This article was written by a friend of mine... he inspired me to write the "YPA... should i attend secondary school?"
Whats more enjoyable than listening to your favourite song while relaxing? Service obviously.. but if u really feel the need to listen to one of jehovahs creations then do so with extreme caution..
Youths today are the biggest group of music buyers… it seems to be the “cool” thing to do for that age group.. but is there a danger lurking among these seemingly “cool” “beats”.. YES!! For example..SKULL ROCK and DEATH RAP.. are the most popular among youths today.. many of these songs talk about killing dogs and squirrels.. but the “catchy”..or “cool” beat makes this act seem fun or “cool” to do..
Music can also destroy nd all of a sudden this fast pulsating beat of immorality-house music causes two teens standing around the chip bowl to start thinking about hugging each other.. HUGGING!!??? Yes hugging is now an accepted thing to do in society.. SCARY!!
Only satan’s world would hug..
Also a problem arises when youths try to imitate these music stars.. some have been seen wearing jeans,, probably trying to look like vanilla ice.. or plainly soddam and gomorah .. .
If we are unclear about what is acceptable when it comes to how we use to the power of music ask yourself theses questions… did young timothy wear jeans? Did moses listen to loud pulsating music in his cd player.. the answer is simple..