ginny," I'm waay more careful now, believe me.

    Actually, had I been paying closer attention rather than giving you the benefit of the doubt as I did, I wouldn't have been surprised by your latest flop (or is it "flip) that you are female. In the asshole wars thread, you'd admitted to having used several different aliases in the past, in other words admitting to a little deception, in presenting yourself untruthfully. JanH once pointed to the heinous nature of such an act in the case of DC's Ghost, Suzi Mahem, Acapulco Gold, etal, but when it's you and others of the "more established posters" set, then it's okay. (This is one of the double standards inherent with some that I find so egregious. One does something and it's considered good/bad... someone else does the exact same thing and it's given the opposite connotation. In another thread, Cornerstone, in pointing to a similar phenomenon here on JW.com--if not in life--said: "POLITICS." That might be the word I'm looking for.)

    Still, to find fault with and disparage me for simply thinking that you are a man (and referring to you as such) is a bit disingenuous, wouldn't you say? Afterall, we haven't met. The only contact I have with you is through the reading of what you post. You offer no photo as part of your user profile and even if you did, would I have good reason to disbelieve it was actually you, considering your admitted past deceptions? Yes I would. Such a photo would have zero credibility with me. I'm just being honest.

    There are people on this board who like and respect you. I cannot for the life of me understand why. I realize it is a bit like me and Farkel; perhaps they have a history with you that I do not. I try my best to answer you civilly and patiently wait to see these redeeming qualities, but plainly stated, based on what I've seen of you on this board, you disgust me, Teejay.

    Interesting. You're the second, maybe the third person who's made the statement that teejay has no redeeming qualities (norm and janh were the others). It's a good thing that my self-image is totally disconnected from yours in this and every other matter, eh? <g> While I admit that there are some who have said things and posted things that I don't agree with or care for, I'd never say the author had NO redeeming qualities, but that's me. It's telling that you see yourself in such a circumstance as to be able to confidently do so. Wow.

    Let's look at Ginny the way that teejay is able to look at Ginny, if he so chose: you lied (joked?) about being a man and I believed you. You (falsely) assumed that every other participant in the thread, even those like Bigboi who'd never met you, got the joke, and you've subsequently ridiculed me as the only idiot not in on the joke. Now, quoting you, I'm a "laughingstock."

    As the facts have become clear to you, you were wrong for lying (misrepresenting yourself to strangers); you've found that you were wrong for assuming that Bigboi "got it"--he hadn't; you're wrong now for calling me a laughingstock when I only believed what you said. If I were guilty of those things (as you are) I doubt that md, francoise, or anyone else would be rallying to my side of the debate and against you as they have done here... doubt it quite seriously. They would be mute as mackerels. But that's cool... I see it all the time here.

    Still, after all that, I can't say (or even bring myself to THINK) that you have NO redeeming qualities. How anyone would feel free and confident to make such a judgment about someone based on what they've read on a discussion board is quite revealing. Even using this matter of your gender as an example, you have exhibited major failings, in my view, but ginny has "NO redeeming qualities"? I can't say that. Or think it.

    Why someone would portray themselves to strangers as being of the opposite sex is... "interesting" to begin with, but for them to then disparage said strangers when their words are believed is somewhat incredible, in my view. But *I* have no redeeming qualities? K. If I chose to use this single episode as insight into your character, I would have a hard time deciphering why anyone would like or even respect you, Ginny. The fact that some do suggests that they know a lot more about you than I do. God bless 'em.

    Lastly--and this has a very broad and serious application to this discussion board, imo--to Bigboi you said that "each of us must choose individually how we react" to a given situation. Your analogy of one child who slaps another was a very good one. Some, with knowledge that is denied, withheld or otherwise unknown to others, may react differently or have a different view of a situation than others who are without that additional knowledge. Those 'in the know' should take that into consideration when others react in ways that they would not. Even with the knowledge, we cannot and should not expect everyone to react the same to a given event.


    Whatup, Bigboi!

    Thanks for clearing up for Ginny the mistaken idea s/he had that you "got" the joke about him/her being a man. I could have done the same--told him/her what Bigboi actually thought about his/her joke--but it sounds awfully more convincing coming from you. You have put to rest one very wrong assumption. Not going to do much good I'm afraid, but thank you anyway.



    Teejay, you really are entirely clueless, aren't you?

    Now you're getting it.

    I KNOW Giiny. I've LIVED IN her house. Our kids have played together. I've met her mom. SHE'S NOT A MAN!

