Does anytone 'wince' when they hear people talking about God/Jesus etc?

by PaulJ 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • PaulJ

    I do. I went to a born-again christian church wedding a couple of weeks ago. In so many ways it was like a Kingdum Hall.... and the person conducting the wedding was Jesus this Jesus that..... I just want to roll my eyes.

    I think its because I been preached 'at' so much in my life as a dub i dont want to hear it anymore. Maybe Im getting my head round the idea that beliefs and worship are best kept to yourself....

    Anyone else feel like this?

  • damselfly

    I've been to a Roman Catholic church a few times since leaving the JW ( friend's weddings, X-mas service etc. )

    I can feel myself start to go into a panic attack each time.

    I can't seem to dis-associate God and Jesus from the JW. I've wanted to run screaming from the church each time.


  • luna2

    Yes. I have a very hard time with God-talk. I used to before I became a dub and I've reverted back.

    When I see evangelists on tv or polititians invoking God, I change the channel immediately. I do try not to be rude in person. There were many people who didn't agree with my brand of faith during my dub years who were most polite and tolerant with me, so my goal is to emulate them now. I still cringe a little inside, though. LOL

  • ChrisVance

    Yes, indeed. About a year and a half after leaving the dubs I went to a catholic mass. It was very different than a dub meeting, but jesus was mentioned. I've never gone to a church service since. I agree people should keep such things to themselves.

  • misanthropic

    Maybe Im getting my head round the idea that beliefs and worship are best kept to yourself....

    I have to agree, and yes it usually bothers me as well. But only if I happen to be somewhere and people around me start getting all preachy (ie. relatives on both sides). If I walk into a thread on here and it’s being discussed, that’s not a problem because I know it’s not directed towards me.

  • Gopher

    If people choose to put their religion and their chosen deity at the center of their own life, no problem. If they seem like they want to impose it, I want to find a hole to crawl into. I have heard enough preaching to last a lifetime. (I did more than enough preaching to last a lifetime too, having grown up a J-Dub.)

    Discussion is fine. Anyone who tries to make you feel like you are ignorant or inferior because you don't share their faith bothers me.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    ya, it gets my goat. it's not the content of it for me. the content, god/jebus/heaven/hell/armagedon/rapture/paul/peter etc. is all really quite amusing and fascinating in an anthropological sort of way.

    what gets me is the meaning. how, when you learn what the meaning is, you realize that even the nicest and most liberal of xians actually think that xianity is right, and all the other faiths and philosophies are WRONG. a good portion of them may smile at you and seem genuinely interested in you as a person, but if you reject their god, you are in for it when you die.

    to paraphrase a famous atheist quote: 'if they just understood why they reject all other possible gods, they would understand why i reject theirs.'


  • DannyHaszard

    I am completely open-minded now my response to other belief systems is i just don't know.

    My arguement with the Watchtower belief system is they defrauded myself and my family and i demand monetary compensation from their simply man-made ripoff religious racket.

    Yes i have NO fear and my conscience is at ease if Jesus Christ 'prince of peace' wants to take over i welcome it.

    I have been 'taking out the trash' for him.

    -----Danny Haszard Bangor Maine

  • GetBusyLiving

    I get embarrassed for the believer. I find that I quietly make judgement's on a person's character according to their professed belief's, or lack thereof. I can't talk with people about origins if they insist on holding to magical unprovable beliefs. It's so frustrating I simply have to let it go.


  • jaffacake

    Sometimes, it just depends on what they say and how they say it.

    I blush in my own living room at some of the preaching I see, mostly on american TV.

    Like I say, it depends....sometimes I blush and wince at my own preachy posts when I re read them!

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