    You've actually spent time with Ginny? I envy you, but that points to the problem I had... I HAVEN'T met her/him, lived in their house, had my kids play with theirs, met any member of the family. What's so difficult about seeing the matter from MY point of view? Ginny, a stranger, said something about her/himslef and I believed it. Go ahead and shoot me, for crissakes.

    Ginny made a joke, you moron! A SMEGGING JOKE!!! But Clueless Teejay isn't about to let go his pitbull insistence because TEEJAY'S A A SMEGGING MORON!!!!! It matters little that Larc & his wife, Java, Norman, Alan F and his wife, to name just a few, have also met Ginny. Of course, Clueless Teejay will have to insist they are all liars too, won't he?

    Never said those others were liars, only YOU (and you know you are in this matter).

    Again, I, weeks later, have finally "gotten" the "joke." Let me say this real slow: i.... have.... never.... met.... Ginny. My opinion of her/him or anyone on the board is based either on what I'm able to infer from their posts or from what they actually SAY. Why is that so hard for you to understand? I'm a moron? Okay, but only because I believed what Ginny SAID. We live and learn. I don't do that as much, anymore... believe what s/he says, I mean.

    Some of us have been communicating online for YEARS, asshole. We've met one another, socialized, emailed extensively, helped and encouraged and swapped research for YEARS.

    I'm envious that I haven't been part of your group lo these many years. Life is unfair that way, but I do what I can.

    That's YOUR inferiority complex kicking into overdrive.

    So... I'm feeling inferior because I think Ginny is a man? Okay.

    For the last time: Ginny T is not a man. I know you prefer to pretend she's a man because it conflicts with your sexist worldview to even imagine a woman could be that much smarter and funnier than you could ever dream of being. But again, that's YOUR inferiority complex rearing its ugly head.

    Okay, I think Ginny is a man and I'm feeling a little inferior. You've made that point. I got it. Brilliant logic, btw. Cool. It's feminine "reasoning" like yours that gives women a bad name (assuming you're a woman... one can never tell around here). Tell me something <let's watch md disappear>

    I know Bigboi is a man. Know it for a fact. If he came online and said TO ME that he was a woman, I guess you could say I got the joke. Now, knowing Bigboi, he'd never under any circumstance (in cyberspace or r/l) portray himself as a woman, even as a joke. Personally, I see that as perhaps a cultural difference... no biggee. If he said it to a stranger, he'd have every reason to expect to be misunderstood, especially if he didn't return to explain the 'joke.'

    However, and I say HOWEVER, in an online setting such as JW.com we regularly deal with strangers who have never met us, spent time with us, or laid eyes on us. Who's at fault when one knowingly and without provocation attempts to pass oneself off as something they aren't and are then believed? Can the beleiver RIGHTLY be called a 'moron'?



    TeeJay accuses others of lack of focus? Seems to me that being angry at anyone and everyone all the time and spring-loaded with all sorts of justifications for it isn't exactly what I'd call great focus.

    I doubt you will respond, but I have nothing to loose in trying to get you to do so: Care to share examples to support what you've alleged? Where you said that I'm agry at "everyone all the time." Can't do it? Then you're lying or at the very least misrepresenting what you know to be a falsehood. Live it, own it, Francoise.

    Anger, as we have come to know, is a secondary emotion. The primary emotion being fear. If we could figure out what TeeJay fears, perhaps we could assist his reformation. I really dislike seeing someone with a good intellect diffuse it through fear.

    Assuming that I'm angry (I'm not, Dr. Francoise--try again), could we use this search for the source of one's fear for EVERYONE here who responds angrily to a post (as we have seen), or will we use this diagnostic method only for teejay. Just curious.

  • SixofNine

    You suck at just letting go!

    Sunchild, he didn't keep his end of the bargain. Don't waver in your sexual orientation for him! Do it for me instead.

  • teejay


    You're sick as ever!! Sunchild is MY friend, no yours, buddy. Mail me. I may be in your neighborhood next weekend... can you say "concert"?


  • wasasister

    At the mouth of how many witnesses? TJ, Ginny's away this weekend and cannot respond. I am her friend as well, and have spoken with HER on the phone. I assure you, she's all woman. She's also a very kind and intelligent lady, and I use the word "lady" in its most profound sense.

    She and Farkel are my friends, so of course I will come to their defense. That's what friends do, and there is usually a good reason. This fact perhaps renders me less than objective about you and your writing.

    I would like to understand you better, however. If you don't feel it is a waste of time to respond to me - and since you and I have not (as yet) had a dispute on this board - would you please summarize for me why you feel such animosity towards Ginny, Farkel, and others; and more importantly why you see such a need to keep the animosity alive in continuous threads? I would welcome your response.

    Six? Care to speak up yet again? I think we need to hear it.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    I can hear Denis Leary singing a song about Teejay...y'all know the lyrics, sing along!

  • Darkchilde

    *g* This looks familiar. One more thing I've always had some trouble with: the need to ALWAYS have the last word. I can understand it, though, so I'm not complaining.


    Six of Nine,

    Sunchild, he didn't keep his end of the bargain. Don't waver in your sexual orientation for him! Do it for me instead.

    Heh, I'm flattered, but I don't think that's too likely. If I ever did sleep with a man, he would undoubtedly look like this:

    ...AND be bisexual, AND be perfectly willing to let me watch him make out with his boyfriends.


  • bigboi


    Thanks for clearing up for Ginny the mistaken idea s/he had that you "got" the joke about him/her being a man

    No problem dude. I felt her mentioning that was a bit of a reach. I mean even though I believed her I thought it was funny for a guy to pretend to be a chick or at least take up a woman's persona on the board. I still recommend that boning session for y'all two.

    You have put to rest one very wrong assumption. Not going to do much good I'm afraid, but thank you anyway.

    Like I said, no problem dude. I'm glad to do it, although i know it won't really change anything. They're just gonna focus on the fact that you don't really trust the way Ginny presents herself now. Then they're gonna keep this goin and lay all the blame on you for "starting another troublesome thread."


    I'm surprised at you. Did you read teejay's post to Ginny before you wrote what you did? Her characterization of him was unfair. He only believed what she said about herself. Hell, she even had me fooled. I thought she was a guy. However,now she says she's a chick again. That's cool with me but I always give ppl the benefit of the doubt. Teejay may be one of those who choose not to. It's his choice. Also, in view of her characterization of him, I think he has all the right to do so.

    Farkel are my friends, so of course I will come to their defense. That's what friends do, and there is usually a good reason. This fact perhaps renders me less than objective about you and your writing.

    That is understandable. I'd like to ask you a few questions though. Is it right, in your estimation, to support friends that make unfair character assasinattions and insult ppl using the vilest terms imaginable? Is it right to call one poster on improper conduct, yet ignore said conduct from posters that are your friends'? Would or did you raise your children to be like that?



  • teejay

    Hello, Was,

    I will be blunt. I hold no animosity toward anyone on this board, farkel and Ginny included (wouldn't it be nice for someone to show me where they see it?). That's the truth. I abhor bad behavior, however, especially when said behaviors are praised in one instance and vilified in another.

    Ginny told me she was a man. I'm with Bigboi on this (since he was 'there') and say that I'm not really sure what Ginny is, and, truth be told, it doesn't matter. Still, she said what she said and I believed her, a stranger. In the asshole thread she came across as a decent person, interested in coming to know me. Was that the 'real' Ginny or is this latest incantation the 'real' one? I wonder, if what she has said recently about me--that I have no redeeming qualities, that I'm a "laughingstock"--is to be taken at face value, only for believing what she herself said. Shoot me, already.

    The only 'problem' i have with farkel is his behavioral lapses. To pick one example, he was exceedingly unkind to Emmy and saw no need to take the littlest step toward making amends. She was no more than a used Kleenex, unworthy of even the slightest compassion or consideration or dignity. I'm sorry, but his behavior sometimes reminds me all too well of the gb, who can say whatever they wish, no matter how unfair and unkind, and who react with righteous indignation when anyone calls them on their shoddy acts.

    Their attitude says that since we've written all these books and have 'helped' millions of people over the years we're absolved of responsibility for our mistakes. Someone has hurt feelings and their expense? That's THEIR problem. I would expect one with such an in-depth knowledge of the WTS to NOT mirror their behavior.

    But animosity? No. I simply feel free to speak up when I see wrong, from whatever the source. Even farkel, and he has been wrong, just like everyone else.


  • teejay


    ... AND be bisexual, AND be perfectly willing to let me watch him make out with his boyfriends.

    Well... uh... er.... ummm... I guess she's all yours, Six ol' buddy. My loss, your gain. <hee hee>

  • bigboi


    You've got to make it down here for the Mardi Gras girl! Maybe even the Decadence Festival! What cha say boo?



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